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#113 : Dernières pensées

Les Gravelins sont en congés pour un jour. Du coup, il n'y aura aucun mort aujourd'hui et Ruben saisit cette occasion pour faire du classement. Donc, avec l'aide de sa troupe de faucheurs, il investit les locaux du Happy Time afin de classer, selon leurs dernières pensées, tous les morts de ces dernières décennies. Pendant ce temps, la famille Lass part en vacances dans un chalet au bord d'un lac où elle séjourne chaque année. Mais l'absence de leur ainée se fait sentir. George, quant à elle, regrette ce bon vieux temps !

Moments forts
- Les Gravelins s'ennuient et se mettent à sculpter n'importe quoi en tentant de perturber nos amis les faucheurs. 
- Crystal vient prêter main forte aux faucheurs.
- On apprend que Daisy est morte en 1938 et que sa dernière pensée fut «Pourquoi personne ne m'a jamais aimée ?». La tristesse de Daisy est palpable et Mason sera particulièrement réceptif.


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Dernières pensées

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Paperasse à faire

Paperasse à faire


Plus de détails

Scénariste : Pete Ocko
Réalisateur : David Grossman 

Durée : 42 min 

(voix off)Je me demande parfois si je hante ma petite soeur, quand elle se réveille le matin pense t’elle à moi? Elle a 11ans, à mon avis elle pense à un garçon, son petit déjeuner ou à voler dans les airs.

Chaque année la famille de Georgia partait en vacances dans un cabanon, enfant elle adorait partir en vacances en famille, petite elle s’y plaignait tout le temps son air buté. C’est la première fois que sa famille y retourne depuis sa mort, et Georgia est cachée dans le placard de son ancienne maison. A l’adolescence elle attendait impatiemment les vacances d’été. Elle repense à un moment partagé avec Reggie.

(Wafle Haus) Georgia se sent à la fois mal et bien en même temps, elle en parle à Ruben, Daisy et Mason qui parlent de moments du passé ou ils se sentaient mal et bien à la fois.. Georgia demande à Mason de lui voler une voiture... Ruben voudrait savoir pourquoi; juste pour prendre l’air répond Georgia. Daisy et Mason rêvent de foncer dans la vitrine d’un magasin de luxe.. (Quand Mason se plaint que ça le brûle dans son caleçon Daisy lui dit qu’il a surement la siphylis...). Georgia demande de nouveau à Ruben son post it, Roxy arrive et Georgia n’a toujours pas son post it!

(Chez les Lass) Joy et Clancy préparent les bagages et la tension est palpable, Reggie écoute ses parents  se disputer... Le téléphone sonne mais il n’y a personne au bout du fil qui parle... ce qui énerve Joy.

(Wafle haus) Georgia sait enfin pourquoi elle n’a toujours de mission... c’est le jour de repos des sépulcreux!!!! Ruben demande à tous de regarder du coin de l’oeil... les sépulcreux sont attablés... (Le regard en coin de Daisy je suis fan!!!). Ils leurs arrivent de prendre un jour de repos quelques années... mais ils continuent de faire des sales coups aux faucheurs quand même. Ruben les qualifie de sale ... 

(Chez les Lass) Le téléphone sonne de nouveau Joy ne décroche pas, Reggie cherche la canne à pêche de sa soeur et elle repère qu’une fenêtre n’est pas bien fermée. Quand Clancy répond au téléphone il tombe sur quelqu’un et va dans son bureau pour parler.

(Wafle Haus) Des tas de dossiers sont amenés... c’est journée de classement des dernières pensées... Georgia n’en peut plus du classement, Ruben passe une grande commande auprès de Kiffany, pendant que les sépulcreux s’amusent! 


(Cabanon) Les Lass sont en chemin, Reggie voudrait faire un feu, aller chercher du bois comme Georgia le faisait... Joy se montre entousiaste Clancy un peu moins.

(Wafle haus) Ruben explique le travail mais Georgia avec son expérience du classement lui demande comment il compte faire pour référencer ses dossiers etc... (elle se rend compte que même si elle déteste son job elle a appris des choses quand même!) Daisy pose une question «bête»,  Georgia lui répond , mais Roxy les coupe et leur dit d’écouter Ruben et de faire comme il dit un point c’est tout! Le classement se fait selon les dernières pensées des gens. Le classement s’annonce dur à faire! 

Pendant ce temps là, les gens prennent des tas de risques... en ignorant qu'aujourd'hui seulement la mort est de repos! 

(Wafle Haus) Tout le monde classe encore et toujours, en voyant l’heure Georgia se réfugie au wc, elle prend avec elle la boite qu’elle a volé le matin même chez ses parents... ses souvenirs de vacances.. elle se souvient d’un bon moment avec son père. Puis retour au classement! Les catégories de classements de dessinent ( exemple: regret pour les conjoint/ ou les animaux). Mason en profite pour draguer Daisy mais ça ne prend pas, elle a tout un tas d’arguments !

Roxy travaille seule, mais Kiffany en lui apportant du café se met à se confier à elle... 

