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#114 : Repose en paix

George tente de récupérer sa place au Happy Time, mais Dolores refuse catégoriquement. Dépitée, George s'en retourne mais, au même moment, Dolores apprend que son chat est subitement tombé malade. George l'accompagne chez le vétérinaire. Sur place, George fait la rencontre d'un jeune garçon qui lui semble être un faucheur d'animaux. La famille Lass se rend sur la tombe de George, car cela fait maintenant un an qu'elle est morte. Reggie et Joy font un discours, puis c'est au tour des faucheurs de lui rendre hommage.

Moments forts
- La rencontre de George avec la faucheur d'animaux est touchante.
- Joy se lâche et dévoile ses véritables sentiments au sujet de sa fille aînée, devant Reggie.


4 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Rest In Peace

Titre VF
Repose en paix

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : John Masius, Stephen Godchaux
Réalisatrice : Helen Shaver

Durée : 41 min

(voix off) Avez vous vécu une de ces journées, ce genre de journée ou l’on sent qu’il y a quelque chose de bon, et peut être que le bonheur qui flottait dans l’air me concernait... Il est à moi!


(chez les Lass) Reggie s’est réveillée tôt, cela fait un an que sa soeur est décédée, elle voudrait emmener Jd au cimetière.

(Wafle Haus) George arrive, Ruben, Daisy et Mason parlait justement d’elle. Ils parlent de l’abandon de son travail, elle n’a pas de travail, pas d’argent... Roxy est de mauvaise humeur... George n’a pas de post it aujourd’hui c’est sa journée!!


Dans la rue, Mason demande conseil à Daisy et Roxy sur son potentiel séduction... il n’a pas couché avec une fille depuis des lustre et il prie Daisy de lui trouver une fille... ( Roxy s’amuse a repérer les faucheurs et un illuminé passe à côté d’eux avec un panneau «the end is near/ la fin est proche» 

Ruben lui se retrouve à un cours de yoga, le professeur le convie à se joindre au cours... 

George profite de son jour pour aller à Happy time récupérer son poste... mais Dolores ne l’entend pas de cette oreille, George n’en croit pas ses oreilles. Elle repart bredouille quand Dolores arrive en panique devant l'ascenseur... Murray (son chat) est malade il faut qu’elle aille s’en occuper, le coursier qui se moque de Dolores se retrouve avec un coup de teaser...

Au cours de Yoga, Ruben suit le mouvement et reçoit des compliments du prof et de sa voisine de tapis...

(Chez les Lass) Joy et Clancy se disputent au sujet de la grand mère de George, et lorsque le téléphone de Clancy sonne... Joy le menace de lui faire bouffer s’il décroche, c’est à ce moment que Reggie arrive et demande comment la journée va se dérouler, le réveran dira une prière, Joy annonce qu’elle parlera elle aussi, quand son mari lui demande ce qu’elle va dire elle lui répond « à toi j’ai rien à dire» ...


Dolores et George arrivent chez le vétérinaire, c’est une nouvelle réceptionniste pas très futée et le docteur que voit Murray habituellement n’est pas là... Dolores est en panique! George la soutient et surveille un enfant ( qui a un post it jaune...) qui s'intéresse de trop près à Murray... elle lui pose une tonnes de questions auxquelles il ne répond pas, elle en vient à lui dire qu’il n’est qu’un sale petit enfoiré... Dolores lui demande d’être plus polie! George se dit que ce n’est peut être pas son jour..


(on voit qu’une pierre est taillée...)


Au cours de yoga, Ruben attrape l’âme du professeur, et celui ci meurt en faisant la charrue indienne.. le professeur n’en revient pas, personne ne se rend compte qu’il s’est brisé la nuque... 

Dans un magasin, Daisy conseille Mason pour aborder les filles.une vendeuse Punk retient leur attention. Les phrases d’approche de Mason lui rapportent un nombre incalculable de baffes! (jolies jambes, l’ouverture est à quelle heure?) .... et Daisy ne peut pas s'empêcher de baffer à son tour son ami! Pour s’amuser! 

(Chez les Lass) Reggie cherche une chose à déposer sur la tombe de sa soeur, 


Murray voit le vétérinaire, quand le vétérinaire tente une blague, George le remet à sa place et continue de soutenir Dolores.


Au cours de Yoga, le prof ne sait pas quoi faire, il regrette de ne pas être sorti avec cette jeune femme blonde qui suit son cours. 

Mason perd son post it, il se trouve face à la vendeuse punk qui lui demande s’il n’est pas un faucheur d’âme... et le voilà dans le débarras du magasin avec la vendeuse à hurler qu’il est un faucheur d’âme... 

(Chez Ruben) Le prof de yoga enseigne sa discipline à Ruben. Il ne se cache pas de profiter  de son boulot pour avoir tout un tas de femmes. Le prof de yoga trouve qu’il a eu une vie pleine d’amour et d’affection.... puis il part dans son monde.


