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#201 : Faucheurs, en piste !

George apprend qu'elle va devoir former le neveu du patron, Brennan. Celui-ci est plutôt joli garçon, mais il n'est pas très intelligent. Pendant ce temps, Mason doit recueillir l'âme d'une personne au cours d'une fête d'enfants. À cette fin, il se déguise en clown.

Moments forts
- La discussion entre Roxy et Daisy à propos des chiens
- En sortant d'une scéance avec son psy, Joy déclare à Clancy qu'elle ne souhaite plus que leur mariage continue. Lors d'une conversation un peu houleuse, Clancy accuse Joy d'avoir poussé George à quitter la maison, donc d'avoir voulu sa mort.
- Le moment où Mason recommence à boire, alors qu'il s'était acheté une conduite
- À la fin de l'épisode, Daisy dit à George que c'est triste qu'elle soit morte si jeune.


3.5 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Send In The Clown

Titre VF
Faucheurs, en piste !

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Mason en clown !

Mason en clown !


Plus de détails

Scénaristes: John Masius et Stephen Godchaux
Réalisateur: James Whitmore JR .

Durée: 50 mn


Au Happy Time, Delores confie à George la formation d'une nouvelle recrue, Brennan, le neveu du patron. Ce dernier s'avère êtreun jeune homme charmant mais très maladroit. Pendant ce temps, les parents de George consultent un psychologue pour améliorer la communication au sein de leur couple.

 George se voit confier la formation de Brennan, qui n'est autre que le neveu du patron. Bien que plutôt joli garçon, ce dernier va se révéler être doté d'une intelligence assez médiocre. Mason quant à lui doit recueillir l'âme d'une personne à une fête pour enfants. Afin de s'infiltrer au mieux, il décide de se déguiser en clown.


George et l'équipe de faucheurs parlent de leur apparition dans les journaux. Daisy insiste sur le fait qu'on parlait très souvent d'elle car elle était toujours avec des hommes célèbres. C'est à ce moment là que George leur apprend qu'elle n'a jamais couché de toute sa courte vie. Elle se trouve tout plein d'excuse, mais Daisy renie tout en bloc et lui dit que si elle avait voulu, elle aurait pu ! Elles changent de conversation et commence à flatter gentiment Mason, ce dernier venant d'arrêter de boire. Il gobe tout leurs moelleux compliments, jusqu'à ce que Rube et Roxy arrivent à leur table. Il leur donne leurs post-it, 5 morts ce matin. George lui demande pourquoi Roxy, elle, n'a pas de mort. Rube ne répond pas. Daisy regarde sa montre, ils n'ont pas beaucoup de temps. Ils partent donc au marché, lieu du désastre.


(en cours)


La maison de la gaufre.


Voix off de George : Quand j'étais en vie, je ne lisais jamais la rubrique nécrologique. Jamais. Maintenant je me jette sur les résultats sportifs des faucheurs. Et chaque fois que j'en vois un qui a vécu jusqu'à 50ans ça m'agace...


George : Est-ce que tu as déjà vu ton nom dans le journal ?

Daisy : Hum ! Oh oui tout le temps. J'ai gardé toutes les coupures...

Mason : J'ai fait la rubrique des faits divers, deux trois fois. Un inconnu de sexe masculin, svelte, bien bâti, s'est enfui du commissariat, on ne l'a jamais retrouvé.

George : Ça, ça compte pas !

Daisy : Eh ben... Et toi ma chérie ?


George lève son index.


Daisy : Hum, vas-y, raconte.

George : Une jeune fille meurt foudroyée par les débris de la lunette des W.C de la station MIR.

Daisy : En théorie, ce qui est arrivé après ta vie tu sais bien que...

Mason : On n'a pas signalé ma disparition, mais celle d'un drogué dans les années 60. C'était banal. Je vais faire pipi.


Mason se lève, Daisy aussi, pour laisser Mason passer.


George : Est-ce qu'on a signalé ta mort ?

Daisy :Oh mais oui. J'ai pourri dans une incendie sur le tournage d'Autant en emporte le vent.

George : Mais pas un mot, hein ?

Daisy : Non, rien. Ils ont préféré étouffer l'affaire. Et trois jours plus tard...

George : Et oui comme nous !

Daisy :Mais j'étais dans la presse tout le temps avant de disparaître.

George : Pourquoi ?

Daisy : Parsqu'on me voyait souvent au bras d'un homme célèbre avec qui je couchait.

George : Hum... Ouais... Ça c'est pas mon truc.

Daisy : T'as jamais couché avec un mec ?

George : Non.

Daisy : Et pourquoi donc ?

George : Ben , pour commencer, j'avais 18ans tout juste quand je suis morte.

Daisy : Ce n'est pas une excuse.

George : J'ai jamais eu de petits copains.

Daisy : Pas vraiment un problème.

George : J'habitais chez mes parents avec ma petite soeur.

Daisy : Ça peut se faire dans une voiture, tu sais ?


Mason revient à la table.


Mason : C'est mon imagination ou quoi ? Je ne suis pas beaucoup plus séduisant depuis que j'ai arrêté de boire, et puis

George : Tu pus moins de la bouche.

Daisy : Et tes yeux sont moins bouffis.

George : Et tu baves un peu moins autour de la bouche. Ce qui est très appréciable.

Daisy : Ce qui était attirant chez toi quand tu buvais et te droguait, c'est que tu ne réalisais pas à quel point tu étais séduisant.

George :C'est vrai. Quand les gens en ont conscience, ça gâche tout. Et ça n'a rien a voir avec l'aspect extérieur. L'important, c'est pas ça, non. L'important, c'est ce qu'il y a la-dedans !

Daisy : Ouais, aujourd'hui il est à tomber.

Mason : Je suis aussi beau que ça ?


Rube arrive à ce moment là avec Roxy.


Rube : Oh t'es à croquer, tu me troubles beaucoup.

Roxy : Moi aussi tu me troubles.

Mason : C'est vrai ?

Roxy : Non.

Rube : Va y'avoir des âmes a sauver les amis. Ce matin avant le petit déjeuner. Une Deux Trois Quatre et Cinq.

George : Pourquoi est-ce que j'en est qu'une ?

Rube : Parsqu'il n'y en a pas deux pour chacun.

George : Et qu'est-ce qu'elle prend Roxy ?

Rube : En général des oeufs avec un fruit.

Roxy : Je voudrais des patates sautées aujourd'hui.

Rube : D'accord.

Daisy : Attention, ils seront tous au marché dans exactement 27 minutes. Je préssens un désastre.

Mason : Non, non. Cinq morts, ça n'a rien de désastreux.

Georges : Faut combien de morts pour que ce soit désastreux ?

Mason : Plus de cinq. Cinq c'est pas assez.

Georges : Combien ?

Mason : De 16 à 20 c'est un désastre. 21 et + c'est la catastrophe, et de 8 à 15 ça devient une calamité.

Rube : Et en dessous de 7 ?

Mason : La honte, laisse tomber.

Rube : Vous voulez bien me rapporter des tomates du marché ?

George : Bien sur.

Mason : A plus.

Daisy : Salut.


Tout le monde se lève de la table pour aller accomplir la mission. Rube s'installe à la table et prend le journal. Roxy se réinstalle en face de lui.


Roxy : Y'a des trucs intéressant ?

Rube : Deux crises cardiaques et une attaque.

Roxy : Génial.



Changement de scène. On retrouve la petite bande au marché.


Voix off de George :On joue à cache-cache quand on part à la recherche de la prochaine victime. Sauf que quand on la touche, elle est fichue pour de bon. Qu'elle soit prête ou non, elle va y passer (D.Daly, marché fermier, H.E.M 9h11). Ce n'est pas le tout, je n'ai pas pris de petit-déjeuner. Je voudrais une gaufre. Allez montre toi, dépêche toi ! Oh ! On a une gagnante.


Daisy : Merci ! Pardon messieurs. Vous êtes vraiment gentils.

Garçons : Wouhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Daisy : Ouf j'ai fini. C'était deux ouvriers. Tu veux un café ?

George : Non va t'en, sauve-toi, j'ai quelque chose à faire.

D.Daly : Ça fait bien deux heures les gars. Ça sent encore le propane, et c'est pas bon pour les affaires.


D.Daly se retourne vers Georges.


D.Daly : En général, je suis débordée dès 9h.


Voix off de George : Aujourd'hui tu vas être submergé à 10h.


D.Daly :Vous croyez que l'héroïne de Ma First Lady supporterait tout ça ?

George : Qui ?

Daisy : Audrey Hepburns ma chérie.

D.Daly :C'est lamentable. J'attends toujours Rex Harrisson.

Ouvrier :Tu peux toujours rêver, mocheté !

D.Daly : Voilà le genre de clients à qui je vends des fleurs ! Des types qui devraient présenter des excuses pour dire des grossièretés aux femmes.

Daisy :Ils finissent toujours par payés, d'une façon où d'une autre.


Mason touche un des ouvriers.


D.Daly : Il est pour vous ce lys asiatique ? Je vais l'offrir à la première cliente de la journée.


Voix off de George : Oh c'est malin... Maintenant je vais me sentir coupable.


George lui caresse son bras.


George : Merci, c'est gentil.


George jette à la poubelle ce fameux lys asiatique.


Ouvrier  asiatique : (sortant d'une bouche d'égout) J'n'ai rien trouvé !

Ouvrier : Toi tu serais même pas foutu de trouver un kimono dans ton pays.

Ouvrier asiatique : Idiot ! Je suis chinois...


Un homme passe, fumant une cigarette. Il la jette par terre sans prendre le soin de l'écraser. Un sépulcreux la ramasse.


Voix off de George :Les sépulcreux, c'est des vrais fumiers ceux-là.


Le sépulcreux commence à fumer la fameuse cigarette, et ce met à tousser. Il décide donc de la jeter dans la bouche d'égout encore ouverte. Et là, BOUM !

On voit alors Daisy, George et Mason sortir doucement du marché.


Voix off de George : Y'a des cadavres partout. Une pauvre fleuriste qui vient de mourir. Ca faisait penser à un mariage qui aurait mal tourné.


On voit le lys asiatique descendre tout doucement du ciel, car il a été projeté pendant l'explosion.


Voix off de George : Elle m'a offert une jolie fleur, et moi qu'est-ce que je lui ai donné ? Rien. J'ai sauvé son âme. C'est bizarre, j'ai eu l'impression de la trahir. Elle, ou quelqu'un d'autre. La dernière fois que j'ai assisté à une mort comme ça, c'était la mienne. Je n'avais qu'une envie, m'enfuir le plus vite possible.


George prend les jambes à son cou.



Changement de scène et rentre dans la maison de la gaufre.


Cuistot : C'est prêt !

Mason : Tu sais ce qui me branche dans le fait d'être sobre ?

Roxy : C'est de ne plus te réveiller le matin dans ton vomi ?

Mason : Ro bien sur, ça oui. C'est surtout le goût de la bouffe. Grrr. Ouais c'est vrai, après toutes ces années j'ai enfin réalisé pourquoi vous veniez mangé ici, dans cette foutue maison de la gaufre.

Rube : Félicitation. Baccus a noyé bien plus d'hommes que Neptune.

Mason : Baccus ? C'est qui ça ?

Rube : C'est le dieu grec de pourquoi tu ne lis jamais de bouquins.

Mason : Ah.

Roxy : C'est en 1960 que t'es mort ?

Mason : Euh en 66...

Roxy : En tout cas, t'as pas hésiter à te jetter sur toutes les drogues que tu pouvais pendant 40ans, hein ?

Mason : Ouais... Ah non non non j'ai pas tout prit. J'avais une trouille maladive des aiguilles et c'est toujours le cas maintenant.

Rube : Ils ont fait de grands progrès en matière d'aiguilles en tout genre. Elles sont plus pointues.

Mason : Plus pointues ?

Rube : Ouais ça fait beaucoup moins mal.

Mason : Tu vas finir tes pommes de terre sautées ?

Roxy : Je pense pas, non.


Mason se sert dans l'assiette de Roxy sans sa permission. Il les met dans sa bouche, et tend la main pour attraper une serviette. Roxy prend son couteau et manque de peu la main de Mason. Le couteau est planté dans la table.


Mason : Nan mais ça va pas non !!??

Roxy : J'me tire.

Mason : T'as vu ça ? Tout ça parsque je lui ai piqué quelques patates sautées...

Rube : Ouais j'ai vu.

Mason : Je n'ai jamais vu autant de violence pour des petites pommes de terre.

Rube : C'est pas malin ce que tu dit.

Mason : Qu'est-ce qui n'est pas très malin, Ruben ?

Rube : De dire que les patates sautées c'est des petites pommes de terre.

Mason : Je comprends rien. Ba oui, les patates sautées sont petites non ?

Rube : Laisse tomber.


On change d'endroit. On voit Daisy qui court pour entrer dans la maison de la gaufre, au moment où Roxy s'en va.


Roxy : Daisy.

Daisy : Roxy.

Roxy : Ce genre de temps te va très bien.

Daisy : Oh non Roxy, je ne suis pas du tout d'accord. Allez travaille bien.

Roxy : Hum...

Daisy : Pourquoi je me donne tant de mal avec toi ?

Roxy : Parsque je suis une des rares idiotes qui te fascine.

Daisy : Tu crois ? Pourquoi tu dis ça ?

Roxy : Écoute, quand je vais à la fourrière pour sauver un chien, je ne choisi pas celui qui remue la queue, qui me lèche le visage où qui me saute dessus. Je prends celui qui est dans son coin, qui est tout seul et qui tremble. Bon maintenant, vaz-y rentre, tu vas avoir froid.

Daisy : D'accord.

Roxy : Allez, du balai ! Daisy Adair. Un vrai chiwawa.




Changement de scène, dans la maison des parents de George. 


Joy : Hé Ho ! Y'a quelqu'un ? Reggie !?? Ah... Dis donc, quand je t'appelles, tu pourrais répondre en disant "je suis là quesqu'il y a maman ?" Tu saisis ? un simple maman quesqu'il y a ca me suffurait.

Reggie : Quesqu'il y a ?

Joy : C'est ici que tu comptes passer toutes tes vacances ?

Reggie : Oui, on dirait.

Joy : J'ai aperçu Bridget et Annie qui allaient dans le parc, pourquoi est'ce que tu n'irais pas les rejoindre?

Reggie : Ca ne me dit rien.

Joy : Donne moi une bonne raison.

Reggie : J'ai pas envie de tripper avant le déjeuner.

Joy : Tripper ?


Reggie fait semblant de fumer...


Joy : OH ! Euh... Reggie ? Euh...j'ai pas l'intention...

Reggie : Euh non je n'en veux pas, je m'en fous.

Joy : Est-ce que tu avais vu ta soeur faire ce genre de chose ?

Reggie : Non. Et toi ?

Joy : Non. Jamais. Je ne crois pas qu'elle fumait de l'herbe. Je vérifiais tout le temps. Non, tout ce que George aimait faire, c'est pratiquement les mêmes choses que toi.

Reggie : T'as raison, maman.

Joy : J'ai rendez-vous avec ton père chez le médécin. Alors surtout tu ne vas pas au parc. Et pas question de faire des tâches de cerises sur le coussin.

Reggie : C'est pas un vrai Docteur. C'est un psy.


Voix off de George : Ruben ne veux pas que je rôde autour de mon ancienne maison. Ni que j'espionne ma famille. Il dit qu'un faucheur doit ressembler à un soldat tapit dans un abri, sans jouer au héros, sans prendre de riques inutiles. Mais à quoi ca sert de baisser la tête quand votre cervelle à sauter ?




Changement de scène : maison de la gaufre.


Ruben : Ca c'est bien passé ?

George : C'était super marrant... Je veux bien une autre mission comme celle-là.

Kiffany : Un petit déjeuner ?

George : Oui. Je voudrais un Johnny Vegas avec des oeufs et un petit jus de pamplemousse.

Ruben : On a entendu l'explosion jusqu'ici. C'était violent ?

Kiffany : Vous avez aussi le droit à du pain.

George : C'était dégoutant ! La pauvre son corps était déchiqueté... Son cerveau ressaemblait à du... du fromage blanc... Oui.

Daisy : Elle est pas mal ta fleur. Quelqu'un t'as trahi ?

George : Quoi ?

Daisy : Est-ce qu'un garçon c'est fichu de toi ?

Ruben : Je croyais qu'on avait décidé que les relations sentimentales pour toi ce n'était pas une bonne idée .

Mason : Et moi je pensais que George était vierge.

George : Quoi ? Ah... Non ! Pas du tout ! Qui est-ce qui t'as raconté que j'étais vierge ? C'est toi qui leur a dit ?

Daisy : Non.

Mason : A si !

George : Ce n'est qu'une fleur, merde !

Daisy : Je ne reçois des fleurs que quand un type me trompe.

George : Mais je n'ai trompé personne moi.

Ruben : Ce n'est pas ce qu'elle a dit.

George : Beurk c'est dégueulasse ce truc ! Vas'y goûte.

Mason : Je préfère me passer de ces jus de fruit pour le moment. Cela dit c'est gentil.

Daisy : Vous savez qui ma envoyé de très jolies fleurs ? C'était des tulipes. Je vous donne ces initiales : Douglas Fervand Junior. Et Rolphin lui il était plein aux as... c'était des oeillets.

Ruben : J'me casse. Franchement, j'en ai marre d'entendre des histoires stupides de stars à la noix. Tiens pour toi, allez on y va.

Mason : Ruben désolé mais il faut que je finisse le petit déjeuner de Roxy.

Ruben : Toi prend ca et file. C'est dégoutant de finir les plats des autres. Si tu tiens absolument à te comporter en ex camé, vas'y gaiement.

George: HIhihihihihi

Mason : Bon dieu de bon dieu.

George : BAh comme j'aimerais que les mots sortent de ma bouche comme ils sortent de la tienne.

Mason : Baaaa

George : Baaa...

Mason : BAA.

Daisy : Encore une mort dans la rue. J'ai les lèvres toutes gerçées. Selon Roxy, je ressemble à un chien.

George : J'ai trompé personne pourtant.

Daisy : Je ressemble vraiment à un chien errant qu'on a envie de sauver ? Je suis quand même assez jolie hein ?

George : HumHum.

Daisy : J'aimerais vraiment que tu me rassures.

George : Tu n'es pas un chien.

Daisy : Non. Dit la vérité.

George : Tu es drolement jolie.

Daisy : Dit toute la vérité.

George : Tu es la personne la plus superbe qu'on est jamais vu sur terre. Faut que j'y aille.

Daisy : Mais ton petit déjeuner ?

George : J'en veux plus.

Daisy : Tu as oublié ta fleur !

George : Tu peux la garder.


Voix off de George : Je l'aurais bien prise, mais je ne voulais pas me trimbaler toute la journée un truc qui me rapelle la mort de cette fleuriste.


Changement de scène : Happy Time.




Starting credits
zooms into the menu, which  then fast tracks around Der Waffle Haus.
goes to table 16 where George is sitting reading a newspaper. Daisy
and Mason are sitting across from her.

(VO) When I was alive, I never looked at the obituaries, like not even
once, now I read them first. The reapers sport pages and every time I
see someone live to even 50, it kind of annoys me

(George is holding up the paper)
GEORGE: Was you name ever in the paper?
DAISY: Constantly. I still have all the clippings
MASON: I made the police reports a couple of times, you know.
Unidentified, male slender build, seen fleeing the premises, that kind
of thing
GEORGE: That doesn't count
DAISY: How about you sweetie?
(puts her finger up once)
DAISY: Mmm, do tell
GEORGE: Teen killed by falling debris from space station
DAISY: Technically that was the day after your life
MASON: My demise went unreported, drug related death in the 60's were
very common. I gotta go wee-wee
(Daisy moves out of the way)
GEORGE: Was your death reported?
DAISY: Oh please. I perished in a huge fire on the set of "Gone with
the wind"
GEORGE: Not a word, huh?
DAISY: Nothing, the story was buried. and three days later
GEORGE: (under her breath) So were you
DAISY: But my picure was in the paper a whole lot before I died
DAISY: On the arm of whatever famous man I was sleeping with
GEORGE: Mmm right, not my thing
DAISY: You never slept with anybody?
DAISY: Why didn't you?
GEORGE: Well Daisy, first of all, I was 18 years old
DAISY: Not a great excuse
GEORGE: I never had a boyfriend
DAISY: Not really a problem
GEORGE: I lived at home with my parents and my little sister
DAISY: Ever heard of a car?
(mason comes back from the bathroom)
MASON: Is it just my imagination or have I become a lot more
attractive since I have laid off the booze and you know, and what not?
GEORGE: Your breath is better
DAISY: Your eyes are less puffy
GEORGE: and you don't have so much drool around your mouth, which is
DAISY: you know the most attractive thing about when you were drinking
and what not, is that, you really had no idea if you were attractive
GEORGE: Because when people know they are attractive, they're not. and
it's not about whats on the outside, it's not about this (grabs his
face and shakes it) it's about this (points to his chest)It's in here
(punches him in the chest)
DAISY: Then he's a very handsome man
MASON: But am I pretty?
(Rube and Roxie walk in)
RUBE: Oh you are darlin'. You make my heart flutter
ROXIE: Mine too
MASON: Really?
RUBE: There's souls to be taken folks, this morning before breakfast.
One, two, three, four, five
GEORGE: Why do I only get one?
RUBE: 'Cos three don't go into five either
GEORGE: What does Roxie get?
RUBE: Usually eggs? a side of fruit?
ROXIE: I was thinking hash browns today
RUBE: Nice
DAISY: These are all at the farmer's market in exactly 27 minutes. I
smell a disaster
MASON: Nah, five deaths is not a disaster
GEORGE: How many deaths is a disaster?
MASON: More than five. five's bullshit
GEORGE: How many?
MASON: 16-20 disaster, 21 and up catastrophe, 8-15 is a calamity
RUBE: 7 and under?
MASON: That's a crying shame
RUBE: Pick me up some heirloom tomatoes while you are there
(George, Mason and Daisy leave. Rube and Roxie sit down)
MASON: See ya later
DAISY: Good bye
ROXIE: Anything in the paper?
RUBE: Two heart attacks and a stroke

Farmer's market

(VO) Trying to find your reap, is a bit like hide and go seek, except
when I find you, when I put the tag on you, you're out for good.
Ready or not, you are dead (Post-it D.Daly Farmers Market ETD 9.11am)
okay, enough with the game. I haven't had breakfast and mamma wants a
waffle. Come out, come out whereever you are - (close up of the
business license of the florist - Deirdre Daly) ooh
we have a winner

(Daisy chatting to the gasmen)
DAISY: Thanks boys, this has been a treat (as she passes one of them
she takes one soul. Walks back over to George)
DAISY: Ooh I'm done, two of the hard hats get it. Wanna get a latte?
GEORGE: No you got to go, I got something to do
DEIRDRE: It's been two hours now guys, I still smell propane. This is
killing my business
(talks to George)
DEIRDRE: I'm usually swamped by nine
(VO) Today you are toe up by ten
DEIRDRE: You think Eliza Doolittle had to put up with this nonsense
DAISY: Audrey Hepburn, sweetheart
DEIRDRE: Look at me, still waiting for Rex Harrison
WORKER 2: Don't hold your fucking breath
DEIRDRE: See this is who I sell flowers to. Men who need to apologise
for the things they say to women
DAISY: He'll end up paying for it one way or another
(hard hat walks by with some coffee for the other workers, Mason pats
him on the back and takes his soul)
DEIRDRE: Pink lillies - on the house, my first customer of the day

(VO)Oh great she can see the guilt written all over me

GEORGE: Mine too (Strokes her arm and takes her soul. George walks
away and throws the flower away in the bin)

(goes to the man hole)
WORKER 1: I couldn't find it
WORKER 2: Jeez, you people, you can find Pearl Habour in the middle
of the night but you can't find a gas leak
WORKER 1: I'm Chinese cocksucker
(man with a paper tucked under his arm, drops a cigarette butt right
by a graveling, who picks it up)
GEORGE: Gravelings, fucking trouble-makers (she and Daisy walk of)
(graveling takes a puff, nearly chokes and throws it down the man hole
and four blast happen)

(VO) bodies everywhere and a dead flower girl in the middle. It was
like a really fucked up wedding. (the flower comes floating back down
to earth and she catches it) She gave be a pretty flower and what did
I give her? nothing, I took her soul. I don't know why but I felt I
betrayed her, someone. (Deidre tries to pick up the flowers on the
floor)The last time I saw a death like this, was my own and I wanted
to run away as fast as I could

At the Waffle Haus. Mason, Roxie and Rube sitting having breakfast

Cook: Order up!!

MASON: do you know what I love best about being sober?
ROXIE: Not waking up in a pool of your own vomit?
MASON: Definately that yeah, but no, it's the taste of foods yum, yum,
yum. I mean after all these years. I've finally realised why you guys
eat here, in the fucking Waffle Haus
RUBE: This is a wise move. Baccus has drowned alot more men than
MASON: Baccus. HuH?
RUBE: He's the Greek god of why don't you read a fucking book
ROXIE: When did you die? 1960 something?
ROXIE: Taking every nasty ass drug you can get your nasty ass paws on
for fourty years
MASON: Yup, Oh no, no, no, not everything 'cause I was deathly afraid
of needles and I still am
RUBE: They have made great strides in the design of needles, they are
MASON: Sharper?
RUBE: Sharper is less painful
(Mason looks puzzled)
MASON: Are you going to finish those has browns?
ROXIE: Probably not
(takes them from her plate and eats them. Roxie stabs him with her
knife but he movs his hand just in time)
MASON: Fucking bloody hell
ROXIE: I'm outta here
MASON: Did you see that? I mean just because I wanted some of her hash
RUBE: I was there
MASON: I've never seen such violence over such small potatoes
RUBE: Oh, that was almost clever
MASON: What was almost clever Rube?
RUBE: The thing about the hash browns being small potatoes
MASON: I don't get it. because hash browns are small potatoes
RUBE: Never mind

Transition. Roxie and Daisy meeting outside Der Waffle Haus

ROXIE: Daisy
DAISY: Roxie
ROXIE: This weather kind of suits you
DAISY: Oh you know Roxie, I really don't think it does. Off to work
you go
DAISY: (Sighs) why do I even bother with you
ROXIE: 'Cos I'm one of the few fools that gets you
DAISY: Really!! what do you get?
ROXIE: When I go to the pound and pick up a dog, I don't take the one
that wags it's tail and licks my face and jumps all over me. I pick
the one in the corner, alone, shaking. Well get inside where it's
warm, good girl
ROXIE: There you go, there you go(she goes in) Daisy Adair, Chihuahua

Joy coming down the stairs, looking for Reggie

JOY: Hello! Is anyone here? Reggie?(Reggie is lying down on the floor,
with cushions around her) okay, you know if someone calls your name,
you could say "Hi. I'm here, what's up mom?" a simple "What is it?"
would surfice
REGGIE: What is it?
JOY: This is how we are going to spend your school holiday?
REGGIE: Looks that way
JOY: I just saw Bridget and Annie heading down to the park, why don't
you catch up with them?
REGGIE: I don't think so
JOY: Give me one good reason
REGGIE: I don't really like getting baked before noon
JOY: Baked?
(motoions as if to have a cigarrette)
JOY: Oh. err... Reggie? I'm not going to....
REGGIE: : Then don't. I haven't, I won't
JOY: Did you ever catch your sister doing stuff?
REGGIE: No, did you?
JOY: No, never. I don't think your sister smoked pot. I searched
constantly. All George ever did was ... pretty much what you are
doing now
REGGIE: : Whatever Mom!
JOY: Your father and I have another doctor's appointment. Stay out of
the park. and I'd better not see any cherry stains on those cushions
REGGIE: It's not a real doctor, it's a shrink (Joy leaves the house)

(VO) Rube didn't want me lurking around my old house, he didn't want
me spying on my family. He said a reaper should be like a soldier,
in a fox hole, lay low, don't be a hero, don't take any unessessary
risks. What's the point in keeping your head down, when it's already
been blown off.

Waffle Haus. Rube, Daisy & Mason

RUBE: How'dit go this morning?
GEORGE: Huh real fun, try and get me another like that, real soon
KIFFANY: How about a little breakfast?
GEORGE: I'll have a Johnny Vegas, over easy and a small grapefruit
RUBE: You could hear the explosion, all the way over here
KIFFANY: Johnny Vegas comes with a side .....
GEORGE: It was disgusting, the body was blown to pieces. Her brain
was cottage cheese.... yeah (nods to Kiffany)
DAISY: Pretty flower. Did someone betray you?
DAISY: Did some guy screw you over
RUBE: I thought we'd decided that you and romantic entanglements were
..it's not a good idea
MASON: And I thought George was a virgin
GEORGE: (stammers) No guy. (looks at Mason) Who told you I was a
virgin? Did you tell him that?
MASON: She did
GEORGE: It's just a flower. Fuck
DAISY: I only got flowers when somebody betray me
GEORGE: I didn't betray anyone
RUBE: She didn't say you did
(George takes a sip of orange juice)
GEORGE: It tastes like ass. Try that
MASON: I'm trying to stay off the arse juice, from now, but, you know
thank you
DAISY: You know who used to send beautiful flowers? French tulips.
All could say is his initials, Douglas Fairbanks jr. Errol Flynn, all
that money (pulles a face) carnations
RUBE: I cannot sit here and listen to more witless stories about
star-fucking. You and you, let's go
MASON: Rube, sorry but I've got to finish Roxie's breakfast
RUBE: Here, why don't you take it to go (stuffs it in his top pocket)
It's a disgusting habit, eating off someone else's plate. If you want
to be an ex-drug addict, why don't you behave like one
(George sniggers)
MASON: Crazy fucking fuck
GEORGE: Oh how I wish the words would just roll off my tongue as they
do yours
MASON: uuuggg (mason leaves)
DAISY: Errggg, another outdoor death, my lips are getting so chapped.
Roxie says I look like a dog
GEORGE: I didn't betray anyone
DAISY: Do I look like some kind of stray that needs to be saved? I'm
really pretty, don't you think?
GEORGE: mmm?
DAISY: I need verbal reasurrance
GEORGE: You're not a dog
DAISY: No, say the thing
GEORGE: Youre really pretty
DAISY: No say the whole thing
GEORGE: Youre the most exquisite beauty the world has ever seen. I
gotta go
DAISY: What about your breakfast?
GEORGE: I don't want it (puts money on the table and walks away)
DAISY: you forgot your flower
GEORGE: I don't want it

(VO) I did want it, I just didn't feel like carrying around the
reminder of my morning death for the rest of my day (looks
back in Der Waffle Haus and sees her smelling the flower)

fast racking round Happy Time

GEORGE: Hi Crystal

(VO) Which is why it wasn't so bad walking into Hapy Time, where the
only thing ever written on a post-it note(farting noise) was stuff
like "Who farted?" and "10 copies, like A.S.A.P" and...(she picks
a post-it from her monitor)

GEORGE: Please see me
(speed camera over to Delores)
DELORES: Oh Millie
GEORGE: Delores?
DELORES: I've got news, bad news. I have to hire my boss's nephew, I'm
sorry Millie, this boy Brennan has had a world of trouble finding a
job and ....
GEORGE: You're firing me? youre shit-canning me just like that?
DELORES: No why would you think that?
GEORGE: Bad news? Boss's nephew? it seemed where you were headed
DELORES: I want you to TRAIN him Millie! and I don't care for the
language, although I do kind of like that phrase. Shit can, shit can,
shit can
GEORGE: That's the bad news? I have to train someone?
DELORES: No the bad news is that he is as dumb as a bag of hammers,
(groans) I'm starting him on reception, just show him the phone system. Id
ask Cyrstal but she's not a people person.
GEORGE: No more trainees, Delores, I can't take it.
(knock on the wall)
BRENNAN: Hi. The phone's not working
(George perks up and there is growling)
DOLORES:Dial 9 first
BRENNAN: (looks at George) I'm Brennan
GEORGE: (laughs shyly) I'm training you
GERORGE: Shall I go do it now?
BRENNAN: No time like the present.Go. Oh Millie, I would never shit can
you, you are very special to me. Come here(gets a tissue from the box)
can't send you into the world with smutz all over your face. oh go,
(tries to brush her off)stop, go

(VO) you had to wonder about Delores Herbig and her big strange heart.
You had to wonder how long that smootz had been on my face. That
smootz or smutz?

Doctor's office. Sitting in the circle Doctor, Joy and Clancy

THERAPIST: So how was your week?
CLANCY: Good. I think we had a good week
JOY: Well I find my self getting really disgusted when he eats, I
mean physically sick
CLANCY: That's nice
JOY: I think the walls of his cheeks have got too thin, as he has got
older, cos you can hear the crunching and the spit and swallowing. I
swear to god, when he's eating a salad I want to take my own life. I'm
standing in a grocery store and I'm holding an Iceberg lettuce and I
can't buy the fucking thing
CLANCY: What would you like me to do Joy?
JOY: Be nice if you could eat in the kitchen, with the dog
CLANCY: at least he's capable of love
JOY: JD doesn't love you. you give him meat. At least one of us is
getting it
THERAPIST: Okay. I think for this to work. I think you two need to be
a little less honest with each other
JOY: We actually had that in our vows, but we just took that out at
the last minute
THERAPIST: Youve been married for over twenty years? Things have
happened and you know that things have happened
JOY: Like when he started banging someone in one of his Shakespeare
classes? that kind of thing?
CLANCY: You know Joy maybe if you stopped wise-cracking two
JOY: Did you hear that? wise-cracking - I mean who talks like that?
THERAPIST: For a marraige to work you have to conspire with your
partner to, to not say everything. You know things arn't perfect, and
you don't hammer away at it out of respect for the marraige. for a
marraige to work, you and your husband need to be in cahoots
JOY: In cahoots?
THERAPIST: Marraige is a silent conspiracy between two people to not
confess everything, to let sleeping dogs lie
CLANCY: I like that
JOY: (sarcastically)I bet you do
CLANCY: And ... that's worked for your marraige?
THERAPIST: I think it has. My wife and I have been in cahoots for ten
JOY: So does that mean she does or doesn't know youre gay?
THERAPIST: (stammers)She probably knows
(awkward silence)

precinct of meter maids. Roxie is there with morning coffee

BOSS MAN: Meter people, meter people, let's just settle down, lets
settle down, alright, alright. Item one chuck's charbroiler on
Mandeville street is starting a lunch special today, burger, fries and
soda for 59c. Those of you working Mandeville and it's envirence,
expect a three lane backup and plenty of red zone violations.
ROXIE: 59c for a burger. What's in it? German Shepard on a sesame seed
bun? (collegues laugh)
BOSS MAN: Moving on, we've recieved complaints from some of the
citizenry about inappropriate language, aggressive behaviour and in
one instance that a member of this core pulled a firearm (mumbles
around the room. Chief walks around the room)
People in an increasing hostility, your job is always to placate,
meet anger with stoicism - in short, no more mouthing off, If you
cannot do that, if you cannot hold your tongue, then you should seek
another line of work.(stops by Roxie, she ackknoledges him) Okay lets
roll. And people, people, let's be careful out there (Hill Street
blues theme starts as a fleet of vans come out of the depot)

back at George's Desk. George is loosing herself in Brennan

GEORGE: Okay, so if you want to dial someone from the office, you....
BRENNAN: I totally know this one

(VO) Look at those lips, grrr I just want to bite your face

BRENNAN: You dial the extention first.....
(VO) I want to tear your skin off, make pygamas out of them and wear
them to bed
GEORGE: Excellent
(big sigh of relief from Brennan. The telphone rings)
BRENNAN: Should I answer it?
GEORGE: (whispering) let's give that a whirl
BRENNAN: (whispers back) Okay. (picks the phone up) Happy Time, this
is Millie's phone, this is Brennan. It's for you
GEORGE: Ask who it is
BRENNAN: Oh. Who is it? Daisy. Daisy Adair. Hi Daisy. Yeah Millie's
training me. She's awesome. She's got the most beautiful eyes.
(the phone rings again. covers the speaker peice)What shall I do?
GEORGE: Put Daisy, Daisy Adair on hold
GEORGE: You should probably ask Daisy to hold first. Okay, click over
(Brennan pressing different buttons)
BRENNAN: okay, click over. h-Hello? h-ello? hello?
GEORGE: Okay they'll call back (George puts the phone down)
BRENNAN: Do you want to hang out tonight?

Wally's Wacky Shack. Rube and Mason are entering the building

RUBE: You now I dont do kids, this is your post-it
(mother struggling with a kid)
MASON: Look please help me find L ........okay?
I'm really going to strangle him, I really do, I just want to kil him
Is your name Elsonto, by any chance?
(to Rube) Oh come on, there will be little cup-cakes with sprinkles on
RUBE: Ten minutes. (Rube picks up the kid and takes him inside) Come
on buddy  Let's go! There you go, have a good time
(kid runs back out againwith mom chasing him) Ceezel, Ceezel!
MOTHER: Can I help you?
MASON: yeah, we are are here for the little kids party?
MOTHER: Please tell me you are from the clown service
RUBE: We are from the clown service
MOTHER: Oh the clown finally showed up. Okay which one of you is the
RUBE: I think it is pretty obvious
MOTHER: (looks at Mason) you seen the frail indesisive man over in the
plaid shirt? he's my husband, he's got the money. go, go get the
costume twenty minutes ago
MASON: (mumbles)One minute please (turns to face Rube)I really hate
clowns. When I was five years old. I kicked one in the nuts
RUBE: That man over there wants to give you some money
MASON: ..but if one little kid were to take a poke at me, I will
punch it back, I will swear to god I will kick its fucking little
teeth out. (turns back to the mother)
MASON: Going
(mother laughs nervously)
MOTHER: He's not one of those angry alcoholic clowns, is he?
RUBE: Oh no actually he just sworn off the booze, strickly self for
the last three weeks. all that's likely to make a clown a little
MOTHER: I don't get it
RUBE: There's nothing to get

Happy Time Offices

(VO) I cannot go out with this Brennan guy. He's a taurus, I'm a
Gemini. He's lukewarm, you're dead. You have to weasel you way out of
this, you have to tell him no. Oh my god, some slut is stealing my
boyfriend (Delores calls to her from the other office)

DELORES: Millie!! How would you like to be in chrge of a special
GEORGE: As in training someone else with special needs?
DELORES: aww, how did it go with Brennan and the phone system?
GEORGE: He went a little ADD on me when I tried to show him how to use the
speaker phone. This afternoon we are going to try transfering calls
DELORES: You seem a bit distracted (gasps) Fran! Have you no shame?
Please don't tell me you have a crush on that simple boy
GEORGE: I don't. please just give me the project, Delores
DELORES: These are top secret files, shred them
GEORGE: Got it! They sleep with the fishes
DELORES: You know office romances never end well. when Julio empties
my trash basket he can bearly make eye contact
GEORGE: errr. that's upsetting
DELORES: and that boy here.....
GEORGE: I know, I know
DELORES: Look, you are still a baby, you have you whole life ahead of
you to find the right person and something that will really last
(George smiles and leaves the room)

(VO) I'm a virgin with a death certificate, what the fuck am I
waiting for?

Joy and Clancy sitting in the car, in the parking lot. it has been
raining outside

CLANCY: The sound of my eating makes you physically sick. Oh yeah,
that's right. you save your bet shots for an audience
JOY: You know what Clancy? you don't have to listen to it every night
CLANCY: You know what Joy, you don't have to listen to it at all, you
don't have to listen to it ever again
JOY: What does that mean?(looks at him) What does that mean?
CLANCY: Joy. Do you want to be married to me?
JOY: I don't

Photocopy room at Happy Time

(VO) Waiting for the right boy to come along (Brennan walks passed and
bends down to do his shoes) right Delores. and although my body had
been declared dead, it hadn't gone cold (totally distracted she
accidentally cuts her finger off woth the machine)

GEORGE: Aaaahh fuck, fuck me (tried to stick it back on)
BRENNAN: What happened?
GEORGE:  Oh, It's nothing (trying to hind it), It's just a cut (George
laughs nervously. Fran comes over)
GEORGE: Actually I'm feeling a little bit woosy....(pretends to faint.
Brennan catches and picks her up and carries to a darker office)
BRENNAN: I'll get you some water
(George looks over to Fran and puts her middle finger but it is the
wrong way, she turns it the right way and snuggles into)

At the party. A line of children waiting to get some animal ballons
and Mason in a clown outfit

MASON: There you go Emily (gives her a balloon shaped like a penis)
EMILY: This isn't a bunny rabbit
MASON: Yes, there are the ears
EMILY: What is it really?
RUBE: Go ask your mother
(as she leaves Mason pats her on the head)
BOY: I want a bunny rabbit balloon like Emily's
MASON: I bet you do sweetheart
BOY: Clowns arn't supposed to talk
MASON: Yes they are. Clowns talk, don't they, it's mime's who are
silent. Clowns can definately fucking talk, alright?
RUBE: Not true, sometimes they talk, some make honking noises, and so
me a favour, get me a peice of cake
BOY: I want a bunny rabbit balloon
RUBE: When I see some cake,you get a move on, please don't help me on
the frosting
MASON: Stoopid
LLOYD: hey, can I talk to you for a second?
MASON: Yeah (trips over his big shoes) Bloody hell
LLOYD: This is my kid's party and this, this is not a bunny rabbit
MASON: Yes, sorry it's errr.... err (looks at Rube)
LLOYD: Sondheim.... lloyd. Look don't you have other stuff that you can
do? Magic tricks?
MASON: Yeah, I've got one or two
LLOYD: Well use them (gives him back the balloon that he made)This is
the only sixth birthday my daughter will ever have(walks off to be
with his daughter)

At Happy Time in the darker office

BRENNAN: Here drink some water

(VO)I don't know why I liked him, maybe just because that slut Fran
did, but I think it had something to do with my death this morning, I
couldn't get that strange pink flower out of my head. I felt as if
something was hanging by a thread, not just my finger and I had to
try to hold on to it

BRENNAN: Go on, have a sip
(she leans over and kisses him)
GEORGE: I feel better (kisses him again. Delores walks past, sees them
kissing, stops and semi hids, then walks off the the other direction)

Daisy is going to her next appointment. Roxie is there

ROXIE: What are you following me, blondie?
DAISY: Don't flatter yourself, I have a post-it
(shows her the post-it)
ROXIE: C Sullivan. The luck of the Irish
INDIAN GUY: Thirty five dollars? Greedy fucking Americans. I'll put a
curse on you. May you never walk this earth in happiness again
ROXIE: Sir, That voodoo shit don't work with me, comprenez?
(big truck is reversing towards the the curb)
INDIAN GUY: Fuck you, peice of shit, little meter maid, may hair grow
on your balls (screws up the ticket and walks away. Daisy is really
DAISY: Let's go, bring it on, gloves off
ROXIE: Bossman says I can't, I can't mouth off
DAISY: Roxie can't mouth off, you're like a bird without a song,
a really mean bird. Roxie, why did you say I looked like a dog who
needed to be saved from the pound? (a lady passes Roxie and Daisy in a
ROXIE: Don't do this to me Daisy
DAISY: I was just tired, I didn't sleep well, I had a bad dream
ROXIE: flying, swimming and running from monsters, it all means the
same thing. No pop tarts after ten (Daisy looks and see the number
plate says "Sully")
DAISY: It was the first day on the set of "Gone with the wind"
ROXIE: and you die, I know that story (two kids are attacking "Sully",
she is giving it back to them with her stick)
DAISY: No. In the dream I'm about to meet one of my idols, Vivian
Leigh, dreamt about it my whole life, I was really worried, you know
if we wouldn't get along 'what if she hates me? worse yet, what
if she ignores me?
SULLY: That'll teach them to mess with Catherine Sullivan (as she
  passes, Daisy sees her cross necklace, around her neck takes her
DAISY: But in my dream, it's wonderful, she runs through a hole, "as
god is my witness"  and I'll never be hungry again and I tell her to
touch over the topping, she says I'm right (one of the guy's gets up
and stars heading for her) We just gossip and giggle like long lost
sisters (he runs Roxie who takes him down, while still standing up
straight being talked at by Daisy)
DAISY: So that's why I was a little out of it this morning. It was a
rough dream
ROXIE: What is so rough about that dream?
It never happened. I died before I met her
(a truck is moving its digger. The driver shouts "shut up out there,
I'll only be a minute" as she passes but Catherine has moved under it
and gets crushed. Roxie look a little disgusted at the mess)

Screaming children at the party. with one kid trying to get the pinata
Mason staring at a mother's back side. She is wearing a thong

MASON: Bloody Hell. I do believe that is a chinese symbol for
"aim here"
RUBE: Wow. (looks over to see other mother's looking disgusted)
I find that comment vile and contemptable, now say youre sorry
MASON: I'm sorry Rube, I'm sorry that youre a hundred years old and
will never get to spank that (puts his toungue out in a very rude way.
the two women with their arms crossed, shake their heads and walk off)
MASON: Waah-waah (honks his clown nose)
(girl comes up to him)
EMILY: Make a funny face
MASON: No! go away.
RUBE: Give the kid a face, it's her birthday
(stretches his eyes, makes a noise. She laughs)
EMILY: He's funny
RUBE: Yes he is
EMILY: Are you the clown's daddy?
EMILY: Then why are you here?
RUBE: I'm somebody's daddy, she's just not at this party
EMILY: Then where is she?
RUBE: Why don't you play with the clown, sweetheart.I want you to
remember how funny he was (she nods. Rube goes off and the little girl
goes to Mason who puts his clown nose on her and beeps it)

walking down the corridor of Happy Time, everyone staring

(VO) My day had started with a death. The first sign of trouble was
all those bright orange plyons round the gas leak, you want to put
them up and keep people at a distance, (gossips "there was blood
everywhere")that's what I needed now. lots and lots of orange pylons
(sits down at Delorese's desk)
DELORES: (cold)How did it go?

(VO)How did what go? Making out with Brennan? severing my middle
finger, putting it back on without letting everyone know I was a grim

GEORGE: It went well
DELORES: (whispers)I heard you cut yourself
GEORGE: It's nothing
DELORES: Take better care of yourself Milly, the world is a dangerous
place and an easy place for a young girl to get hurt
GEORGE: I'm fine
DELORES: I think I'm going to pull you off Brennan
GEORGE: Well, I was never really .....on Brennan
DELORES: Youre smart, your charming very complicated young woman and I
just don't want to see your talents wasted on projects like Brennan
GEORGE: What are we talking about?
DELORES: We are talking about a promotion, you silly goose
GEORGE: We are?
DELORES: Well I think we are. Two more days a week and two hundred
dollars more a week (George sits upright in her chair)
GEORGE: Youre shitting me?
DELORES: A new position at Happy Time will be to...errrr... interview
new potential temps. We're frittering away your talents in data entry
and training boys like Brennan is a waste of your time. Do we
understand each other?
GEORGE: (they shake hands)I wont let you down (gets to walk to her
desk and passes gossips)
GEORGE: Since I just got promoted, I just thought you too should know
that I take my coffee with a little milk, two sugars and a lot less
of your bullshit
(saying to the other)I hate her
(to the other friend)What a bitch

(VO)Don't even turn to see the wreckage

The road where Cathing Sully has died. Police cars are around the scene
people standing round giving statements two Chinese ladies talking to
the cop

FRANK THE COP: Can you describe the other kid?
(talking in very fast Chinese)
FRANK THE COP: What the hell
ROXIE: The other kid was a little taller than this one,(Daisy walks
over to the truck bends down and picks up the cross that is lying on
the ground) He had a black sweatshirt, (and shiftily walks away with
it in her pocket)with some Ying Yang bull on the back of it and then
he headed North down the ring, he was pretty banged up too
FRANK THE COP: What's your name?
ROXIE: Roxie
FRANK THE COP: You the one that closelined this kid?
ROXIE: mmm-hmmm
FRANK THE COP: I like your style. You got the wrong job Roxie
ROXIE: I got nothing but wrong jobs

In the living Room of the Lass house. Joy, Reggie and Clancy and JD

REGGIE: So do you guys just like hate each other's guts?
CLANCY: No, your mother and I don't hate we hate each other, we love
each other very much.....we just...
JOY: We just can't.... live together but we both love you and even
though other things will change, that won't
CLANCY: You know Reg, It's okay to feel, whatever you are feeling.
don't be afraid to have feelings
JOY: What are you feeling sweetheart?
REGGIE: I'm a little hungry.(pause) so, which one of you gets you
CLANCY: Well, you know your mother and I haven't exactly worked it
CLANCY: Your mom wants you to umm...
REGGIE: Who gets JD?(JD walks off)
JOY: Well sweetheart, JD is your dog but I'm sure if you wanna "lend"
him to your dad, every now and then, you know I'm sure he'd appreciate
REGGIE: Tisha Carter's parents got a divorce and her dad got this
really cheesy condo, shag carpeting and mirrors everywhere
CLANCY: Well I'm not going to get a cheesy condo Reggie
REGGIE: We'll have to get a back yard for JD
CLANCY: We'll see sweetie
JOY: Most sorority houses do come with back yards
CLANCY: You just can't leave it alone, you just can't help yourself
(Reggie realises that there is going to be another arguemement so she
walks off)
JOY: Oh that's just great. I can't help myself. youve been tapping
little Miss kappa kappa gamma's keg for a year now
CLANCY: You know did it ever occur to you that maybe you pushed me in
that direction(Reggie goes into the kitchen to get some food, but
looks upset from her parents arguing)
JOY: Oh really. That's boy, poor you. Please enlighten me
CLANCY: It's the same way you drive everyone around you away. You did
the same thing to George. You wanted her out of this house, you
wanted her gone and now she's gone
JOY: Get out. Get out. (shouting) Get out of this house right now or
I will scream ( he leaves)

Happy Time

(VO) My parents took me and my little sister took us to the circus
every year. I like the trapeze artiste the best, "The flying
lowendows" - or whatever they were called, not the death defying
stuff, the mid air quadruple flips and near misses, I covered my eyes
for that, what I liked was the part at the end when they bounced
down and jumped into the net and they jumped up with that big willender
the ta-da part, ta-da  -  I love that, it meant 'I'm safe'

Walks into the office where Brennan is looking at papers

(both of them take a deep breath)

GEORGE: I can't go out with you tonight
BRENNAN: Okay. Err maybe some other time
GEORGE: I don't know
BRENNAN: Okay.(pause) Well that's cool,you know, just hang onto my
phone number
BRENNAN: Hopefully I'll see you around
GEORGE: (nervous laugh)Well we work in the same office
BRENNAN: Yeah. Does it hurt?(looks blank) your finger?
GEORGE: Err... no
BRENNAN: Oh..oh good, I'm glad
GEORGE: Thank you
(leaves the room and rests on the outside wall getting her breath)

(VO) That was the thing with the rollenders, why I always covered my
eyes until it was over, eventually  one of them's got to fall

At the party. Kids still trying to get the pinata. fast track round
the party. Dad is pulling at the pinata with a lever

EMILY: Daddy you'll break it
LLOYD: I know, sweetheart (gives the lever to man next to him as
there is a pain in his arm and gets up)

LLOYD: Hey, Eddie. finish this (holds onto the wall to support himself)

(takes the stick off the kid)
CCILD: Awwwww maaan
LLOYD: Try not to kill anyone
(hits it and part of the stick comes hurteling inbetween dad and Mason

EMILY: (tugging at him) Daddy, daddy, It's still not breaking
LLOYD: Sweetie the pinata's going to crack open, you'll get your candy.
Has daddy ever let  you down before?
(Mason accidentally on purpose falls over dad and takes his soul in
the process)

(sees a kid with a baseball bat)
LLOYD: I'll bring it right back. (gives it to the other guy) Knock it
(Birthday girl sits on her dad's lap. The other man breaks it, she
jumps up with joy and Dad has relief on his face graveling appears
from inside of the pinata and throws out a humbug and ges into
Dad's mouth and chokes him. He holds his throat and with his other
hand is trying to get someone's attention. one of the children goes
past him and waves to him and he passes away)

LLOYD: Am I dead?
MASON: Yeah, youre dead
LLOYD: Who are you?
MASON: Mason
LLOYD: Youre not the clown?
MASON: I'm not a fucking clown
LLOYD: What were you doing here?
MASON: Err.. I was.. I took your soul before.. you know. and now I'm
going to escort you to your afterlife
LLOYD: No, what were you doing? You made obscene balloon animals for my
daughter, you insulted all my guests and the whole time you knew I
was going to die? Is this a joke?(looks away sheepishly) This is how
she'll remember her birthday?
MASON: Do you want to come with me I'll take you to your lights, right?
LLOYD: Stay away from me. Stay away from my family. Just go (Dad goes
over to where mother and daughter are and he tried to cuddle her but
evaporates and reform - he is gutted. Mason looks on)

Brennan walking past George's cubicle and she staring

(VO) Life always seemed about two things, feeling bad and then
feeling better. For me the feeling bad part came pretty easy but the
feeling better part, how to make myself feel better, I never got that
part down

Rube at Der Waffle Haus. He is writing his pencil nib breaks. Roxie is
sitting opposite

RUBE: Some to soft, always break
ROXIE: I keep telling you to buy the number fours, but you don't
(George comes in and plonks her self next to Rube)
RUBE: What's with the sad face?
ROXIE: Some sad story. Rents due, job sucks, cat's pregnant
RUBE: You haven't seen Mason lately, have you?
(she shakes her head and Kiffany walks past)
GEORGE: Kiffany can I get some coffee please
RUBE: Why do you drink coffee so late? you don't sleep as it is
GEORGE: (shout out) Make that an expresso, thank you
ROXIE: Little miss cranky pants
RUBE: Whatever oats youre sowing this moment, whenever need you feel to
make a statement or question my authority. Is it something I did?
GEORGE: nothing's wrong. I got a promotion!
RUBE: What kind of promotion did you get?
GEORGE: Two more big bills a week (....hunjj?)
ROXIE: I joined the police accadamy
GEORGE: Nice. I mean you didn't
RUBE: She did. They want more days these Happy Time people
(puts her fingers up twice)
RUBE: I think you should decline the offer
GEORGE: Fuck that, it's done, I'm doing it
RUBE: Alright. Roxie, will you give us a moment
(moves from the table taking her book)
GEORGE: Why cant I do this? I'm doing this. She's joining
the fucking police acadamy
RUBE: Roxie's not your concern, I'm just worried that youre taking on
too much. People love to take roses and they forget about the torns
GEORGE: Well that's really beautiful but I'm taking the promotion

(Daisy walks in and heads for 16 table)
ROXIE: (doesn't even look up from her book) Uh-hu. I wouldn't do that
DAISY: What did she do now?
ROXIE: Nice cross. Have any problem getting the blood off?
DAISY: No just soap and water

(over to George and Rube)

RUBE: I just think you should go in ther Monday morning and tell the
Delores woman thank you, but no
GEORGE: I want to do this, I want more money
RUBE: I want, I want. Look peanut
GEORGE: Don't call me that
RUBE: I just think all that wanting isn't that good and that's all I
have to say about your promotion
GEORGE: Well, as much as I have enjoyed this
little pow-wow I think I'm just going to do what I'm going to do
KIFFANY: Miss? Your expresso?
GEORGE: I don't want it
KIFFANY: We made it, somebody's got to pay for it
GEORGE: She's a cop, don't they get everything for free
KIFFANY: I thought you were a meter maid?
ROXIE: Well I'm a cop now
KIFFANY: Good for you baby. Coffee's free for cops(gives it to her)
GEORGE: Unfucking real (storms off)
(Daisy is filing her nails)
DAISY: What do you mean youre a cop?
ROXIE: I joined the police acadamy this afternoon
DAISY: Yeah, I don't think I care for that (carries on filing nails)

Reggie on the floor with a cushion, reading a book with JD
beside her. JD gets up and goes into the other room where the TV is on
cartoons and Joy is on the sofa with a blanket over her. sits up
slightly to see Reggie then lies back down and carries on
staring into space

Mason still in the clown suit and acquired some balloons in the
process. Looking round - he's in an alleyway and it's raining. He
sees a man with a bottle in his hand who is sleeping and takes a swig
and gives the man some money which he puts in his inside pocket and
runs away.

George gets home. puts her coat up and walks over to her terraruim and
hears a croak

GEORGE: Hey there Mr. Frog, how was your day?(stars crying) Mine was
fucked up
(walks over to the table where Daisy has put the lily in a vase)
GEORGE: My flower
(comes from behind and slightly shocks George)
DAISY: I thought you might want it. So who was that boy on the phone
DAISY: Brendan
GEORGE: Brennan
DAISY: Brennan(smirk on her face) Who's Brennan who thinks you have
beautiful eyes
GEORGE: It's no-body
(Daisy raises her eyebrows)
GEORGE: Okay I kissed him
DAISY: What was the kiss like? It's not too late to call him, you
GEORGE: I'm not going to call him. Delores doesn't want me getting
involved with anyone at Happy Time. Besides his not my type, not even
close. he's a pretty boy
DAISY: It's obvious
GEORGE: Go to bed Daisy
(walks off to go and sit down)
DAISY: So Rube doesn't want you at Happy Time, that makes you
unhappy, Delores wants you at happy Time just as long as you are
unhappy, it sounds like a plan
GEORGE: Life sucks and then you die... and then it still sucks
(daisy nods in aggreement)
GEORGE: What's with the cross?
DAISY: I dont know, I like it
GEORGE: What are you catholic now?
DAISY: Yeah, why not
GEORGE: Good for you
DAISY: Youre so angry
GEORGE: And youre not?
DAISY: Listen to me. I died in 1938 and there is not a days gone by
that I wonder the days gone by as I did, things I didn't do
GEORGE: No and you were going to be a great actress and youre
beautiful and talented and you slept with all the men under the moon
DAISY: Shut up and stop making fun for once, you think you know
everything? look how unhappy you are. I'm sorry you were so young
when you died Georgia. Goodnight
(cuts to flower on the table)

At the cematary

(VO)I knew who that pink flower was for, I knew who I betrayed. My
Short life was like a short family outings to the circus, it wasn't
so bad. the bit with the clown, some cotton candy and just as things
got interesting I covered my eyes. (has the flower in her hand and
puts it on her grave and wipes her tears) I know what that smile at
the end was for, why they were so happy with their mid air flips and
near misses, they were happy because they were brave enough to be
themselves. I mean if
you are willing you have to climb up the ladder(she starts running)
You have to grab that trapeze bar. If you are Rollender, you have to
jump off, eyes wide open


Kikavu ?

Au total, 24 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

14.03.2022 vers 18h

19.08.2018 vers 23h

10.02.2018 vers 22h

22.01.2018 vers 14h

06.06.2017 vers 14h

Date inconnue

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Locksley, 17.06.2024 à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

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Nouveau design pour le quartier The Handmaid's Tale ! N'hésitez pas à passer le voir

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