(Cabanon) La famille arrive enfin; le téléphone de Clancy sonne, il reçoit un reproche de sa fille qui lui demande pourquoi il a amené son téléphone... 

(wafle haus) Une fois les piles de dernières pensées faites, il faut les recopier à la main dans le registre... Georgia propose une solution plus rapide à Ruben, et ses 3 compères la soutiennent à fond, même Roxy...  la suite du classement se passera donc à Happy time! 

(cabanon) Après le repas, Reggie propose de faire un jeu de société mais son père s’excuse, il est trop fatigué... qu’elle joue avec sa mère, mais Reggie ne veux plus, la mère et la fille iront pêcher demain matin.

(Happy time) Georgia montre les lieux à tous, puis se remémore un nouveau souvenir de vacances. Roxy veut travailler seule, Mason fera équipe avec Daisy et Ruben tient à faire le travail avec son stylo à plume, Un bruit  fait sursauter tout le monde... les sépulcreux sont dans les locaux, bonjour les dégats! Mason et Daisy s’occupent des regrets, et entre 2 pensées Mason continue de draguer Daisy, qui lui décrit son type d’homme..  que des gens riches, mariés... 

Roxy dicte des pensées à Ruben qui tape très lentement sur l’ordinateur...ils font la pile «les morts au milieu de l’océan».

Georgia enregistre les données et reprend sa boîte souvenir, elle se souvient d’un souvenir avec sa mère, lorsqu’elle lisait un livre... (trop mignon!) Elle est sortie de ses pensées par  qui s’amuse à parler à des «collègues», elle lui décrit les personnalités des personnes bossant ici et arrivée la Crystal... la réceptionniste elle se rend compte qu’elle est ici!!!! Du coup Roxy dicte et Crystal tape à une vitesse folle. 

Ruben tape et Georgia dicte, les pensées courtes du genre : oui, non ....

Mason écoute encore Daisy parler de ses conquêtes, ils reprennent la saisie des pensées «pourquoi suis je seul? je me sens vide.. » et l’expression de Daisy change, elle regarde des photos sur le bureau d’un couple heureux..

Ruben complimente Georgia, ils avancent bien grâce à ses idées, elle est douée dans la coordination des projets. Georgia en profite pour demander à Ruben l'intérêt de ce classement. Parce que nous sommes tous important lui répond elle! Georgia repense à un feu au bord du lac avec ses parents. Il y  avait une belle complicité entre ses parents.

Mason continue de lire les pensées, ils arrivent à la fin de la pile et Daisy propose à Mason de venir boire un verre chez elle ensuite... 

Roxy avance bien avec Crystal et profitant du silence de Crystal elle se met à lui parler, se confier... Mason continue de taper, Daisy prend une petite pause. Georgia croise Daisy et voit qu’elle est triste, celle ci lui demande si elle n’a pas trop été choquée les dernières pensées (les regrets, la solitude...) Daisy est bouleversée.

(Cababon) Reggie est sur les marche avec Jd, ses parents se disputent encore.

Mason en tapant tombe sur la fiche de Daisy et sa dernière pensée ...

Georgia se replonge dans sa boîte à souvenir, elle y prend un caillou et se demande comment la vie peut être aussi ennuyeuse et extraordinaire à la fois.. elle se souvient du jour du départ pour la fin des vacances.

Mason décline l’invitation de Daisy, il lui dit qu’il va simplement la raccompagner. la dernière pensée de celle ci «Pourquoi personne ne m’a jamais aimée?»

Georgia remercie Crystal, celle ci adore Roxy, c’est certainement réciproque.

(Cabanon) Joy retrouve sa fille sur le ponton, quand elle demande à Reggie à sa fille comment elle va celle ci répond «non, et toi?» et Joy lui répond «non»... elles regardent ensemble l’inscription laissée par George... «Georgia was here» ...

Georgia a emprunté le pic-up de Ruben pour aller au cabanon.

(Voix off) Et si Daisy avait raison, si la mort n’était qu’un travail d’intérim et la vie des vacances, des vacances qu’on passerait avec les gens que l’on aime et qui nous aime... 

Mais si la vie n’était que des vacances, quelles seraient vos dernières pensées....


Nb: Un épisode vraiment magnifique!!!!!! et qui donne à réfléchir.... 

(George's face comes out from the darkness)

(VO)Sometimes I wonder if I haunt my sister. When she's lying there in the morning (Reggie is lying in bed) and it's all quiet... I wonder if she's thinking about me, she's 11, she's probably thinking about a boy, or breakfast or (outside, a bird is flying, Reggie sees it fall) flying away (Reggie is packing her summer clothes - cuts to 1950's footage of a family going on their vacation) Once a year my family goes to this cabin by a lake. On the road by ten. Three hours out we'd stop at a store where this guy who looked like Colonel Sanders (camera to someone making Taffy) would give me some homemade taffy (Advert for "Torkish Taffy") Then three more hours with the windows down, just as my stomach would start to growl again, there we were--at the rental office with a clock in the shape or a cat's face (the 1950's family gets to their cabin) That's where we'd pick up the key, (Reggie is finishing packing. she picks her bag up and goes into her closet) By the time I got into high school,
I just though I was too cool to go on vacation with my family, I'd complain and act all sullen most of the time I was there.(George comes out of the closet) It's what I did best. Now they were heading up there for the first time since I died and all I could think about was that I  wanted to go. (hides back in the shadows)That I wanted to be on vacation with them. (fiddles
in the closet and puts a box in a plastic bag) Rube once told me that haunting is all about envy(she leaves out the window)I'm beginning to understand. (she is riding on her bike) I said I hated going to the lake when I was in high school...I was lying. every summer, I couldn't wait to get up there. (flash to George sitting on the edge, fishing. Reggie comes and sees her)