(on suit le chemin de la pierre tombale...)


Reggie lit des cahiers appartenant à Murray. George soutient Dolores et lui conseille de faire confiance à la vie et au destin. (George se dit que même si les choses se passent mal, elle finissent toujours par s’arranger...) Le jeune faucheur fait son travail ( la victime est un lapin...) et rassure Dolores... son chat s’en sortira. Elle propose à Dolores de rester, celle ci la remercie et lui annonce qu’elle l’attend à Happy time dès lundi! Elle rattrape le jeune faucheur, Charly, elle lui demande d’ou il vient et lui tend le billet de 20$


(la pierre tombale est bientôt prête) 


Reggie demande à voix haute «ou es tu George» avec une table oui-ja sur les genoux. Son père est au téléphone, sa mère se prépare et renonce à mettre du rouge à lèvre.


(Voix off) le jour ou j’ai laissé tomber mes études, j’étais allongée sur mon lit, ma mère est entrée elle m’a dit «tu sais George il n’y a pas de coup d’essai, pas de répétitions générale.» Ce a quoi j’ai répondu «peut être qu’aucun rôle ne m’intéresse...» 1 mois plus tard j’étais foudroyée par  la lunette des WC de la station mir... je me demande si quelqu’un d’autre écoutait quand j’ai dis ça...


JD, Reggie et ses parents sont aux cimetière, le prêtre termine son sermont et accompagné de Clancy ils s’éloignent. Joy et Reggie parlent, Joy regrette son manque de gentillesse, de tendresse, elle lui manque. Reggie souhaite être seule puis finalement elle appelle sa mère... elle installe une photo d’elle et George en souvenir.


Ruben,Daisy, Mason, Roxy et George se retrouve sur la tombe de celle ci, ils sabrent le champagne ensemble. «A George, morte comme nous! » Le champagne à le goût de la vie qu’elle n’a pas eu. Le cimetière est aussi le lieu ou vivent les sépulcreux... 

Ruben dit à George que certes elle ratera beaucoup de rencontres, choses, mais elle aura au moins cette nouvelle vie et qu’ils sont là et qu’ils l’aiment. 

Dans la vie finalement on est jamais sur de rien....




Quel beau final de la saison 1!!!!! 

Start of episode
George is cycling down the road of the Lass's residence

GEORGE (VO) Did you ever have one of those days?
(man drops bag full of rubbish) Not one of those kinds of days, the other
kind, the kind of day where there was something in the air, (there is a
slight breeze) something that had been on its way for a while, something
good and maybe because I think about myself like all the time, I was sure
that something on its way was about me (20 dollar bill floats down towards
her and goes into the spoke of her wheel, she picks it up) It's mine.

Fast tracks to Reggie looking out of her window, camera comes into the
bedroom where JD is lying on the bed. Joy comes into the room

JOY: You're up early. Did you sleep okay?
REGGIE: JD woke me up a couple of times but I had a really great sleep
(looks at the clothers that are on Reggie's bed)
JOY: Is this what you are wearing today?
REGGIE: (she nods) Can JD come to the cemetery?
JOY: No!
JOY: Because he's a dog (Joy walks out the room)
REGGIE: Fuck her, you're coming

Daisy, Rube Mason and Roxy all sitting down to breakfast

DAISY: That's what she did, or that's what she said she did
(George walks in)
ROXY: You have no respect for authority, you know that. The discipline of a
fucking piss-ant
GEORGE: Wow, good morning to you too
RUBE: You'd make a good cop. We were just discussing it
GEORGE: Were you now (pulls up a chair) what was the topic of discussion, my
wit, my charm, my pouty lips
RUBE: Daisy told me after you quit your job at Happy Time, you quit your new
job the very next day (mason mimics George with pouty lips)
GEORGE: The very next morning
DAISY: Your lips are kind of pouty
RUBE: (to the waitress) Can I get some Tabasco. And how long did you last at
the new gig?
GEORGE: Less than five minutes
MASON: Okay, got that one beat. It was North London, the pizza pie parlour
lots of Portuguese people....
RUBE: Not interested. George's day
GEORGE: What does it mean, it's my day
RUBE: (to Kiffany, the waitress and hands the bottle back) Errr, this is not
GEORGE: Morning Kiffany
KIFFANY: How about a little breakfast?
RUBE: Need a little cash? You don't have a job means you don't have any
ROXY: And no prospects, just dead and stupid
GEORGE: I don't need your money Rube, I found 20 bucks today
DAISY: Save it Georgia, breakfast is on me this morning
MASON: Sweet
DAISY: Georgia's breakfast. Rube says it's her day. hers is on mine
GEORGE: Thank you Daisy. Ill have breakfast at Tiffany's, a large OJ and can
you make the bacon extra extra crispy
ROXY: You don't eat bacon
GEORGE: I know but Rube does and that's the way he likes it
ROXY: So what are you now Rube's butt boy?
GEORGE: Why did you resign? And instead of hot tea, Kiffany, I'll have
coffee, noooo make that a green tea, it's supposed to be good for you
ROXY: How about a hot cup of shut the fuck up
(Mason Roxy and Daisy get up to leave)
GEORGE: I'm not sure you got the memo Roxy, but it is my day. (looks at
Rube) Nothing for me?
RUBE: Not today
GEORGE: That's right (points at Roxy, in a shrill voice says) not today.
(looks back to Rube) Why?
RUBE: Every so often someone gets one of those days. Today it's you

GEORGE (VO) I wanted something good to come my way, more than a free
breakfast, more than 20 bucks, just more

Large slab of rock is brought down onto a flat surface and is taken to a
room where it was being cut up

Daisy, Mason and Roxy walking down the road, going to their next appointment

MASON: Im a good looking guy am I not, am I, am I not, am I?
ROXY: You're fine for a white boy
MASON: Fuck fine, I think I radiate a certain rayfish appeal, do I not, do I
ROXY: Reaper
DAISY: Too old, Jesus Roxy. you think everybody's a reaper
MASON: Maybe women I'm attracted to are a bit more discerning, that could be
true but you know as far as pulling power is goes, I've got it in spate,
have I, have I not
DAISY: Wait a second, how long is it since you have been with a woman?
ROXY: with a woman. That's alive
DAISY: That's alive
Mason: I've not had sex with a dead woman - technically
GYPSY: Flores, flores, flores para los muertos, flowers for the dead
Err, no thank you. No thank you
ROXY: Reaper
DAISY: Serious reaper. How long has it been Mason?
MASON: It's been a while
DAISY: How long? How long exactly
MASON: A few months
DAISY: How long Mason?
MASON: (shouts) fifteen alright
DAISY: My stars, That's pathetic
ROXY: Jesus, Pay for it. Pay a hooker
MASON: Look I don't know what to do; I can't think straight, I'm losing my
mind. Daisy you have to find me a woman
DAISY: Be your pimp?
MASON: Pimp me, pimp me
DAISY: Don't you have a soul to reap?
MASON: Yeah right here, right next to Zulu records. There's hot girls in
here all the time (man with Placard saying "The end is near" walks between
mason and Roxy, nearly hitting Mason with the placard)
ROXY: Fuck off man. Happy hunting
DAISY: Well my post is not until later. Let's see what kind of game you got
(leads Mason by the hand into the store)

Arun's studio with his students. Arun is sitting in the lotus position. Rube
walks behind him and to the back of the class

ARUN: Hey. Morning. So welcome to hot yoga. Sit. Anyone here for the first
time? (talking to Rube) Hey you lost?
RUBE: (looks at his post it and it says A Levert, 928 Arabella E.D.T
11:45AM) No I have an appointment in the area. Just wanted to see what was
in the area
ARUN: What's your name?
RUBE: Err... Rube. What's yours?
ARUN: Arun
RUBE: Arun Levert? (starts walking towards him)
ARUN: This is my studio. Why don't you join us for class? You are here
RUBE: I don't really do yoga
ARUN: Doesn't really matter. you're here, be here
RUBE: I can do that
ARUN: Yeah. hey take off your clothes; there are extra shorts in the cubby.
Okay let's begin

George is walking into Happy Time offices fast tracks around the office

GEORGE(VO) Even though I was convinced that this job was getting in the way
of the business of living

(George bumps into a girl with papers that she drops on the floor)


GEORGE (VO)There was no getting around of the cost of that business. I
really needed money.
(looks at Dolores's desk, there is no-one there) No way Dolores could tell
me no today, (looks over to Crystal's desk, she and Dolores are laughing) it
was my day

GEORGE: What do you mean No
GEORGE: Dolores, you and I are like friends
DOLORES: And then you quit and took a job from one of our postings and then
quit after humm... an hour

GEORGE (VO): Five minutes
DOLORES: Millie let me tell you a story (she stands up and folds her arms)
DOLORES: Do you know who Wally Pip was?
GEORGE: Is that a real person?
DOLORES: Wally Pip was once the first baseman for the New York Yankees and
one summer day Wally Pip (with a mocking voice) did not feel well and asked
his coach if he could sit out this one
GEORGE: I don't really like baseball
DOLORES: Do you know who replaced him that afternoon?
(George shakes her head dumbfounded)
DOLORES: You ever heard of Lou Gehrig?
GEORGE: I know he has a really bad disease named after him
DOLORES: Lou Gehrig played over two thousand straight games for the Yankees,
he was known as the Iron horse. I don't need a Wally Pip Millie, and I don't
need you (Dolores sits back down)
(George laughs incredulously) You are joking right!
GEORGE: So who's my replacement? Who's Lou Gehrig?
DOLORES: Mitchell (pans to guy with a calculator and picking his nose)
GEORGE: Mitchell is the Iron horse?
GEORGE: Urg... please Dolores, give me a second chance
DOLORES: It's Ms Herbigg now
GEORGE: I need my job back
DOLORES: We're done here
(Crystal comes up to the desk)
CRYSTAL: Line two
DOLORES: We're done Wally (George walks off)
GEORGE: Fucking unreal
(Picks up the telephone)
DOLORES: Hello Dolores Herbigg, how may I help you (her face drops)
GEORGE: (misses the elevator) Wait
(courier guy walks up to get the elevator too) How you doing pretty lady
GEORGE: Fuck off
(Dolores comes scooting down the hallway very distressed)
DOLORES: Press the down button (presses the button frantically)
COURER: Hey you know that don't make it come faster
DOLORES: Fuck off
GEORGE: Dolores!
DOLORES: Murray's in shock. My neighbour says he came into the kitchen and
pissed over her floor then just collapsed. I have to get him to the hospital
COURIER: Pissing all over your neighbour's kitchen floor, I think your
GEORGE: Murray's a cat!! you ass-wipe. Dolores you are in no condition to
drive, let me drive
COURIER: Who are you calling an ass-wipe; ass-wipe (pushes her shoulder)
GEORGE: urgg, don't touch me (pushes back harder, Dolores gets something
from her bag)
COURIER: I'll touch you if I wanna touch you
(Dolores zaps him with her tazer and he falls to the ground. The elevator
door opens)
DOLORES: Come on (they both step over him. George sticks her head out to see
if anyone has seen them)
DOLORES: Maybe you should drive

Arun's studio
Hands on one of his students, showing her how to do it

ARUN: Now let's go into eagle. Raise your hands, above your head, and swing
them around together, right elbow over left. Twist, (starts to walk around
to se what the other students are doing) twist, twist, excellent job Rube
(the lady next to Rube starts checking him out)

Joy in the back garden, pruning some roses. Clancy is there

CLANCY: My mother is really pissed off
JOY: So let her be pissed off
CLANCY: It was her grand-daughter, Joy
JOY: You know what Clancy, I don't like her, she doesn't like me, If it was
any other day of the year, I still wouldn't want to see her
CLANCY: I'm sorry I brought it up
JOY: I sure as hell don't want to see her today
CLANCY: I'm sorry I brought it up
(Reggie comes outside and sees her parents disagreeing. Clancy's mobile
phone rings)
JOY: If you answer that phone I will absolutely shove it up you ass
(Clancy switches it off and puts it in his pocket. He sees Reggie. Joy turns
around as see her too)
REGGIE: Err, so what happens today?
CLANCY: What do you mean sweetie?
REGGIE: Well, what happens?
CLANCY: Well nothing much, the reverend will say a prayer
JOY: and I'm going to say something
CLANCY: Really?
JOY: You can say something if you want to
REGGIE: Okay (she goes back into the house)
CLANCY: So what are you going to say?
JOY: I'm going to say.... I can't deal with you today
(walks off back into the house. Clancy brings the phone back out of his
pocket and looks at it)

A mason is cleaning the stone with water and rinsing it down

Dolores, George and Murray hurry into to vet's surgery

DOLORES: I have an emergency
MARCIE: Sign in please
DOLORES: Murray normally sees Dr. Wilson
MARCIE: Dr. Wilson is not in. Dr Levy is here
DOLORES: I don't know him; can he see us right away?
MARCIE: Hold on, I'm new
(picks up the phone)Hi It's Marcie. There's a lady here to see you right
away (Pause) Marcie (another pause) Marcie, I'm new. Marcie
GEORGE: This is a cat emergency
(puts the phone down) I'll be right back
GEORGE: Come on, it probably won't be long (goes to sit down)
DOLORES: Meow meow, Meow meow mister. Excuse me I...
Man: Certainly
GEORGE: How's Murray doing?
DOLORES: Not very good
(young skater boy looks over)
BOY: What did you say your cat's name was?
(George looks over to him and sees he has a post it in the comic he is
GEORGE: Don't tell him Dolores
DOLORES: Murray, you hang in there you beautiful boy. You beat the jacuzzi,
you beat the ice cream truck, you've got seven lives left, you can beat this
GEORGE: (to boy) What you reading?
DOLORES: Millie I appreciate the ride but I think Murray and I will be fine
umm okay (to boy) Hey you waiting for a pet in here?
DOLORES: On the other hand if you leave now I don't know who we'll get home,
I don't want to leave Murray overnight
GEORGE: I can stay (pats her knee to show she appreciates it)
(To boy) So what's your pet's name? Is it a dog? Snake? ferret?
BOY: What's your problem?
GEORGE: Where's your pet carrier? Why aren't you sad?
BOY: Well maybe I am, or maybe my mom is boning the dude from animal control
GEORGE: You're full of shit, you little punk
DOLORES: Millie! he's a child
GEORGE: I'm going to the bathroom Dolores. Don't let him touch Murray
GEORGE: Just don't

GEORGE (VO)Maybe I was wrong, maybe life was flipping me off again. Maybe
this wasn't my day at all

A Mason shaping the headstone

At Arun's studio
The class is ending

ARUN: Okay (gets up)
GIRL: (touching him as he passes) Arun?
ARUN: Yeah
GIRL: Could you demonstrate the plough pose for me? I feel that my form
isn't very good
RUBE: That's good
ARUN: I'd be happy to Sandy
RUBE: Thanks for the class
(Arun puts out his hand for Rube to shake his hand. Rube takes his hand and
takes his essence)
ARUN: You want your calves parallel like train tracks.
(bends so his legs are over his head) When I was training my yoga teacher
used to get on my ass to stand there
(Sandy laughs) He'd be surfing away
(A graveling appears on the ceiling and jumps down onto Arun's legs, which
breaks his back and you hear it crack, the graveling jumps off)
SANDY: It's beautiful. Thanks (she walks away and Arun comes out of his
ARUN: What just happened?
(Rube beckons him over) You're dead
ARUN: You're kidding me.
ARUN: (looks over to himself) I have an old neck injury, I'm not supposed to
do the plough pose but Sandy is so hot
RUBE: you broke your neck
RUBE: Where's my pants?
ARUN: (sounding a bit pissed off) So I'm dead and nobody gives a shit
RUBE: No they don't know yet. I thought I might put them in the second cubby
ARUN: No-one sees me just you
RUBE: Yeah. These aren't mine
(Sandy walks back over to Arun's body)
SANDY: Thanks for class Arun. Would you like to get some tea? Arun.
(panic in her voice)Arun?
ARUN: (fast track to Arun and Rube) She wants to sleep with me
RUBE: Yeah, that's gotta hurt
(Arun looks gutted)

Zulu record store. music blaring. Camera walks in with girl, pans to the
counter where Goth girl is serving, she sees a boy stealing

GOTH GIRL: (jumps over the counter) Hey shithead
(grabs him, lifts his tee-shirt up where a CD is stuffed down his pants)
GOTH GIRL: Hootie and the blowfish? Take it and get the fuck out of here
(shoves him out the door. Camera goes to Mason flicking through the records
and Daisy laughing at the situation with Goth Girl)

DAISY: Alright This place is all about the initial salvo, opening line; it
has to be clever, but at the same time suggest inner beauty. Do you think
you can do that?
MASON: Yes. What is the line that has worked on you?
DAISY: (clears her throat, flings her arm over Mason's shoulder) I'm Gary
MASON: That's not going to work for me Daisy
DAISY: Yeah. Just be yourself
DAISY: Only smarter, richer, more successful, clean shaven and I'm guessing
a bigger cock
MASON: Right
DAISY: You're English, use that to your advantage. be James Bond, give them
the sexual innuendo
MASON: Okay (Breaths out and goes to get his first conquest)
(Daisy looks despondent then sees Mason and does "go team")
MASON: (giving his James Bond look)Hi
(cuts to oriental girl looking back at him)
MASON: Do you believe in love at first sight?
(cuts to girl with large Mohican with dark roots)
MASON: Or should I walk by again (gives her a big goofy smile)
MASON: Do either of you work for UPS because I couldn't help but notice you
checking out my package
(friends look at each other)
MASON: Nice legs. What time are they open? (he gets slapped)
MASON: (despondent) Hi there (slapped)
MASON: (more despondent) Hi there (slapped)
MASON: Hi th....(slapped)
MASON: H( with mouth open) i there (slap)
(holds his cheek. Daisy comes up to him)
MASON: I'm not James Bond
(slaps him)
MASON: What was that for?
DAISY: It just looked like so much fun
MASON: Was it?
DAISY: Yeah (big grin on her face)
MASON: I gotta run, just try being yourself

Reggie in George's old room looking for something that she will remember her
sister by. Joy comes into the room in her dressing gown

JOY: What you looking for sweetie?
REGGIE: I don't know
JOY: Okay
REGGIE: I want to bring something to her grave
JOY: Like what?
REGGIE: I said I don't know
JOY: You want help?
(Joy starts to head back out of the room, then turns back)
JOY: Something of hers or something of yours
REGGIE: Mom(sighs) Go away Joy leaves the room)

In the vets office with Dolores stroking Murray, George and Dr. Levy
entering the room

DR. LEVY: Murray Herbigg?
DOLORES: We usually see Dr. Wilson
DR.LEVY: Well Dr. Wilson is at the Zoo, he had to deliver a baby orang-utan.
It's a breech birth so a high degree of difficulty
DOLORES: Murray hasn't been eating
DR.LEVY: Oh. Let's have a listen (gets the stethoscope out) Ok. Hum.. The
heart rate is depressed, the kidneys are a bit big. Any vomiting, any
unusual urination? coughing up hair balls?
DR. LEVY: How about the cat?
DR. LEVY: (laughs at his own joke)Standard vet joke. I'm old school
GEORGE: Herherher, That's not funny. look at her, its panic
DR.LEVY: sorry. Well my guess is that he is suffering some sort of renal
DOLORES: Oh my god
DR. LEVY: Something or someone really frightened him
DOLORES: Well he's not really very fond of being in the cat carrier
DR.LEVY: (big sigh) Ms Herbigg, have you ever heard someone say that mankind
is the only species who possesses the knowledge that he's going to die
DR.LEVY: Well Murray's very old and he's sick
DOLORES: You think cats know too
DR.LEVY: But I'm going to treat him too, I'm going to do everything that I
(Dr. Levy takes Murray off the table and out of the room)
GEORGE: (pats her on the shoulder)Its okay
GEORGE: (Dolores starts breathing very quickly) Takes deep breaths

GEORGE (VO)It seemed as if this day, my day, was a bit of a mixed bag. I
shouldn't have been surprised, it's not as if I was particularly lucky girl

Paramedics take Arun's body away on a stretcher. His spirit is sitting down
in lotus position talking to Rube who is lying down

ARUN: Fifteen years of yoga, and this is it. Under a sheet I'm toe up in my
RUBE: Sorry

(Sandy is over the body)
RUBE: The good looking one really cared about you
ARUNE: Doesn't help my dead ass now, so what's next?
RUBE: Off to your final destination
ARUN: Where's that?
RUBE: No idea
ARUN: (waves his finger at him) You have some idea (laughs) Man you know a
lot of shit and you like to play it close to the vest. I would hate to play
poker with you
RUBE: (nods)
ARUN: Don't nod motherfucker, I'm dead, show me some cards
RUBE: Let me ask you something, yoga is supposed to be connected with the
divine, right?
ARUN: In yoga. Drama of the universe gets acted out in our physical body,
pure energy marries pure consciousness, trust me. Only way to fly
RUBE: Because of the opportunity for spiritual growth
ARUN: Yeah there was that too, see I let the serene beautiful life and I am
not embarrassed to tell you the women are phenomenal. That one there,
(camera goes to the brunette woman that was checking out Rube earlier) she's
got a little crush on you
RUBE: I try to live on the periphery, I try not to get involved with the
ARUN: (laughs) Okay Man. You stay on the periphery. It sounds like fun
(takes him away)
SANDY: He was so pure. I really wanted him inside of me
ARUN: I can't take this I gotta go

Mason back at the music store with a post it in his hand saying breaths

MASON: Hey little boy, I was wondering if you could tell your
(the boy slaps him)
MASON: (under his breath) Little motherfucker
(drops the post it and Goth girl snatches it from him)
GOTH GIRL: You dropped this
GOTH GIRL: What's E.T.D?
MASON: Estimated time of death, can you give..........
GOTH GIRL: What is this. Who's estimated time of death?
(walking around each other, Mason tries to take the post it back off her)
GOTH GIRL: Who are you?
MASON: I'm Mason, can I have it back please (comes in close to her)
GOTH GIRL: What are you some kind of grim reaper?
(in the back store cupboard mason and Goth girl are going hammer and tong)
GOTH GIRL: Yes, say it
(out of breath)
GOTH GIRL: Tell me what you are
GOTH GIRL: (shouting at him)Come on tell me what you are!
MASON: Im a I'm a I'm a I'm a reaper?
GOTH GIRL: Say it again. (shouts again) Come on say it again
MASON: (in a high voice) I'm a reaper?
MASON: I'm a reaper HAHAHA
MASON: Im a reaper (people in the store turn to see what is making the noise
from the cupboard)
(Goth Girl comes out of the room, the light is swinging from the disturbance
that they made. Straightens out her hair and gets back to her job. Mason
comes out belt undone, out of breath with his jacket half on and half off.
Goth Girl comes back to him and slaps his face)

Rube's place. Arun and Rube doing yoga

ARUN: Yoga was very good for me, the way my body felt, my mind was at peace
and I loved some wonderful women - housewives, shop girls, lawyers, social
workers, black white, Asian I was like a kid at a parade
RUBE: Yup I've seen that parade(goes into a cobra position)
ARUN: You are not one of those monk hats?
ARUN: Vow of celibacy........poverty, that some wrong headed shit going
RUBE: Yeah I think it would be wrong for you
ARUN: Touching, stretching laughing........that's all I did my whole life.
You should have talked to the pretty woman in my class, she liked you
RUBE: (shakes his head)No
ARUN: You think too much
RUBE: I don't think enough
ARUN: You are a wise man (starts wagging his finger) and a wise man knows
how to live
RUBE: A wise man knows how little he knows
(Rube opens his front door for Arun to come through)
ARUN: I see a lifetime of love and affection
RUBE: Then you are a lucky man
ARUN: Try this one
(the stork position)
ARUN: Very nice, don't forget to breath. (his lights come for him) Namastay
(Padma, the goddess of fertility is waiting for him)
ARUN: I hope we meet again
RUBE: I hope so too
(the lotus flower closes up)

Head stone is being transported on a conveyer belt

Reggie is looking at George's Junior High, American History book

In the vet's office

DOLORES: you know how you take something for granted, that's how I was with
Murray, he was just in the background
GEORGE: No, this isn't true
DOLORES: It's like that Joni Mitchell song
(George looks over to Charlie who flicks his comic book page over which
shows the post it, George tries to get a better look)
GEORGE: I think you need to concentrate on......
GEORGE (VO) Wha..what! What could I possibly say

GEORGE: .....on the fact

GEORGE (VO) Could I tell Dolores I died earlier this year and I am waiting
for the tiniest bit of perspective
GEORGE: That the universe will take care of things

DOLORES: You really believe that?
GEORGE: Yes I do
DOLORES: I don't know
GEORGE: I think you are going to have to trust that everything's going to be
okay, that the universe is going to take care of you, of Murray
(starts crying, resting on George's shoulder)
GEORGE (VO) As I held Dolores's hand I realised the words I wasn't sure of,
or believed, that comfort was enough, maybe it was enough to tell Delores
things were going to be okay because even if they weren't they would be some

(Marci walks across camera with a rabbit in her arms)

MARCI: Mr Zettsman?
(man gets up with his box)
MARCI: The vet said he couldn't find anything wrong with your rabbit
(She puts him back in the box. Boy looks at his watch and starts to pack
away his things)
MAN: Eddie has been acting so listlessly. Is he sure?
GEORGE: You got to go?
BOY: Yup, my mom's picking me up
GEORGE: Yeah my Mom too
BOY: (To Dolores)Your cat's going to be okay
(boy nods and walks over to the man)
BOY: What's its name?
MAN: Eddie, Eddie Rabbit
BOY: Can I pet him?
MAN: Sure. Eddie likes kids, (talking to the rabbit) isn't it sweetheart
BOY: (boy takes the rabbits essence) Cool(Walks off)
MARCIE: Ms. Herbigg? Dr. Levy says your cat is feeling much better
(muffles her obvious joy and relief)
MARCIE: you can see him if you want
DOLORES: Oh god, what a day. Ooh
GEORGE (VO)My day (sees boy going out of the door)
GEORGE: Do you want me to wait here? I can
DOLORES: No I'm fine
GEORGE: I mean I can stay if you want.
(Dolores shakes her head)
DOLORES: Oh Milly, I'll see you on Monday morning at Happy Time, Okay?
(George nods appreciativlely, so does Dolores)

Kid on skateboard
(catches up to Kid) GEORGE: Hey, Hey!
BOY: What!
GEORGE: So err what's your name?
CHARLIE: Charlie and your name is not Millie
GEORGE: No it's not Millie
CHARLIE: So how did you die, not Millie?
GEORGE: I got hit by a toilet seat that fell from a space station
CHARLIE: Toilet seat girl, cool
GEORGE: So what happened to you?
CHARLIE: Got hit by a car, some drunk girl
GEORGE: So where do you live?
CHARLIE: Here, there, I gotta go
(gives him the twenty dollars)
CHARLIE: What's that for?
GEORGE: I don't know, just having a day. Just take it
CHARLIE: Awesome (walks, then turns back) So what's your real name?
GEORGE: George
CHARLIE: See ya around, George

Cleaning the etched stone that says Geor

Reggie in the bathroom

REGGIE: Where are you today?
(JD Whines)
(Reggie has an ouiji board in front of her)

Change scene
Clancy on the mobile phone

CLANCY: No No. Um she seems okay. No no I don't know anything. Listen I'll
call you later

Change scene
Joy putting on red lipstick, then changes her mind

GEORGE (VO) The day I dropped out of college, I remember lying on my bed,

Scene change with a limousine pulling up to the cemetery

GEORGE (VO) my mother came into my room and she'd been crying, she stared at
me for a long time and then she said "You only have one shot at life
Georgia, this is no dress rehearsal" and I said "You know what Mom, maybe I
don't want to be in the play" a month later I was killed. I wonder sometimes
if someone was listening

(zooms in to George's gravestone. Georgia.L.Lass, 1985-2003, Rest In Peace.
JD, Joy, Reggie Clancy and the reverend standing over George's head stone)

CLERGYMAN: ...And I commit the soul to thee. Amen
(hands Clancy the book)
CLANCY: Thank you very much(Clancy pats the reverend on the back and walk
off with him)
JOY: Do you want to go first?
REGGIE: Shouldn't we wait for Dad?
JOY: Do you want me to wait (JD walks off)
REGGIE: Not really
(walks up to the grave)
JOY: Georgia? I'm sorry I wasn't sweeter(Reggie looks at her mum) I'm sorry
I ever criticised your appearance because you were a beautiful girl
REGGIE: What about the time you forgot to pick her up from the airport?
JOY: That was your father's fault
REGIE: If you say so (looks over to her father, who is talking to the
JOY: Can I please just do this how I wanna do it (sighs) I'm sorry, I'm
sorry I didn't show you as much affection as I felt for you, because I did
love you and I miss you
REGGIE: Nice mom
JOY: Thanks honey. You want to say something?
REGGIE: Yeah but can you go away
JOY: Seriously?
(nods. Joy moves away and Reggie gets a picture out of her pocket)
REGGIE: Mom!(beckons her back)
JOY: Thank you
REGGIE: I miss you too, probably more than mom does.
(Puts the photo down on the grave) This is us fishing at the lake last
summer and if someone swipes it, I have the negative. (looks at her mother)
We could come back (looks back to her mom)
JOY: Okay?
(walks away and puts her arm around Joy)
JOY: Maybe tomorrow

still at the cemetery

(someone picks it up)
GEORGE: It's me with my little sister. Her handwriting is exactly like mine.
Can I swipe this?
RUBE: It's your grave(Daisy puts some flowers down)
GEORGE: Thank you Daisy
DAISY: I keep forgetting how young you were when you were killed
GEORGE: (to Rube)Is this a nice headstone, I mean is it pretty?
RUBE: It's a good one. Top draw
GEORGE: Where's Mason?
(Mason comes over after having a pee)
RUBE: (looks round for him) Here he is
GEORGE: Hey Mason
MASON: (Picks up a bunch of flowers) I took that guy's soul last year
(Rube opens his bag and brings out a bottle of champagne and glasses)
Right cocksucker, glad he's dead, there you go (gives her the flowers)
GEORGE: You can put them there (Toad is on the grave stone)
GEORGE: Rube, thank you (gives her the champagne)Everyone, champagne's cold,
shall we drink it now?
RUBE: Here's the flutes, try not to snap them in half, they belong to my
aunt Lillian
MASON: Well it is a good day to be a reaper( pops the cork and laughs. Rube
MASON: Okay, here's to George. Dead like us. Cheers
DAISY: To Georgia
MASON: To you
ROXY: To you
Okay, that's really good. I have a confession to make
RUBE: Graveside no less
GEORGE: I have never had champagne before
DAISY: Wow, I've had too much
RUBE: What does it taste like to you
GEORGE: Like I wish I'd never died. (looks around)It's pretty where I am,
isn't it?
(everyone else looks round)
DAISY: Very pretty
RUBE: They usually put cemeteries on the edge of town, out of the way, next
to railroad tracks, highways. I like them in the middle of town, everybody
can see us
DAISY: I love cemeteries, the quiet stories and headstones
ROXY: I hate them
ROXY: 'Cos they live here
GEORGE: They who?
ROXY: Gravelings, fool
RUBE: They're over there
(three gravelings messing about, knocking over a statuette)
RUBE: (shouts)Get outta here.
RUBE: A little more bubbly everyone?(pours more) Georgia, I'm sorry for your
loss, for things you won't do, people you won't know and who won't know you
but there's this, this life and you are loved, Drink up
MASON: Cheers
(under her breath)This is no dress rehearsal
RUBE: What's that?
(shakes her head)

GEORGE (VO) some drunken writer once said that there are no great second
acts in life, I'm not so sure that he knew what he was talking about, or
maybe he just never knew me (finishes off the glass)
RUBE: So we'll just let George kill the bottle?
GEORGE: I think we should
(Rube pours again)
GEORGE: So any post its tonight?

(VO) That night a man was killed by a speeding car and I was there to take
his soul. The street on which he died turned into a flowing river of light
and he hesitated at its banks. I told him to take a deep breath as it is the
last one you will ever take because sometimes in life or in death I guess,
you just never know

Kikavu ?

Au total, 24 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

14.03.2022 vers 18h

19.08.2018 vers 23h

10.02.2018 vers 22h

22.01.2018 vers 14h

06.06.2017 vers 14h

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !