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#112 : Oiseaux de nuit

Chaque faucheur est convoqué pour une auto-évaluation destinée à vérifier ses aptitudes et compétences Enfin, tous sont convoqués à l'exception de George. Celle-ci découvre que la prochaine victime de Ruben est supposée mourir à l'endroit même où elle résidait avant sa propre mort. George est donc particulièrement inquiète quant au sort tragique qui pourrait être réservé à l'un des membres de son ex-famille.

Moments forts
Quelques flashs-back des derniers mois concernant tous les protagonistes.


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Titre VO

Titre VF
Oiseaux de nuit

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Stephen Godchaux, Bridget Carpenter
Réalisateur : James Whitmore, Jr.

Durée : 43 min

épisode avec beaucoup de rétrospective sur nos faucheurs préférés....

(Pensées de George) Un écrivain a un jour comparé la mort à un grand sommeil.... grand sommeil mon oeil!!!!!George n’arrive pas à dormir.... elle se dit que de faucher des âmes à peut être des répercussions sur ses nuits, la mort laisse un parfum dans l’air bien après que la personne ne soit décédée...

George se met devant la télé pour se changer les idées, mais un zèbre se fait sauvagement attaqué par une lionne... s’en est trop pour George elle va se balader.

(wafle haus) Reuben arrive avec une sacoche, Mason, Roxy et Daisy (ensommeillés) comprennent ce qu’ils les attend... une auto-évaluation. Mason quelque peu défoncé est prévenu par Reuben qu’il doit faire des efforts sur l’écriture... les boss se sont plaint l’an dernier!!! Daisy essaye d’échapper à cette évaluation...mais Reuben est intraitable! Ils doivent la faire! 

George passe devant son ancienne maison ,jette un caillou et file vite avec son vélo quand les lumière s’allument! 

(wafle haus) Daisy, Mason et Roxy se mettent au travail, le questionnaire ne les emballe pas. Ils parlent de leur quota d’âmes prise le mois passé quand George arrive. Celle ci se demande pourquoi elle n’a pas de questionnaire à remplir. Reuben disperse Mason, Roxy et Daisy pour qu’ils arrêtent de bavarder et il appelle George.

Elle lui parle du test, il lui répond qu’il va se mettre à la peinture... finalement il lui dit qu’elle fera l’auto évaluation quand ce sera le moment, George tente de lui prouver qu’elle se donne à fond dans son boulot, la preuve grâce à Dolores... qui est pleinement satisfaite du travail de George!!!!Mais ça ne marche pas et Reuben continue de parler peinture! Il montre à George un tableau de Monet, il aimerait peindre ses rêves... et il veut un muffin... (rétrospective sur Reuben et ce qu’il adore faire... manger!!!!) 

On passe à Roxy qui repense à tout les talents qu’elle a pour accomplir son travail de faucheur. Daisy en est à la question «qu’est ce qui pourrait convaincre les vivants que vous êtes une des leurs.. Elle ne manque pas d’exemples! Mason lui doit expliquer ses aptitudes à gérer quand il est sous pression... il en conclu qu’il reste calme...

George fini par parler peinture avec Reuben, ils tombent sur un tableau ou le personnage de la peinture les fait penser à Daisy. George l’observe de temps en temps, elle sait que celle ci cache une blessure secrète. Et sur le tableaux oiseaux de nuit ils se demandent à quoi pensent les personnages... à leur vie surement, quelqu’un???

Mason essaye de se faire aider par Tiffany, mais Reuben arrive!!! Premier et dernier avertissement pour Mason! Reuben revient ensuite à la peinture avec George, il pense que les gens du tableau pensent à quelque chose qu’ils ont perdu. George découvre ensuite que Reuben a un travail tôt... et le post it est à l’adresse de la famille Lass!!!! Reuben ne veut pas en dire plus à George ce qui l’énerve profondément... tout les regards sont bloqué sur elle, Reuben lui intime de se calmer et il lui commande une part de tarte au noix de pécan.

Au tour de Daisy de demander de l’aide à Tiffany, avec beaucoup plus de discrétion que Mason.

George ne décolère pas elle veut savoir pourquoi le post it! Reuben lui dit qu’elle a un problème avec les règles... ou plutôt c’est Reuben qui a un problème avec George (rétrospective de tout les moments de tension entre les 2), George vexée part, Reuben doit rappeler aux 3 autres qu’ils on un questionnaire à remplir!!! 

George va dans son ancienne allée, elle qui pensait n’avoir peur de rien... elle n’est plus très sure de ça... qui est concerné par le post it??

Après avoir aidé Daisy et Mason, Tiffany propose son aide à Roxy; celle ci décline l’offre. Reuben observe la situation. Quand Roxy traite Mason de tricheur, la réponse est intéressante!! Reuben quitte la maison de la gaufre... mais il va revenir... il conseille à Mason, Roxy et Daisy de ne pas tricher... les évaluations sont pour les boss..

George se souvient de quelques moment avec sa mère, de toutes les attentions de celle ci pour sa fille... et de la manière de répondre qu'elle avait.., enfin elle repense aux paroles de sa mère après sa mort sur le caractère de George...

A la maison de la gaufre, Roxy est dans ses pensées, Mason dans son monde (on aimerait vraiment être dans leur tête à ce moment là!) ... 

George attend dans son allée, elle tente de se persuader que la vie a repris son court normal, elle repense à sa petite soeur, ses parents qui ne s’entendent plus... elle se met à pleurer.

Daisy a les yeux rivés sur la peinture, George s’est endormie sur les marche de son allée. Reuben arrive avec 2 café et ils discutent, George se confie enfin, elle est insomniaque, elle n’arrive pas à faire le deuil de sa vie d’avant, (pour le lui faire comprendre, Reuben utilise une métaphore avec un tableau).

A la maison de la gaufre, Mason Roxy et Daisy en sont à la question «pourquoi êtes vous ici?» ... On ne saura pas leurs réponses... ni qui sont ceux qui vont les lire d'ailleurs...

George comprend que c’est le laitier qui  est concerné par le post it. George dépose le lait devant la porte de chez ses parents et file.

A la maison de la gaufre les questionnaires sont terminés, chacun va se coucher, ou peindre... 

Episode starts
George is restless in her bed

(VO) Some allegedly clever writer once wrote that death was the big sleep. Big sleep,
my ass. Seriously, what a crock that guy peddling. I was finding what happened to me
harder and harder and harder to handle at night, (Doing cats' cradle) Night time had
become the enemy (plonks down on bed) maybe taking souls for a living--taking souls from
the living--was finally taking it's toll on me (hears the clock ticking)

GEORGE: Fuck it (she gets out of bed)

(VO) I guess watching someone else die had it's way of staying with you
(feeding her frog) Death was a fragrance that lingered long after that person had left
the room

NARRATOR ON THE TV: Here we see a zebra grazing in the meadow...(George watching TV) and
other flora in the region

(VO) I would try and distract myself, I would try to think about something other than
death--anything (stampede on the TV)

NARRATOR: The lion lives off the zebra...(lion growling - George quickly grabs the
pillow to shield herself) As part of the circle of life(she gasps) the way of the jungle

The distractions were like me--short-lived

GEORGE: See ya later, dude

(VO)There was no real escape
(Closes door - The frog croaks)

Rube walking into Der Waffle Haus with a large bag

MASON: It's1 o'clock in the fucking morning, what the fucking hell is so fucking
important, for fuck's sake?
(Rube walks over to the table where Daisy is sitting)
RUBE: (laughs)Why don't you see if you can use that word one more time?
ROXY: I was out like a light when you called me (in her curlers)
RUBE: No, you weren't, I heard your microwave ding in the background, what were you
heating up in there, sweetheart?
ROXY: I like popcorn. I like to watch old black and white movies and eat popcorn
DAISY: I was in some of those movies
ROXY: Like which ones?
DAISY: Ohh...too many to recount
ROXY: (scoffs)
DAISY: What a background, like so many of us... but memorable. I was beautiful
ROXY: I'm sure you were brilliant
DAISY: (shouts over to Kiffany) Can I get some coffee please?
(Sharpening a pencil)
RUBE:  Kiffany make a fresh pot we're here a while
ROXY: (exasperated) Oh, please tell me those are not what I think they are
RUBE: It is, they are
(Roxy and Mason groan)
RUBE: Time for you self-evaluations
ROXY: Again?!
(Rube hands out the forms)
DAISY: I don't believe this
MASON: Please, please. It's 1:00 in the morning; I really do have a life. Uhh!
RUBE: 1:00's about the right time were not so well defended at night. Okay look, as
always, multiple choice--short answer in the test books, essays in the blue blocks,
Mason...please write legibly, there were complaints last year
MASON: Well that's ridiculous I always had really high marks for penmanship
RUBE: Seriously, I saw the thing, you write like you speak, I could barely understand a
MASON: Oh, you know what? In all honesty I was, like on something when I filled out my
form last year
(Roxy shakes her head)
RUBE: Are you on something tonight?
ROXY: For real?
MASON: Well a little bit
DAISY: Rube I think there's been a mistake. I completed one of these in New York just
before I left, So I really don't need to be here (gets up to leave)
RUBE: Do you know the difference between a New York-style hot dog and a chicago-style
hot dog?
DAISY: I don't eat hotdogs
RUBE: New York comes on a plain bun, mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut, sort of a
tomato-based onion relish. In Chicago, It's a great fucking town. Comes on a
poppy seed bun, mustard, emerald relish, tomatoes, pickles, onions (Roxy looks bored)
celery salt and you got chilli peppers. It is a very different experience
DAISY: I-I wouldn't eat either of those
RUBE: Death Daisy...it has a different quality in New York, as it does in Chicago.
New Orleans. Destin, Florida. Lusk, Wyoming...(Mason yawns) Everywhere, death is--it's
just a little different than it is here, whoever is going to read this, they're going
to wanna know if you're right for death in this town. If you do not as I say, wanna be
here, then I'll find some other place for you (starts picking up the paper in front of
her (she grabs it back) okay, you have an hour for section one (he gets his stopwatch
out) or as much time as you need, I'm gonna be here. You guys are over here (Daisy tuts)
Let's go, lets go. Take everything with you here take this (gives a whole heap of
pencils to Roxy)
ROXY: This is some freeze-dried bullshit
RUBE: The clock's running, okay?
DAISY: Waste of my time
MASON: I need more drugs

George pushing her bike along the road, past the Lass house

GEORGE: Bet they're all asleep
(Clatters and the bell rings on the bike, she throws something at the window, it thumps
and it makes a dog ark in the background. The lights go on in the front bedroom, she
ducks for cover)

Mason, Daisy and Roxy are sitting at the table with pens in their hands and looking down
at their papers

MASON: So the essay questions are the same as last year, so...
ROXY: Sweet
(Looks shiftily around)
DAISY: This one's different. "If your life were a colour what would it be?" (Sharpens
her pencil)
MASON: Black
ROXY: Black
DAISY: Black! No pink
(Rube looks up over his paper)
RUBE: You folks better simmer down and start thinking. Writing
(George pulls up on her bike, no-one sees her)
ROXY: Shit there are three questions
MASON: No tell me there are not three, please
ROXY: and the short answers are in two parts. (to Daisy) Sharpen another pencil I'm
breaking one in your little pink ass. (she stops. Kiffany comes over)
KIFFANY: Okay, triple espresso (passes to Mason) Peanut butter protein shake (passes to
Roxy) and tomato juice with lemon and ginseng
(speed camera Kiffany to see George walking in)

GEORGE: Wow, you guys are up, too huh?
GEORGE: What are you doing?
DAISY: Georgia, go away
GEORGE: What, did you all together and vote me off this island?
MASON: I'd get the fuck out of here while I still can if I were you. Now Daisy, give me
back my pencil back now, thanks. (to George) Get off.
DAISY: How many souls did you take last month?
ROXY: Alot, like...like over 40
DAISY: Whew! You must be exhausted
ROXY: To the bone baby. The next post-it that man gives me, I'm shoving it up his butt,
I don't mean no disrespect but I am t-i-r-e-d
(Rube shouts over)
RUBE: There's no hobnobbing, it's not a debutante party. Separate booths, okay? Let's
go. Georgia, come here please (George looks puzzled) Georgia?
(then Mason and Daisy move)
(Rube is there with a large book in front of him)
RUBE: Have a seat. Why are you here?
GEORGE: I couldn't sleep. How come everyone's taking a test and I'm not?
RUBE: I think I'm going to take up painting
(looking at the book)
GEORGE: What are they doing?
RUBE: Self-evaluations. I'd do watercolour to start, maybe acrylic. Why you here?
GEORGE: I could not fall asleep, why am I not doing what they're doing?
RUBE: Because you are doing what you're doing, when it's time for you to do something
else you'll do that. I wanna learn how to paint. I'm looking for a mentor, as you can
imagine all the good ones are dead (turns the book around for George to see)
You don't think that I could so a self-evaluation? (waves her finger at him) I am a
very impressive young worker, ask anyone at Happy Time, ask Delores she [i]really[/i]
loves me

(flash to "My Room")
DELORES: You're very well liked here
DELORES: Absolutely!

(flash to "The pilot")
DELORES: How do you feel about filing?

DELORES: I like the way you show initiative, Millie, I like it alot, I'd better watch my
back pretty soon you'll have my job

(flashes to "Business Unfinished")
DELORES: I envy you, collating is so zen

(flashes to )
DELORES: Isn't responsibility fun?

(flashes to
DELORES: I went through a rough patch when I was your age. It was the 80's and everyone
was doing so much cocaine

(flashes to - in the copy room)
DELORES: Hi! How's the little engine that could?

(flashes to)
DELORES: My heart just swells with pride!
(bear hugs George, she moans)

(cuts to Rube at Der Waffle Haus)
RUBE: This isn't Happy Time sweetheart and besides, you don't do one this time around
RUBE: because you don't
GEORGE: why?!
RUBE: you just don't
GEORGE: That's a question
(nods her head)
RUBE: You wanna split a carrot muffin?
(she shakes her head)
RUBE: No? Fine, I'll do it alone. Take Monet - impressionist
(turns the book for George to see) here's his painting of Rouen cathedral. Stunning,
but at the same time, it--it doesn't convey the atmospheric reality of the cathedral
(she sighs heavily) It's more like a dream of a cathedral (sees Mason peering over to
Daisy) eyes on your own work (he sits back down) So then I have to ask, do you want to
paint dreams? Do I Georgia?
GEORGE: I don't know, I don't care. Why--can't I take the test?
(shouts over to Kiffany) Can I get some coffee, please?
(holds the book up) I can paint dreams. I could really eat a muffin

(toast pops up.  Flashes to Rube ordering food from pilot)
RUBE: T-bone steak and eggs--T-bone medium rare, eggs over easy. I want toast instead of
hash browns and hot syrup for the pancakes and please don't skimp on the butter and a
side order of crisp bacon--extra extra extra crispy

(flash to)
RUBE: You know, I'll never understand the instinct to miniaturize food
GEORGE: Bite size
RUBE: That is not bite size, I can't put that into my mouth (picks it up) now my fingers
are sticky, can I have a napkin?
GEORGE: You ate three of them
RUBE: I didn't eat three of them

RUBE: As a non-dead person I have certain rights and privileges, for instance I have a physical body I can enjoy the sweet deliciousness of this key lime pie

(flash to "pilot")
RUBE: (mumbling) are you gonna eat you bacon?
(George shakes her head. He takes it off her plate)

(flash to "Business Unfinished")
(cream on the bundt cake with chocolate syrup and cream. Eating it and sharing it with
Roxy. They laugh As he tries to feed it to her
ROXY: Mm-mm-mm
RUBE: Come on, come on

(flash to "A Cook")
RUBE: I love eggs, I love 'em fried, scrambled, soft boiled, Florentine. These I didn't
love. So who do we blame, the hen or the cook? Let's blame the hen

RUBE: I'm concerned to don't know what a patty melt is "Patty melt" is not only implies
what it is it but also how it's prepared. The cheese is melted on the patty
PATTY MELT GUY: Yeah I like the cheese melted on the bread
RUBE: That'll be a bread roll or as is it's commonly known a grilled cheese

RUBE: Corn beef hash. I speak not only for myself but aficionados--a dish is to be fried
with a crisp exterior. I do not say this phrase lightly, in this hallowed place--This is
fucking inedible

RUBE: A dish is a collection of flavours, consistencies, you start wapping ingredients
in that carefully thought out mlange, it's like fucking with the Jenga tower of taste

(to Der waffle Haus where he's holding the book up)
RUBE: Kiff, can I get a, uh carrot muffin on the grill, extra butter?
(George raises her eyes to the ceiling)

cuts to undoing her curlers
ROXY: "What are the gifts you bring to your organization?"

(flash to)
ROXY: You know what your problem is? You wake up every morning wondering what the
world's gonna do for you, wondering whose going to bend over backwards, kiss your ass
and make  you happy, when you should just thank god for another day and leave it the
fuck at that

(flash to )
MASON: You can take the light one
(Roxy comes with her van and hits Mason and coins go flying everywhere)

(flashes to )
ROXY: Sir, I'm going to say this as politely as possible, I will fuck you up (shows
him her gun)

(flash to Pilot)
PIANO WOMAN: Do I need to be passing over or passing on or something?
ROXY: You ain't going nowhere until I fill my quota

(flash to )
Argument with Chuck  - he touches her nose and she takes his soul out of his body

ROXY: Let me tell you something, I'm trying to do my job. If you keep fucking with me,
there are other skills I can employ that will give your life a turn for the strange and
the painful

ROXY: These little brats egged my car and I was going to beat their ass but then this
bitch comes up to me--$25 ticket, so? pay the damn the ticket! It's been a fucked-up

She's dancing

(cuts back to Der Wafle haus)
ROXY: No-nonsense, comfortable with firearms, and I know kung fu

To Daisy
DAISY: "That in your previous experience would help you to convince the living that you
are one of them?"

(flashes to My room)
DAISY: (undoes her top) I'm a sucker for platinum (brakes screech to a halt)

(flashes to My room)
DAISY: I once had Dorothy's original bike from [i]The Wizard of Oz [/i] I knew someone
from the props department
MASON: Don't you mean you blew someone from the props department?
DAISY: Knew, blew - tomay-to, tomah-to

(flashes to My room)
DAISY: I once gave Errol Flynn a hand job in a convertible
GEORGE: That's a nice story

(flash to My room )
DAISY: The star of the movie became quite the item
MASON: Hang on, you and Clark Gable?
DAISY: Yeah, Uh-huh. I was under the craft services table and I was blowing this tall
handsome man and then someone leaned over and whispered in my ear "No, that's Clark

(flashes to )
DAISY: I did once blow Babe Ruth
RUBE: Who didn't?

(flashes to "My room")
MASON: So who were you blowing?
DAISY: I don't know, It's such a huge cast, someone from the confederacy, I think

MASON: Did -did you ever sleep with a dwarf? Did you blow a dwarf?
DAISY: Don't be stupid, they're cartoons

(Back to Der Waffle Haus)
DAISY: I..am...an... actress

(To Mason in the next booth)
MASON: "What kind of coping skills do you possess in pressure situations?"

(flash to )
Him knocking off a meter with a baseball bat

(flash to )
(he bangs himself into a door)

(flash to )
SECURITY GUARD: Pull your pants down and around your ankles and bend over. I'm going to have to ask you to lean into me
(the dog growls - he gulps)

ROXY: Are you high?
MASON: Ive got illegals in my bottom
ROXY: Why do you do this to yourself?
MASON: (crying) I don't know

(bashing the meter)

(flash to Dead girl walking )
BETTY: Do you consider yourself exceptionally reasonable or exceptionally kind?
exceptionally kind
MASON: Well I'm not particularly reasonable (picks up a big knife)
Two shots are fired and a man goes down
MASON: (another shot is fired) Ah!!

(flash to business unfinished)
GEORGE: Where are you going?
MASON: I'm getting the fuck out of here. I suggest you do the same thing(heads out of
the window - she opens the door and goes out)

(more smashing of the meter)
MASON: Poised under pressure. (goes to write but his pencil breaks) Daisy another writing instrument, please (she turns round looking puzzled) Pencil (throws it int his lap)

A woman with long red hair, looks around Rube sees her come in too.

GEORGE: You should paint like these guys--like impressionists
(crunches) You're eating my muffin, is it good?

(woman sits down my the man that is sitting in the corner)

GEORGE: Mm, it's really good
RUBE: As remarkable as they are, I don't want to paint them
(woman looking round agitated)
GEORGE: Why? Too much light?
(looks slightly shocked at her)
RUBE: I'd rather do something darker (she turns some pages over) Maybe a nightscape.
Hold on (comes to sit next to her) Now there we have something, huh?
GEORGE: Edward Hopper
RUBE: Look at you
GEORGE: I'm dead, not stupid (turns the page to see a picture of a woman who looks like
Daisy) She reminds me of Daisy (the door opens - Daisy is coming out of the bathroom)
RUBE: Daisy's not this contemplative
GEORGE: Youre wrong, I live with her, I watch her when she doesn't think anyone's
looking, she's sad about something
RUBE: hmm
GEORGE: I wonder what they are thinking about

Kiffany comes over to give Mason a drink

MASON: Oi, come here

Cuts to

GEORGE: Probably themselves
RUBE: I don't know, maybe someone else, something else
(Rube turns round) I'll be right back

MASON: "Which of the following best describes the ideal workplace?"

MASON: Wait!!"A" nurse in the emergency room, "B" - - lifeguard at the beach or "C" a
night watchman in an industrial park?
RUBE: Is there a problem?
MASON: No, no I was just thanking Kiffany for the beverage
KIFFANY: The lifeguard, you sit on your ass all day and just make sure everything's okay,
that'll be nice
(Rube gives him the evil eye)
MASON: What? What D What? Lifeguard? Kiffany darling, I've got a lot of work to do here
and in all honesty I cannot sit and discuss whatever axe you've got to grind with
lifeguards so.. (she walks off looking disgusted)
RUBE: Want a warning Mason? Consider yourself warned
MASON: She's pissed drunk, she's hammered

Looking at the painting Nighthawks
RUBE: Looks like they're thinking about something they lost. I don't know. (pause) Hopper's the guy
GEORGE: (looks over) Why are they taking the test thing at night? and why are you here?
RUBE: Why are you here?
GEORGE: I can't sleep
RUBE: I have a job this morning (sighs)I have to go( and puts his hands over his face)
GEORGE: Oh, want company?
GEORGE: I don't mind really, It's not as if I'm going anything (looks over to Mason)
MASON: Oi - what did you put for number 12?
GEORGE: Where is it-the job? (he gets up)
MASON: Oh, motherfuck, Jesus, fucking test

(George looks for the post-it in the book - she sees the address 3051 Beatrice Lane -
The Lass's address ETD 6:14, she can't see the name as it is folded over. Rube comes
behind her, takes the post-it and closes the book)

GEORGE: It's 3051 Beatrice Lane
RUBE: It's not your post-it
GEORGE: That's my old house, that's where my family is
RUBE: I'm aware
GEORGE: W-who is it?
RUBE: It's not your post-it. There are rules Georgia
GEORGE: What is going to happening my driveway? It's not your driveway any more
RUBE: It's not your driveway anymore
GEORGE: You know what I mean
RUBE: I do. It's not your driveway anyway
GEORGE: Well then I'm coming with you
RUBE: It's not going to happen
GEORGE: Someone dies at my house and you don't tell me about it? what the fuck is wrong with you? (Daisy, Roxy and Mason is looking at her)
KIFFANY: Everything alright?
RUBE: Everything's fine. A little sliver of pecan pie for my friend here? Warm it up. Thanks. Whoever's on this post-it you can't do anything about it, now you sit your ass down, now

(cuts to )
DAISY: Excuse me. What's the first thought that enters your head when you finish a job?
DAISY: What is the first thought that enters your head when you, uh when you finish a job?
KIFFANY: I hope they're happy
DAISY: Wow, That's lovely

(cuts to)
GEORGE: This is so supremely fucked up
RUBE: It's late, youre tired
GEORGE: What is this? Why are you doing this to me?
RUBE: I didn't decide someone's going to die in your driveway. It's not always about you , Georgia. Why don't you have a little piece of pie. Take a look of this book? Take a look at the paintings. The world is a very big place and you young lady are not the center of it
GEORGE: Fuck your book and fuck your world (slams the book closed)
RUBE: You have a problem with the rules, young ladywich means you have a problem with me. Hmph. Better yet...I have got a problem with you

(flashes to )
(Rube waiting for George)

(flashes to )
RUBE: Well you really fucked the dog peanut
GEORGE: I didn't make the appointment
RUBE: You had an appointment
GEORGE: correct me if I'm wrong, but-mission accomplished
Youre wrong, that was me correcting you

(flashes to ass blaster episode)

GEORGE: I forgot to tell you Uh, my last guy didn't show up, just thought you might want to know,( Mason and Roxy looks round to George) What's the soup today?
RUBE: Cream of bullshit

(flashes to )
GEORGE: You piss me off too
RUBE: Oh I piss you off?

(flashes of  master ass episode)
RUBE: Do me a favour, pretend a couple of days have gone by and you rethought this little lie, your sad cause you had an epiphany. Grow the fuck up

(flashes to guy in freezer where George didn't collect his soul )
RUBE: Life and death can be real simple you just have to do what I tell you

(flashes to Der Waffle Haus episode)
MASON: Stay on his good side, he's like a volcano, George he... erupts and spews lava and all the little villagers, they run around-they run around for their lives. But you know, he stops and you can go back to the safety of your own home
GEORGE: How long is he gonna stay mad?

(flashes to episode )
GEORGE: Do you like me anymore?
RUBE: Well not right at this minute, you're a constipator peanut, you disturb my shit and that's annoying

(flashes to Curious George)
GEORGE: Do you really care how's it going with me?
RUBE: Sure I make my face look like this and the concerned words come out

(flashes episode )
GEORGE: You're a real dickweed
RUBE: What you're felling right now-the rage and frustration all knotted together, binding everything from your head to your digestive tract-that's my life with you

(still sitting there - EPISODE)

(cut to the Waffle Haus)
GEORGE: You have a problem with me?
RUBE: Yes ma'am I do. And one thing you should know about me by now-I am a problem solver
GEORGE: How do I put this delicately?
RUBE: (looks over) Does this concern you? (Roxy sits back down, mason and Daisy look
away) Try and chose your words carefully
GEORGE: Blow me (storms off - he thinks then grabs the pie)

(riding on her bike to the Lass's house)

(VO) I wasn't scared of Rube, I wasn't much scared of anything, I was a reaper, I was
near death all the time (she sighs) but now, tonight, this morning it was in my front
yard (standing around, looks at her watch) Who was going to die in my driveway?

(back at Der Waffle Haus, Rube is still looking over his book, he sees the couple in the
corner talking, it looks like he is pouring his heart out to her)

Kiffany brings a drink for Roxy
KIFFANY: One Arnold palmer
ROXY: Thank you. (Kiffany stands there) Like I said, thank you
KIFFANY: Do you need anything else?
ROXY: Oh no, I'm cool. With my lemonade - iced tea mixture here
KIFFANY: I meant, do you need any help?
ROXY: What do you mean do I need help?
KIFFANY: Oh the others, the other two, both of them, they seemed to need help, with the
questions. I know things
ROXY: Um! no I'm cool by myself, but thank you (gives her a big smile, then gives a
shifty look to the others. whispers over)
ROXY: Mason! (pokes his head round) fucking cheater (blows his finger to show his
tallest finger)
(Rube sees all this)RUBE: I'm leaving
(Mason puts his finger away)
RUBE: I'll be back. Just try to be honest
ROXY: Okay
RUBE: Not for me you understand, I really don't care

Rube walks passed the window, he sees Mason just lolling, Daisy is contemplating, by
twiddling her hair,  Roxy staring out of the window and the couple in the corner, he
touches her face, Rube walks off.
George is standing outside The lass house, the backroom light goes on, she sees her
mother's shadow in the window taking a tablet.

(VO) Go back to bed mom

(flashes to her and her mom, learning to ride a bike)
JOY: You  have your balance, George?
YOUNG GEORGE: Mom, I can do this, hands off! I'm doing it, I'm doing it. And I'm never
coming back!

Young George sleeping, Joy comes and puts something under her pillow and in the morning
she looks under her pillow and opens the paper. It says You are loved
Young George: This sucks (screws up the paper and throw it in the bin. Joy takes it out
of the bin and un creases it

(pilot episode)
JOY: Georgia, you are not six years old (pulls the covers off her) Eighteen years of
coddling is enough for you, young lady. If you think you're going to spend the rest of
your life suckling on my retirement fund, you've got another thing coming. You will get
out of bed and you will go to work, you will collect a pay check and you will move out
of this house, understood?

(pilot episode)
GEORGE: How did your daughter die?
JOY: I don't think I want to have this conversation with you
GEORGE: Well what was she like?
JOY: Why do you care?
GEORGE: I just think it's cool she had the doll is all I mean, Franken fruity is the
JOY: She drove me crazy, if you wanna know the truth
JOY: She was stubborn. I think that was only because she was smart, probably too smart,
she figured a lot of things out way before her friends, that's for sure. We never really
got along. I don't think I was a very good mother

(outside the house again. Joy is walking up and down)

long shot of  Der Waffle Haus
close up of Roxy, looking out of the window

Mason with a plate full of burnt matches. He lights one and tries to see if he can burn
his tongue with it. Kiffany is standing with a pot of coffee looking amazed at him

KIFFANY: I actually think it's nicer for the people at the beach
MASON: What?
KIFFANY: That lifeguard thing? I think it's nice to be at the beach with your children
and to see you sitting up there in your red trunks like- "What the hell? If he's here I'm
going in that water." (strikes a match)
MASON: yeah (lets it burn)
KIFFANY: More coffee?
(Nods slightly - she pours the coffee)

(TV is playing in the background and George is sitting on the porch step looking in but not being noticed. Joy turns off the television)

GEORGE: Back to normal. Let's just pretend - everything is back to normal

(flashes to episode )
JOY: So lets just pretend we have a normal child

(flash to )
Reggie picking up a dead bird and children around her saying "eeww" and "gross"

JOY: And she's lost, she lives in her head, god knows what's going on in there, she

(episode My Room)
JOY: Every time I talk to you, I feel like we're these little rates in a cage and
we keep touching that goddamn bar and we keep getting shocked

(Reggie in the bathroom with a Oiuja board episode )
Joy: Reggie - open the door
REGGIE: Go away! I have diarrhea

(Toilet without any toilet seat. episode)
JOY: How do you know it was her?
(takes a toilet seat from Reggie's backpack)

Episode where joy finds out about the toilet tree

(flash to "Sunday mornings")
GEORGE: Do you miss your daughter?
CLANCY: When she was younger, we'd been very close, I thought it was this bond that
could never be broken, but it was, almost effortlessly, I didn't know that was all the
time we'd have

(episode. Joy is in the bath sipping wine)
CLANCY: Don't you think we ought to talk to her, see where she's going before we start -
JOY: "We"? as in you who is never here and me whose lap all this crap gets dumped on?

(Joy and Clancy in the car looking for JD)
JOY: This is a lost cause
CLANCY: Well maybe we should split up
JOY: Oh that's just great. (gritting her teeth)That's great. You go, but you better find yourself one hell of a lawyer
CLANCY: Split up to find the dog
JOY: Oh (looks at him, he looks away) That's a good idea

(VO) The last time I sat on this porch, I was an eighteen year old girl, it was a pretty
summer morning, I was wearing overalls (she is crying)

At Der Waffle Haus
Daisy is looking at the painting book. She is looking at the picture of the woman who is
standing by the stairs - her face is sad

(back at the Lass's, George is lying down on the steps, trying to get comfortable.
Footsteps are coming closer)
RUBE: Something to keep you warm? (he brings coffee)
GEORGE: Thanks
RUBE: Why are you here?
GEORGE: To find out if someone in my family is on your post-it, that's why, asshole
RUBE: If you knew who was on the post-it could you stop it?
GEORGE: (she shrugs) Maybe
RUBE: No-one you know is going to die tonight
GEORGE: Why are you doing this to me?
RUBE: If you knew who was on the post-it, could you stop it?
GEORGE: (realisation) No
RUBE: No, you can't
GEORGE: (she sighs) I can't sleep I - Why can't I sleep?
RUBE: If you stand to close to a painting - all you see are patches of colour, if you
stand too far back, you can't see any of the detail. Right now this is your particular
perspective and if you ask me - (she sniffs and he looks over to her)
GEORGE: I'm a little too close
GEORGE: I don't know why I'm here, I guess to see if everyone's okay, I don't know, I
really don't know, I'm just so tired
RUBE: Are they okay?
GEORGE: I don't know, I really can't see
GEORGE: Drink your coffee, peanut before it gets cold
(they both get up and leave the steps)

At Der Waffle Haus. The woman with the red hair is standing crossed arms in front of the
man she had been sitting with, he is talking to her

ROXY: "Why are you here?"
MASON: (the pencil hanging from his mouth) "Why the fuck am I here?"
DAISY: "Why are you here?"

Lass's house. The milk truck pulls up. Rube and George are waiting round the corner

GEORGE: It's the milkman
RUBE: Yeah, it looks that way
GEORGE: What did he ever do to anyone?
RUBE: I don't know, but somebody is sure going to fuck with the milkman
(the milkman  gets the milk out and closes he door)

RUBE: Morning
MILKMAN: Morning, you're up early
RUBE: Nice time of day - night (laughs) I don't know what it is
MILKMAN: Quiet time
RUBE: Yeah
MILKMAN: Makes you feel a little apart from things, you know? Like you're in the world but not of it
RUBE: Hmm (he nods his head) Well said. You got a nice route here, huh?
MILKMAN: Yeah, sure, it's nice for families, It's a great route- nice vallies and  getting to watch the sunrise all by yourself-well, that's it's own reward, It's real pretty even when it's still dark out, you know?
RUBE: Yeah, it sure is
(Pats him on the shoulder taking his soul and walks away A paperboy is on his bike he throws a paper, it hits the milkman in the back, he stops)

PAPERBOY: Sorry about that
That's okay (he bends down to pick it up, by resting on the truck. George sees a graveling in the driver's seat, it takes the breaks off which makes it roll back)

MILKMAN: Wait ohh!

(There is a cracking noise)
Hmm. I think youre going to like the new route

(VO) He wasn't anyone I knew and it was still hard

(Shouting to George) RUBE: Everybody okay in there? (She nods) see you later
RUBE: So uh, you a 2% guy, Mr Kolas?
MILKMAN: No, no two percent is for sissies, whole milk all the way
(George puts the milk on the steps) Yeah, how's your cholesterol?
(shouts) Hey Rube!Wait up

Waffle Haus
Daisy is straightening her sheets of paper. Rube and George come in and sit down by the coffee bar Mason is already sitting there, Daisy comes over to join them, she puts them on the top. Roxy is following)

DAISY: Goodnight guys
RUBE: Goodnight
ROXY: Thanks for a wonderful evening

RUBE: I think I'm going to start painting tomorrow
GEORGE: It is tomorrow
RUBE: Maybe today (he turns his chair around) Hey Bub, can you get me a cup of black
coffee and uh, some cinnamon toast?


Kikavu ?

Au total, 24 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

14.03.2022 vers 18h

19.08.2018 vers 23h

10.02.2018 vers 22h

22.01.2018 vers 14h

06.06.2017 vers 14h

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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