GEORGE: Hey, Reg, how you doing?
REGGIE: Good, Dad's letting me use his pocket knife (she opens it up)
GEORGE: What you gonna do with it?
REGGIE: Mmm... I was thinking of whittling something.
GEORGE: Trade you the fishing pole for the knife.
(they trade. Starts cutting the jetty)
(camera takes a picture)

George is in Der Waffle Haus slurping her drink. There is Rube, Mason, and Daisy as well

GEORGE: Did you ever feel good and bad about something at the same time? You know really conflicted?
DAISY: I once had sex with a pilot of a 747 in flight, the sex was great, but I was sure we were going to die
RUBE: Flying used to be an extremely different experience, it was more genteel
MASON: Yeah, can't get into that cockpit anymore, so to speak
RUBE: People dressed up, you could smoke, they used to serve a highball in an ice rock glass
GEORGE: Can I have my assignment, please?
RUBE: Where's the fire
MASON: That would be in my pants
DAISY: That's probably syphilus (Mason looks shocked)
GEORGE: (to Mason) Hey, can you steal me a car?
MASON: First of all, the correct phrase is "boost", George, second of all, I'm not a used car lot, and darling, you really have to learn how to steal your own cars
RUBE: Why do you want a car?
DAISY: Are you gonna knock something over? like a liquor store?
GEORGE: No...um, I was thinking about...getting away
DAISY: I've always wanted to knock over a liquor store
MASON: Yeah? well I could help you out there
DAISY: Okay, we'll be the next Bonnie and Clyde
MASON: Yeah? really?
DAISY: No, never, not ever
GEORGE: Forget about the car, okay? Rube, can I please have my post-it?
(Roxy comes in. George gets up from the seat)
GEORGE: Here I'm leaving
RUBE: No you're not, sit down (Roxy sits down first) Hello? Hello? I'm sitting here
(she gets back up)
GEORGE: Rube I really have to go

Lass house. Joy and Clancy are packing

CLANCY: Joy, are you ready to go? 
JOY: Almost (shouts to the other room) Reggie are you packing?
REGGIE: Yes, are we gonna get there in time to go swimming?
JOY: Oh, I don't know. Maybe (Clancy sits down and is reading a magazine) Well?
CLANCY: (annoyed) just ask me, okay? (picks up the cases)for the next five days, if you would like me to do something, ask me.(the phone rings)
JOY:  Just don't fucking start (he leaves - she picks up the phone)

JOY: Hello? Hello? (she puts the phone down)
CLANCY: You always keep that ledger in your head
JOY: What?
CLANCY: The master list of thee things I do wrong
(Reggie is sitting down listening - she blinks slowly)
JOY: I would like to get there by nightfall (camera zooms in to a photograph of George,  Clancy, Joy and Reggie on their holiday)And I wanna stop  at the taffy store  (the phone rings again. Reggie looks exasperated. Joy gives him the vanity case - she picks up the phone) Hello, oh, come on, hello? (puts the phone down)
CLANCY: Who was that?
JOY: Must have been a wrong number
CLANCY: Must have been. (remembers) Flashlight
JOY: Do you even wanna go?
(Reggie is sitting on her bed)
CLANCY: Of course I do
JOY: (chuckles sarcastically) Oh god, you're lying, (Reggie can see their shadows from under the door) you're such a liar and you don't fool me (an item slams on the floor)

(VO) I wanted to tell Reggie it would be okay, even though I didn't believe it would be

Der Waffle Haus. There is George, Rube, Roxy

GEORGE: Rube, I think it's time we hand out the assignments, please
RUBE: There are no assignments today
MASON: What do you mean?
RUBE: No-ones dying today
MASON: Really?
RUBE: Look over there.(Daisy turns right round) don't look right at 'em ok. You gotta
look askance
MASON: A-what?
RUBE: Skance. out of the corner of your eye (everyone does it - only to see 4 gravelings messing around - playing cards) They're the ones are taking the day off, they do it every few years
RUBE: Think of it like an eclipse, It's just the way the planets align. No-one dies today Tell me this is a three-day weekend
(Rube chuckles)
(the graveling chugs a drink, throws the glass very fast and Roxy catches it- just missing Rube. she puts it down on the table)
RUBE: Cocksucker (sticks his finger up)

at the house
(Reggie opens the cupboard and gets a fishing rod out)

JOY: (the phone rings) Aww Fuck, I'm not getting it
(continues to ring. Reggie comes out of the closet and looks over to the window)
JOY: Don't even answer it
(he picks it up)
CLANCY: Hello? Hello Just a second.(Joy reaches out to get the phone but he pulls it away) It's school nonsense, I'm going to take it in the office

Der Waffle Haus Mason, Daisy, Roxy all doing paperwork

GEORGE: We got to do filing?
RUBE: Paperwork, for every soul the division's ever taken. I'm a little behind
GEORGE: Why is it my karmic destiny to do paperwork? Wherever I go... I'm a temp
(Kiffany looks around)
RUBE: Everything's gotta be organised and logged
KIFFANY: You're locking up my whole section
RUBE: We got work to do
KIFFANY: Then the work has to order
RUBE: I hear ya. Ah.. this pile's here is looking for a light-scrambled side of browns. This pile wants the Belgians, this pile would like the Benedict--easy on the hollandaise-- and give m four black coffees, four sides of toast, and my friends at booth six another pitcher of mimosas
KIFFANY: Booth six is empty
(table six has plates, cups and cutlery piled up high. Kiffany nods and walks off)

In the car, Clancy, Joy, and Reggie and JD

REGGIE: Okay JD, the first thing when we get there, we jump in the water 'cause you need to know how to swim. We can make a fire, right?
JOY: mm, blazing.
REGGIE: Maybe I'll catch a fish and cook it
CLANCY: I don't know if there's a wood
REGGIE: I'll collect it. George use to collect driftwood, I remember
(they look at each other)
CLANCY: So we'll have a fire

At Der Waffle Haus

RUBE: Okay, each white sheet has the information on a single sheet. We need to categorize the white sheets, then copy them into these ledgers
GEORGE: How are you gonna want to access the data?
RUBE: What?
GEORGE: When it's all done? Are you just gonna want to access them chronologically? 'cause if you wanna get any more complex, then you're gonna have to give each record a unique identifier so that you can do cross tabs

(VO) When you put so much effort into hating your day job, It's easy not to notice you're learning something

RUBE: My system works fine
DAISY: Are we alphabetizing by first or last name?
(Rube rubs his head)
GEORGE: Have you ever seen anyone alphabetize by first name?
DAISY: I'm simply trying to understand what we are going here
ROXY: Daisy didn't ask you that question to piss you off
DAISY: Thank you
ROXY: She asked that question because she can't shut up, neither one of you can. listen to the man and shut he fuck up
RUBE: Thank you. These are filed by last thought
GEORGE: Last thought?
RUBE: Last thought is written on the back of each page
DAISY: You only give names, addresses and E.T.D's
RUBE: Yes, that is all I give you. That is not all I get
(takes the piece of paper from his hand)
MASON: Come here. "last thought--I should've apologised to Mr Roy about the broken phonograph." What the fuck am I meant to file that under?
RUBE: Categories reveal themselves as we go, Okay? So...let's get going (puts a stack of papers on Mason, he groans)

kids playing and giggling, they are playing near a disused refridgerator. one of the children get into the fridge)

(VO) It was strange to think that while we got to work all over town, death was taking a break (a child takes a sharp pair of scissors out of a kitchen drawer and runs out of the room. man at a petrol station, filling up his car with lighting up a cigarette and throwing the match on the floor.)Not that anyone noticed (A toaster with burning toast, a woman sticks a knife in to get it out) Death is like sex in high school...(the kid comes out of the fridge, the other kid is running with scissors, man is having his cigarette while getting the petrol) If you knew how many times you missed having it (woman gets the toast out with the knife) You'd be paralyzed

Waffle Haus

RUBE: What do we got here?
GEORGE: Shoulda (points to a pile) woulda (points to another) coulda (and another)
DAISY: Has anyone seen a sheet of I.A. Newman?
GEORGE: Who knows
RUBE: Isador Newman?
RUBE: I remember him, piano tuner, liked the symphony and paintings by Degas. He was working on a Baby Grand (George is concentrating, Rube sorts through his pile) Piano string snapped  right in the face, blinded him, stood straight up and knocked the lid went smack, right down on his first vertebrae, broke his neck
(George looks up)
GEORGE: What time is it?
RUBE: It's five past five
GEORGE: I gotta go to the bathroom (she takes a bag with her)
DAISY: I don't know think it's healthy to schedule that sort of thing

George sitting on the toilet, she takes the plastic bag off and opens the wooden box that has a pine cone in it

(Flash to the cabin)
CLANCY: Hey George, tell your mom the heater's on about half an hour till we can shower
GEORGE: Mom, heater's on. Half an hour till it's hot
JOY: (from in the cabin) I'm not showering for the next five days
(Clancy smiles) Tell your father he's lucky if I even brush my teeth (he looks out to the spectacular view)
GEORGE: Really?
(breaths out deeply)
JOY: No and you're going to be brushing your teeth, too
GEORGE: Dad, can we toast marshmellows over the fire tonight?
CLANCY: We're going to have all week
GEORGE: Please? Reggie loves marshmellows
CLANCY: Yeah, I think we're gonna stick with bottles for Reggie, for the time being
GEORGE: Mom loves marshmellows
CLANCY: Well it was a long drive, George, why don't we just relax? Tomorrow, I promise
CLANCY: It's vacation, we have all week
GEORGE: Whatever (walks off, Clancy gets her arm)
CLANCY: Hey...go get the marshmellows
GEORGE: Yes!(she dashes off)

at Der waffle Haus. There is a pile of paperwork in the foreground and Daisy in the
background. The camera pans round and Mason is sitting on the other side. Both are drinking chocolate milks

DAISY: "I wish I'd taken better care of Lucy." I shouldn't have put Jezebel to sleep." What do you think?
MASON: Pet regrets, spouse regrets, ever on that table
DAISY: I'm gonna go with pet regrets. Which stack?
MASON: Big one. hey, Daisy, out off the, uh...massive collection of sex stories you've told us I've noticed that there's no Brits in the bunch, why is that?
DAISY: Alec Guinness, Rex Harrison, Richard Burton--
MASON: No, Richard Burton is Welsh
DAISY: Can't believe he never one an oscar, do you think it was his last thought?
MASON: Let's not pretend me and you--nasty little spark
DAISY: No, none, niet, nada, never
MASON: All right, then. Wager. If I win, you kiss me
DAISY: (she puts her milk down, picks up a coin) Fine. Call it
MASON: Tails
DAISY: (she throws it up in the air, catches it, looks at it) Oh... (it's heads)Mason
MASON: Yeah?
DAISY: You don't any money, your hygiene is suspect, your clothes alone disqualify you and you're not even alive.
(he sticks his tongue out, she gets up and goes to the pile)
DAISY: "Pet regrets."

In the next booth Roxy sits, Kiffany comes with a coffee pot

KIFFANY: More coffee?
ROXY: Thanks
KIFFANY: How you doing'
ROXY: Thanks for asking
KIFFANY: People don't ask that much anymore or if they do, they don't really care
ROXY: That's the truth. people mostly just wanna hear themselves talk
KIFFANY: Mm-hm, like... (she sits down)when my son calls, every two months to never, he only wants to borrow money.(Roxy looks concerned) or else he wants to complain about his sister, now she's the smart one--until it comes to the O.T.B then it's $500 on the trivector, I mean I can understand the rush but $500...

Pulls up in car, to the cabin. Joy, Clancy and Reggie get out of the car

REGGIE: Can we all go down to the water? I think JD wants to go. Can I go fishing?

(cell phone rings. Joy looks disgusted; Clancy opens the phone and turns it off)
JOY: I wouldn't have thought you would get reception up here (slams the car door shut) Why don't we unpack the car and then we'll see about fishing
REGGIE: Why did you bring the cell phone?
CLANCY: In case any of us got into trouble (Reggie gets her backpack out of the boot)

George pushes the pile of papers towards Rube and stops. Rube is filling up his pen with ink

GEORGE: What happens when we make all the piles?
RUBE: Copy each sheet into order into the ledgers
GEORGE: By hand?
RUBE: Yes by hand
GEORGE: This is useless
RUBE: You know what's a lost art, peanut? calligraphy. No-one even uses fountain pens any more
GEORGE: It would be much faster to coy them into a computer file
RUBE: Well death hasn't really evolved much since pre-Gutenberg bible days. Reaping doesn't really lend itself to Microsoft outlook.
GEORGE: You mean Excel not outlook (Mason looks over the thing) It's just another way of organising information. Death may not have evolved but data entry has
MASON: Why don't we have a computer?
ROXY: Amen!
GEORGE: Um.. I may regret saying this but... my old office was always empty at this hour. This is what I used to do at Happy Time
DAISY: Used to do
GEORGE: I still have keys
RUBE: You know if we all just buckle down, I got fresh fountain pens for everybody
DAISY: Rube, I have delicate hands
MASON: And seriously, we cannot copy down all this information by hand. look at it
RUBE: You know, if you focus. start writing--
ROXY: Fuck that shit, Rube. I need a goddamn laptop
(Rube bangs the pen into the box and slams the lid closed)
RUBE: Happy time it is

Reggie, Clancy and joy sitting on a bench having some food

REGGIE: There's a monopoly in the living room, maybe we could play
CLANCY: Uh you know what, Reg, I'm wiped out. You and your mother go and play
REGGIE: You can't really play monopoly with just two people
CLANCY: I'm exhausted sweetie (kisses her on the forehead) I'll catch it next time(he gets up and leaves)
JOY: I say we ignore these dishes and break out the monopoly
(gets up)
REGGIE: Forget it
JOY: Reg
REGGIE: It doesn't work with just two people (leaves too)
JOY: Reggie?
JOY: We'll go fishing in the morning

picture of the screensaver at Happy Time and lights being switched on. They all come in George, Daisy, Rube, Roxy and Mason tagging along

GEORGE: We can set up in the conference room and use some of these cubicles for the data entry (Rube is going passed and he has Roxy's hat on)
DAISY: Oh I want this one, it smells like potpourri
GEORGE: That's Marie's, she has gum disease
RUBE: What time your fellow cogs roll in?
GEORGE: Well some guy comes in around dawn to call the Philippines on the Watts line, and it looks like the cleaning crew's come and gone. What time is it?
RUBE: It's 8.30

(flash to Young George in bed with the panda)
JOY:(she strokes her hair) Night George( and kisses her)
(Clancy is holding Reggie, looking alert)
JOY: She sleepy?
CLANCY: She's getting there
YOUNG GEORGE: (she sighs) She's so boring, all she does is sleep and poop
JOY: (she chuckles) Same as you did, young lady
YOUNG GEORGE: Do you think she's gonna be as smart as I am?
JOY: Oh, I hope so
CLANCY: Goodnight Georgia (goes to close the door)
YOUNG GEORGE: Leave it open
CLANCY: Oh, well, we're gonna be up talking for a while, sweetie
GEORGE: I like that
(semi closes the door, she whispers) Night, night

Transition. At Happy Time. Rube is talking to everyone

RUBE: If we split up into pairs, we can catalogue it all by morning
ROXY: What pairs?
RUBE: one person reads, one person types
(Daisy is reading one of the papers)
MASON: Hear that Daisy? Pairs
ROXY: I work alone. I work better alone, and there are five of us, so somebody has to be alone
RUBE: I'm supervising
GEORGE: What is there to supervise?
RUBE: I'm gonna copy some of them down in the ledger just to be safe
GEORGE: You don't need to do that
RUBE: What if the material gets lost?
GEORGE: There's a tape backup and it auto saves to an off-site server
RUBE: Chim-cham and a goo-gaz to a hoo-ha whimmy-wizzle
(Roxy giggles)
GEORGE: Fine you wanna use your fountain pen, You go for it but at the end of a long night, and you manage to cover three pages, feel good about it
(indistinguishable sound of something breaking)
MASON: What was that?
(George goes rushing out, hen comes back and starts looking. Roxy and Mason follow with Daisy and Rube. it is the gravelings balancing accoutrements up high)
RUBE: Fucking gravelings
ROXY: They don't have anything better to do on their day off? (George walks off)

Cuts to computer screen and typing

DAISY: " I should have gone to art school." (puts down the piece of paper and picks up another) "I should have said yes." "I should have said...
MASON: Wait, wait, wait, wait. I should've what?
DAISY: Should've said yes
MASON: Oh right, there's a lot of that going around, huh?
DAISY: Please
MASON: (looks cheekily at her) Okay. I'm not your type, so who is?
DAISY: "I should have held her hand."
MASON: Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, come on, seriously, tell me
DAISY: My type? Where to begin? There needs to be something about the way the man looks, gives me chills in the back of the neck. Rich is good, okay rich is imperative, rich and famous-- a lethal combination, I once had a guy who shall remain Bing Crosby who sent me two dozen lilies every single day for the seven months we were together. After we broke it off, I fell for the big cheese over at MGM, he promised me an exclusive studio contract just as soon as his divorce papers came through and then there was this senator...also married. He might've been...

(Rube is struggling with a keyboard, typing
ROXY: (monotonously) "It's freezing."(puts the paper down) "Mama, oh, mama." "I give up" "Fuck...,it's just seaweed."
RUBE: What pile is this?(Roxy puts her head in her hand)
ROXY: Mid-ocean deaths (Rube sighs deeply) Let me type, Rube
RUBE: I'm getting better
ROXY: No you're not
RUBE: It's the keys, you breathe on them, they go down. I had an old Manhattan-B and thing was a gatling for your thoughts
ROXY: Let me type Rube
RUBE: Gettin' better. They's all in caps. Oh fuck.

Goes to George typing up. She looks inside her box and gets out a book (Cat's cradle by Kurt Vonnegut) and looks at it fondly, opens it and smells it

(flash)George comes into the room where her father is sleeping and her mother is reading

JOY: Did I wake you?
YOUNG GEORGE: What are you reading?
JOY: It's called Cat's Cradle, someone left it (Young George comes and sits next to her) I love it, I love the books that people leave here
YOUNG GEORGE: Why don't people steal them?
JOY: I don't know. They're the books that you would read at home
YOUNG GEORGE: I wanna take them all home
JOY: Why?
YOUNG GEORGE: Because they make you happy
CLANCY: Who's happy?
JOY: Everybody
CLANCY: (he chuckles) What time is it?

(VO) I guess I'm one of the few people who can know it for sure, but the only thing as
random and unlikely as my death, was my death

MASON: Hello, Larry? Yeah! (walking down the hall) Johnny, Johnny boy, how's it hanging? Yes...(bangs on the door) Mary, come on, what's the 411, eh?
GEORGE: What the hell are you doing?
MASON: Oh I'm pretending to care about all these people
GEORGE: Oh, well, the guy who sits in that cubicle has a website dedicated to rare buttons and the woman who sits in there has phone sex with a high school senior from New Mexico, Native American and the woman who sits over there--(close up of Crystal sitting at her desk is  (sitting over there)... Crystal?

(they go to Rube and Roxy)
MASON: We have a problem
GEORGE: I don't think it's a problem
RUBE: Gravelings?
MASON: Mmm...weirder
(Everyone looks over to her, she is staring back)
GEORGE: It's fine, she said she came here to water her plants, and she offered to help
RUBE: Does she know you're no longer employed here?
GEORGE: It's really hard to tell what Crystal [i]knows[/i]
DAISY: It's 2.30...we have a lot more to do
ROXY: Does it type?

(camera change)
ROXY: "How could she do it?", "How could he do it?", "Why did she do this?", am I going too fast?
CRYSTAL: (shakes her head) Uh-Huh
ROXY: This'll show her." "He won't forget me now."

(camera change to George and Rube)
GEORGE: "No" (puts the paper down) "Yes" (another) "Now, that's ironic"

(camera change Daisy and Mason. She is still talking of her conquests - Mason is looking board at the screen)

DAISY: Older men are fine, well older men can be delightful they demand less, they're extra attentive to their personal hygiene, they give fabulous gifts... They're always really grateful. Mmm, though they very, very rarely leave their wives
MASON: That was informative, should we take another stab at these?
DAISY: Yeah. You read, I type (moves the keyboard over)
MASON: "Why?"
DAISY: Because I'm certain I'm the better typist
MASON: (shows her the paper) Last thought
DAISY: Oh "Why." Ha ha. Short and sweet
MASON: Hm..."I wish I had someone."
DAISY: "I wish I had someone"
MASON: "Is there anyone there?", "Why can't somebody be with me?"
(Daisy looks really sad as she is typing - she looks at the photograph that is pinned up into the cubicle of what looks like a happy couple)
MASON: "Born alone, die alone,", "I feel empty" (shows on her monitor the words being typed out)

George walking back to the desk with another pile of folders. Rube comes over

RUBE: We're making good progress, peanut, ahead of Schedule 
GEORGE: Dolores always said I was excellent at implementing action plans  
RUBE: Well, they were lucky to have had you, had you stayed, maybe you would've been named "Happy Time worker of the year."
(gets his pipe out)
GEORGE: I guess. Why are we doing all this?
RUBE: You mean, if a tree falls in a forest, who gives a flying fuck?
GEORGE: Yeah. Like... who is all this work for?
RUBE: You know what Henry Ward Beecher's last words were?
RUBE: "Now comes the mystery" Beautiful. Know what his last thoughts were?
RUBE: Me either, haven't been able to find his paperwork. We're witnesses, peanut. Everyone matters (bangs his lighter on his hand for it to work)
GEORGE: But who is all this paperwork for?
RUBE: Anyone whose interested, are you?
GEORGE: Yes. (He lights up) You can't smoke in here
RUBE: Oh, fuck that bullshit. They can blow

(flash to holiday)
YOUNG GEORGE: I've got a question
JOY: Yes you're burning it
CLANCY: No, you don't have to eat it
YOUNG GEORGE: Oh. Why can't we live here?
JOY: Here?
YOUNG GEORGE: In this cabin?
JOY: Georgia, you couldn't fit half your toys in there
GEORGE: I don't need my toys
JOY: I'd like to see that
CLANCY: I could live here
YOUNG GEORGE: Let's do it for real!
JOY: Sometimes I look at all the crap in our house...all those things we [i]needed[/i]I could  do without
CLANCY: You're gonna make George jump in the lake, Joy
YOUNGE GEORGE: I'm not jumping in the lake
JOY: No, I'm serious. If we didn't have to work so hard to make the money, we wouldn't have to spend the money to make ourselves feel better about working so hard. We could really [i]live[/i] out here
JOY: Shut up
CLANCY: No you're right, we could have a much simpler life
YOUNG GEORGE: Let's do it. I don't need anything back there. I can teach Reggie about fishing and...everything
JOY: What would we do all day?

Back at Happy Time. Daisy is typing

MASON: "I don't understand." That's where that one ends "I'm so alone"(chuckles) "There's nobody."
DAISY: Are we almost finished?
MASON: (goes through the papers)Yeah... a couple more
DAISY: What do you say the very second we're done here, we go back to my place for a drink?
MASON: (puts the paper down) Don't fuck with me Daisy
DAISY: I probably won't but a drink isn't gonna kill anybody, least of all us. right?,
what's your poison?. I'm guessing Jamesons
MASON: Uh, yeah, I gue...
DAISY: you're not so bad company. I'm guessing with some disinfectant soap and American dentistry, You'd clean up just fine (looks puzzled about his teeth and tries to cover them)
MASON: (really big smile on his face) "I wish I'd taken better care of Lucy."

Camera change to Crystal and Roxy

(straightens out the papers)
Roxy: That is it for this one (sighs and strums her fingers) you just checking it over?
(she nods)
ROXY: Do you like your job?
(she shrugs)
ROXY: I hear you, girl. It's all just one big shrug. Paperclips?
(Crystal goes into the drawer)
ROXY: Oh... I'm organised like this, too. I do not understand people who can't find their own shit, you? (shakes her head) put things in their place then they call you anal like holding all your shit in at four has something to do with why you put the staples next to the stapler. (nods with conviction)

Over to Mason and Daisy. Mason is standing over Daisy as she types

MASON: "I want to hear a voice" "Why am I so lonely?"
DAISY: This is the second to last page, right?
MASON: Oh, this one should be "Why am I so alone?" Sorry (she re-types it)
DAISY: Well you can do the last ones without me. I'm going to take a quick break. Don't forget about that drink (tries to come out the cubicle
MASON: I won't (puts his hand up to his mouth in excitement. Then sits back down to finish) Right (breathe deeply)

ROXY: So I told the girl, if we 're gonna share the man we might as well cut him in half because I'm not gonna be datin' some double-dipper especially when all three of us know about it, would you?
ROXY: I Guess she thought we were just going to chat over dinner. Huh, I moved out. you think I did the right thing?
(she nods, she saves the document)
ROXY: We're on the same page girl

Camera change
(copy machine running, Daisy comes into the copy room)

DAISY: I didn't know anyone was in here (looks nervous)
GEORGE: Rube demanded a copy of the hard copy. He's still a little skittish about the whole digital thing
DAISY: Well...
GEORGE: You guys almost finished?
DAISY: Uh-huh (is standing there with her arms folded with a look on her face)
GEORGE: Daisy?
DAISY: (comes out of the trance ) Doesn't it bother you Georgia?
DAISY: Everybody's thoughts are the same.Two-thirds are people who regret, the rest are people who forgot to do stuff or are praying or...are alone. Shouldn't there be more?
GEORGE: More what?
DAISY: More piles
GEORGE: More words, more thoughts
DAISY: I guess.(George is fiddling with the machine) and then you die and you might become a reaper, and...the magic of creation, well...that turns out to be a nine to five grind with lots of paperwork. It's just so.. It's so everyday.
GEORGE: Lots of people...leave. There's something "Everyday" where they're going
DAISY: How do you know that's true? Maybe we just keep moving from one filing job to the next. Oh My god...We are all temps

(VO) It was strange to hear the secret of the universe tumble out of the mouth of a fallen starlet, in a copy room at 3:00 in the morning but considering what the secret was, it was perfect (exhales loudly, fixes her hair, has a smile on her face and leaves the copy room)

At the cabin. Reggie in her pyjamas with

CLANCY: I hate spiders, please kill it
That's a big sucker
(panic in his voice) Just please kill it for me
Clancy, don't be such a pussy
Joy, you know that I have a phobia about spiders
Use your cell phone, see if you find someone who gives a flying fuck

Happy Time
Mason is finishing typing up

(VO) That's the thing about life, Isn't it? (reads the paper "Adair, Daisy, death 13th December 1938, Marietta, Georgia, Died asphyxiation/smoke inhalation" He looks up, turns it over and reads it

George switches off her monitor and light. She opens the box and brings out a flat pebble

(VO) How can something be so boring and extrodinary at the same time?(makes the motion to throw the stone, that goes into a flashback at the lake)
She throws another
CLANCY: Georgia! Time to go!
Coming (she picks up a stone or two and runs to the car)

Happy Time
Daisy is fiddling with the water dispenser. Mason comes behind her smiling with her coat in his hand

DAISY: You ready for that drink?
MASON: You know what? maybe some other time, eh?(puts her coat on) Come on, I'll walk you
out, Daisy (puts his arm around her. It goes to the computer screen where it says Adair,
Daisy. "Why has no one ever loved me?")

Camera change
George and Crystal

GEORGE: Thanks for all your help
CYSTAL: I like your friend Roxy
GEORGE: I'm sure she like you, too (she gets up and puts her coat over her arm, George picks
up a stack of papers) Hey, Crystal...
CRYSTAL: I won't tell anyone (she leaves)
(passes with the trolley, she puts the papers on the trolley)
RUBE: Thank you
GEORGE: Hey Rube, can I borrow your truck? (she switches off the light as they all leave)

At the cabin. Reggie is fishing, with JD with her too. Joy comes to see her

JOY: My god, you're up early this morning, Reg. Want some hot chocolate?
REGGIE: Um...no
JOY: How about some oatmeal?
REGGIE: No. Thank you
JOY:  How did JD sleep?
JOY: Good. You okay?
REGGIE: No. Are you?
JOY: No (there is a pause, Reggie looks down) Hey, are the fish biting this morning?
(she shakes her head. She puts her hand down where George carved her name)
REGGIE: I miss her (she looks at her mother) Maybe...we should go someplace different next
JOY: (about to burst into tears) Okay
They hug as she fishes

A truck is heading down the road towards the cabin, as the flashback of George getting into
the car and going back home is played too, she shows her baby sister a stripy feather. The
car pulls out of the drive and fades into the background as Rube's truck pulls in and George
gets out and sits on the step

(VO)Maybe Daisy was right. Maybe death was the temp job, and life was the vacation. A
vacation you were supposed to spend with the people that you loved...with the people who
loved you and if life was that life was that kind of vacation, what then? What would your
last thoughts be then?



Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !