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#109 : Les Dimanches matin

Au cours d'une de leur mission, Mason et George font la connaissance de Charlotte, une étudiante. Mason en tombe amoureux, tandis que George s'en fait une amie. Sa vie prend alors un nouveau sens, mais elle ne tarde pas à comprendre que Charlotte voue une admiration sans borne à l'un de ses professeurs, Clancy Lass. JD, le chien, apporte un semblant d'harmonie dans la famille Lass, aidant surtout Reggie qui recommence à se comporter comme une fille normale. Roxy enfreint une règle capitale et récolte les foudres de Ruben.

Moments forts
- Les rencontre entre George et son père, d'abord à la fac, et ensuite dans un café.
- Roxy sépare l'âme du corps d'un vivant pour se venger et l'effrayer.


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Titre VO
Sunday Mornings

Titre VF
Les Dimanches matin

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Pete ocko
Réalisateur : Peter Lauer

Durée : 44 min

(Voix Off) Les meilleurs souvenirs sont fichus d'avance, à force de les faire revenir ils finissent par être complètement cuit.. George se souvient des dimanche matins qu'elle partageait avec son père...

(Waffle Haus) George est dans la lune, Daisy lui fait remarquer qu'elle est trop introvertie, Daisy donne aussi son avis sur Roxy(grincheuse, méchante fatiguées ect...) Roxy lui rétorque qu'elle aimerait la voir faire son job rien qu'une journée... Daisy n'est pas trop intéressée. Mason lui pose une question à Daisy sur son métier d'actrice...Reuben apporte les missions, celle de George est à la fac, Mason l'accompagne (pour draguer des minettes ou trouver de la drogue selon Roxy et Daisy)

(Chez la Famille Lass) Reggie joue avec JD, les parents de George plaisantent dans la salle de bain, George en voix off indique qu'elle a le sentiment que sa famille redevient normale... ce qui est bizarre car cette famille n'a jamais été normale!!!!

(A la fac) George et Mason discutent de la fac, Mason pense qu'il aurait pu y aller si seulement il n'avait pas frappé son instit quand il avait 7-8 ans; George n'a pas été longtemps à la fac, sa mère était furieuse, son père quand à lui n'a pas eu trop de réaction quand elle a arrêté, ils n'étaient pas proche à cette période. Selon George la fac se résume en 2 mots: Stress et Beuverie, Mason quand à lui pense que ce sont les microbes qui ont crée les fac pour mieux se reproduire et se développer...

On aperçoit une jeune fille en train de lire des sonnet à un étudiant, elle lui précise qu'elle veut que la porte soit entrouverte. Puis George trouve en fin l'âme qu'elle doit fauchée, le pauvre jeune homme aura une mort rapide! Mason repasse devant la porte de la jeune fille, il la voit fermée... il entre et sauve Charlotte (la jeune fille) d'un viol. 

On retrouve George, Mason et Charlotte en bas de la fac, George parle et se sent proche de Charlotte (elle lui dit qu'elle s'appelle Millie), Mason craque complètement pour elle au point de lui faire croire qu'il a une voiture..il part chercher sa voiture "ficitive" et embarque l'âme du jeune homme qui erre sur un banc. Les 2 filles partent prendre un café, et on entend au loin l'alarme d'une voiture retentir..

Le lendemain, George se réveille de bonne humeur, elle déjeune avec Charlotte ce midi. Pendant ce temps à la Waffle Haus, Mason lit les sonnets de Shakespeare et Roxy a bien du mal à garder son calme face un homme à qui elle vient de mettre un PV, elle craquera finalement et lui fera la morale en séparant son âme de son corps.

Daisy arrive à la Waffle Haus, et taquine Mason lorsqu'elle le voit plonger dans son recueil de poème, Mason ne rigole pas, il trouve Charlotte différente et est prêt à faire des efforts pour lui plaire!!! 

(Happy time)Dolores invite George a déjeuner, celle ci décline car elle attend quelqu'un, Dolores ne la croit pas mais finalement Charlotte arrive, sous l'étonnement de Dolores.

Les deux jeunes filles papotent shopping en déjeunant, puis Charlotte explique à George qu'elle est dégoutée des sonnets suite à sa tentative de viol. Elles vont ensemble à un séminaire sur la poésie dont le professeur est le père de George. George se rend compte qu’elle n’a jamais vraiment connu ou compris son père, à la fin du cours elle le félicite, son père, lui la voyant en tant que Millie. Elle repense à la raison si «bête» qui a fait que le lien fort qu’ils partageaient se brise.

Roxy repasse devant la voiture de son cas spécial... celui ci est complètement fou, il la prend pour Dieu ou Jésus et la remercie de l’avoir vidé de sa colère... Roxy est dans de beaux draps... elle demandera un peu plus tard conseil à Reuben, qui lui dira de trouver une solution... et de ne pas recommencer à prendre une âme sans avoir eu de post it!!! 

(Waffle Haus) George attend Charlotte, Mason souhaite la voir aussi et en savoir plus sur elle, celle ci arrive et fait la connaissance de Daisy... et de Reuben et Roxy (que George présente comme son beau-père et sa nouvelle femme), George récupère son post it et elle et Charlotte partent ensemble. Une fois l’âme fauchée (un jeune homme qui chute d’un pont d’une drôle de manière), les 2 nouvelles amies vont déjeuner. George en profite pour savoir comment est son père et s’il pense à sa fille, Charlotte lui apprend certains potins sur sa vie de famille glauque et que le chagrin qu’il éprouve pour sa fille se retrouve dans ses analyses de la poésie en cours. Charlotte lui avoue qu’elle a préparé un sonnet qu’elle a fait encadré pour le professeur Lass, pour lui permettre de surmonter l’absence de sa fille, mais qu’elle n’a jamais osé lui donner. George lui conseille de ne pas lui donner, elle prétexte un rendez vous et file vite. Elle se sent blessée, elle se dit que son père n’a du avoir trop de mal à l’oublier, car il ne montre pas sa peine.

Charlotte ne veut pas perdre son amie alors elle vient jusqu’à chez elle pour s’excuser de l’avoir blessée. George s’excuse aussi et elles décident de sortir toutes les deux laissant Daisy faire ses vocalises, mais Mason arrive en costard et tout mielleux, il essaye de s’incruster, George lui dit que c’est une soirée entre filles, et le pauvre se retrouve seul face à Daisy qui lui assure qu’il n’a aucune chance avec cette jeune fille. Mais il s’en fiche, il la trouve vraiment chouette... 

George et Charlotte finissent leur soirée sur un toit avec des bouteilles d’alcool, elles parlent de leur vie, de leur virginité. Charlotte trouve qu’elle a une vie très douillette, elle n’a jamais perdu quelqu’un dans sa vie, elle trouve que George ressemble un peu à Mr Lass (à juste titre!) et elle décide de lui donner le sonnet.

Le lendemain, Roxy réveille la colère de «Chuck» l’homme qui a eu une révélation.. et sa technique est plus que radicale!!!! George accompagne Charlotte qui a rendez vous avec Mr Lass, dans le même café ou ils allaient tous les dimanche matin quand elle était petite. Charlotte n’ose pas donner son sonnet, mais George ose et pose la question qui lui brule les lèvres « est ce que votre fille vous manque?» il répond que le lien fort qui les unissait c’était brisé un jour, et qu’il pensait qu’en la laissant voler de ses propres ailes le lien se reformerait mais «qui aurait cru qu’on ait si peu de temps» conclut-il. Emue Charlotte renverse son verre d’eau sur George, le temps qu’elle aille chercher une serviette elle voit Charlotte réconforter son père...

(Voix Off) et c’est ainsi que mon père à tourner la page, le comportement des hommes est si prévisible: coeurs brisés, trahisons (Mason aperçoit Charlotte, il est en costard et a un poème dans ses mains...) La douleur est toujours aussi vive et quand vous avez la chance de vous en remettre une autre félure craquelle vôtre vie...( la mère de George jardine et sourie voyant Reggie jouer avec Jd...)

A fridge opening, seeing lettuce, eggs, cheese and bacon

(VO)The best memories don't have to chance. You keep them to the back them and every time
you do, you cook them a little more

Flashback. Young George and Clancy are in a waffle house, sitting at a table playing tiddly
winks with

YOUNG GEORGE: Do you want one of my blueberry pancakes when they come?
Clancy: Yeah I'll tell you what Georgia, I'll trade you one of your blueberry pancakes for
two pices of my bacon
YOUNG GEORGE: It's a deal. But you could have the blueberry pancake for free.(young George
flicks a dime, Clancy shouts "goal") Whoo(knocks over the glass by the side of her)

(VO) After a while all you'll have leftis this tiny crispy fragment. (waitress brings over a
plate of food) it's not like you even remember what happened anymore (they are pilling up
little containers of jellies) It's more like the idea of what happened and Sunday mornings
were the best

At Der Waffle Haus. Roxy, Daisy, George, Mason and Rube. George is pilling the jelly containers as before, they fall

DAISY: Ketchup
(George looks at Mason - he os cleaning his teeth, with what looks like a gold scrubber)
DAISY: Georgia. The ketchup. George, the ketchup
GEORGE: Oh, sorry
DAISY: I know it's none of my business but you are a very internal little creature
ROXY: You always say something that's none of your business, then you act like it is
GEORGE: I'm not internal
DAISY: You are, that's why you spend so much alone and why you don't have any freinds. Now, roxy here, she's as external as they get
ROXY: You don't know me
DAISY: I know your moods--grumpy, mean and grumpy, sleepy  and grumpy
GEORGE: Like the seven dwarves
MASON: Daisy you were an actress, wern't you? Did you ever sleep with a dwarf? did you blow a dwarf
DAISY: Don't be stupid, they're cartoons
ROXY: I would love to see you do my job for one day
DAISY: When there's a Broadway musical about your styless but fun shoes I will gladly walk a
mile in them
GEORGE: May I please have my assignment?
RUBE: It's over at the college, parking is a nightmare
GEORGE: I don't have a car
RUBE: Parking is still a nightmare
MASON: I'm going to come with you
GEORGE: I like to do things on my own
DAISY: I know what you're doing, youre trying to score some sweet young thing
MASON: Oh, did it ever occur to you that being around that youthful energy might inspire me?
ROXY: and you could steal a shitload of drugs
(Mason looks up after, slurping hos coke)

The Lass's. Reggie is playing with cups. JD is by the side of her

REGGIE: Round and round it goes, where does it stop, nobody knows

(VO)You know that moment after you've been dead a while, (camera spins round to the door where Joy is standing there smiling)
when you begin to suspect things might be coming back to normal in your family? Okay, maybe you don't.(Clancy comes to the door, he is smiling. He beckons the dog to come) Well I think that may have happened to my family, the weird part is tha my family never was normal before

(Clancy is shaving in the bathoom)
CLANCY: You know that Irish setter I had growing up? Freckles?
JOY: Yeah, your mom showed me pictures
CLANCY: She loathed that dog
JOY: She told me that while she was showing me pictures
CLANCY: Well one day, he took a crap in one of her shoes, That was all she wrote. So my dad,
he can't bear to put the thing to sleep so he announces he's gonna drive freckes up Mount
Tam, set him free
JOY: In the woods?
CLANCY: In the woods
JOY: He should've done that with your mother
(the laugh)
CLANCY: He kept them both

Mason and George walking up to the college

GEORGE: It only says seventh floor R.L Guggenhiem
MASON: This is a dump
GEORGE: Well, what were you expecting?
MASON: I don't know, something more collegiate
(something falls from the window and bursts onto the floor)
GEORGE: Holy shit!
BOY: That was my bong, douche bag!
MASON: It's nice (walking up the stairs) I could have gone to college, well up untill I hit
my teacher on the head with a book or maybe or was a globe. I can't remember what I hit my
teacher with
GEORGE: When did this happen?
MASON: uh...primary, so I guess I was seven or eight
GEORGE: My mother was more excited about me going to college than I was. It was like "Hey,
here a socially acceptable way to evict my daughter from our house"
MASON: But you didn't go
GEORGE: No I went, I just dropped out and she hated me for it
(two boys with a shopping cart with a keg of beer in it)
MASON: Well mission accomplished. Your father say much.
GEORGE: He didn't say much really. We wern't really that close at that point
GEORGE: I don't know. When I was a kid we were really close, (cuts to diner)he used to let
me drink coke at breakfast, I thought that was really cool

YOUNG GEORGE:  Dad do the straw trick (watching him do something) That never gets old

College. Pizza box

(VO)College is two things, forget what they put in the latin around the seal--it is not
about veritas or fraternitas. College is about stress-itas and binge-itas. Stress (girl
sitting on her bed, crossed legged, holding a pillow and on the phone crying) Binge
(peircing a can of beer and drinking it, with the freinds around him egging him on)

cute boy: Has anyone seen a pink index card with calculus equations on it?


cute boy: Fuck!
(two girs kissing)
(VO)I don't know what I was worried about--(boy kicking a bin over with maddened rage) I
didn't have any papers due, I hadn't just broken up with my boyfriend, I didn't feel
stupid and alone--but just being near all these people who did made me want to scream or cry
MASON: Drugs?
GEORGE: No, thank you
MASON: Come on, anti depressants, amoxicillin, everyone's taking amoxicillin
GEORGE: Well good for them
MASON: Listen I have this theory, that all this elitist college crap is just a front for the
bacteria. (George Looking arond) Now bacteria creates the colleges to have the perfect
place to breed and evolve
GEORGE: Let's just find the guy and get out of here

GIRL: Like the waves make toward the pebbles shore, so do our munutes hasten to their end
(a girl who is sitting in her dorm reading from a book) each changing with that which that
goes before"

(VO) Reading poetry to a good-looking guy in my dorm room?. This is something I'll never do

BOY: Hey senorita, make way for boutros-boutros nitrous corn bubble (some guys go passed
carrying the keg)Something else I'll never do
MASON: What's going on?
GEORGE: Nothing
(Mason hears then sees the girl)
GIRL: "And nothing stands but his syth to mow, and yest to times and hope, my verse shall
stand, praising thy worth dispite his cruel hand" You get this?
SCUM: Yeah, yeah, very moving. wanna beer?
(Mason smiles to see her)
SCUM: Just thought we could relax a little bit (get's himself cofortable on the sofa) Fuck!
(gets back up to close the door)
GIRL: Whoa, no, just leave the door open, okay?
(George is looking at the floor - there are pink and yellow slips of paper)
HALL BOY: Has anybody  seen my pink index card?
GEORGE: Is your name Rich Guggenheim?
HALL BOY: Fuck, yes I am, thank you so much (comes running back to George)
GEORGE: Big test huh?
RICH: Yeah, well no. Who cares. I got the number of this girl on here. Her name is Jenny. Do you
believe in fate?
RICH: We met by the vending machines of the basement of the med library--they have yoohoo,
whatever. She was singing that old Frankie goes to Hollywood song--Do you know the way to
San Jose and I kazaaed that like the night before. I said to her "We should just get in the
car and Drive to San Jose" You know? Fuck all this and she turns to me and she's almost
cryingyou know with her yoo-hoo and shit and shay "I never been to California, let's do it
after finals" and she wrote her number down, this is it. Jenny... I think we're really gonna
go (George touches his hand and takes his soul)
GEORGE: You should

(VO)Jenny may get to california someday, but it won't be with him

boy in background: Shit (Three boys have a cannister full of gas, they are pointing it to
the window)

(VO) Meanwhile the class clowns were fucking with the laws of physics

Boy in background: It's okay (the cannister starts flying through the air towards the other side of the hall. Two people move out of the way but Rich doesn't)
Did you see that?
Dude? Dude
GEORGE: (to Mason)I think it's time we go
MASON: (passes thee door that he saw the girl in) She wanted that open(he picks the lock)
GIRL: Stop it, get off of me
scum: I suspect that youre saying no
GIRL: get off me
SCUM: But I think you're gonna change your mind
GIRL: Stop it!
(scum looks up, girl moves out the way)
MASON: I just remember what I hit my teacher with(lifts up a fire extringisher)
scum: Youve got like one second (whacks him and he goes down. Mason kicks him to see if he
is out)

In the campus parking yard

GIRL: Was that kid in the hall really dead?
(looks over to Rich sitting down on the bench trying to pick up his pink index card)
GEORGE: Yeah, he was
GIRL: God, I've never seen a real dead person before, have you?
GIRL: Well most guys on campus are like you, they're normal and sweet, I don't even know why
I was studying with this guy
GEORGE: It looked pretty bad
GIRL: Well that's he thing, I had pepper spray right on my keys, but I was just like, you
know Is this really happening?
GEORGE: You had brain freeze, I get them all the time
GIRL: you know I just wish I could just, like be awake you know, in the moment wnen it's
GEORGE: or have like a pause button or something so you can have some time to react
GIRL: Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly. you know I'm such an expert on life after shit happens. God
life is just too fast

(VO)Is it wrong to decide someone ois such a great person because they're so much like you?

Girl: Oh shoot. I've got some laudry at the coin-op
MASON: I--I could give you a ride
A ride in what?
GIRL: You have a car?
GIRL: Okay god this is going to sound so shallow but um, I llike to guess what people drive
GEORGE: Yeah, I'm curious too
GIRL: Okay, um... I think that you would rather walk than drive something that didn't suit
you so... I'm going to go with classic Trans-am, red
MASON: That's incredible
GEORGE: Uncanny
GIRL: Oh my god, I got it right?
In fact I'm gonna go--and get it now. Red one? red one
GIRL: Yeah
MASON: Yeah(gets up)
GEORGE: Um, Mason Dont forget our thing
Oh yeah (whistles and Rich stands up to go to Mason)
GIRL: He's kinda cute. Do you guys?
Oh no,uh no
So um, what's your major?
oh my god that's so queer. What's your name?

(VO)Rube says don't get too close to the living, just say on the periphery, don't tell her
who you are, give her your undead name

GEORGE: I'm Millie
GIRL: Charlotte (puts her hand out to be shook)I know shaking hands is so weird
GEORGE: Hey, you wanna get some coffee? I guess that's what you are supposed to say when
someone is having a fucked up day
GIRL: Is that what it said in girls who make bad decisions manual
GEORGE: Page three
GIRL: Um, is your freind going to be okay?
GEORGE: Yeah he'll be fine
(the sound of shattering glass and a car alarm sounds off. They get up to go)

(VO) As you get older the change of making a really good new freind is probably about the
same as being hit by a truck. And if you are hit by a truck--which is to say-dead (shows
the alarm clock) the chances of making a new freind are even slimmer (George gets up out of
bed) so when I remembered I had a lunch date with Charlotte, I felt something new since I
died--I felt lucky

Mason sitting down in Der Waffle Haus surriptiuously reading a book "The sonnetts" by
William Shakespeare

(VO)Mason was feeling something new too. (putting a ticket onto a van) Meanwhile Roxy was
just doing her job, working for the man when she ran into a bad one

MAN: Alright take it back
ROXY: Ticket's already been writen, they don't go back
MAN: Oh, right. Oh okay. Then why don't you just shove those tickets where the sun don't shine, Miss?
ROXY: Step aside sir, as I told you yesterday if you have a complaint there's a system in place
MAN: Your system can suck my dick Miss. Okay? Now I ain't paying those fucking tickets, so just take your tickets, put them in your pocket and walk off
ROXY: you need to step off
MAN: Step off? (cricks his neck) Step off? okay, okay (shouts) Step off (starts recking the vehicle)
ROXY: Sir, that is city property!
MAN: youre not listening to me. I aint ever gonna pay those tickets, so you take 'em back. (Roxy moves back as if to say WTF)I don't cake about your goddamn fucking rules.(He moves over to his van and takes the tickets off) So you take these goddamn tickets back!
ROXY: Ho-ho-hold up now. Now I can tolerate you cursing me out, screaming at me, disrespecting my vehicle but don't you [i]ever[i/] put your hands on me
(throws the tickets on the floor and pokes her other shoulder)

(VO) and that was when Roxy decided she didn't care about breaking the rules either (he touches her nose.she gets inside his chest and takes his soul, that gives him an out of body expeirence)

(Angels singing)
ROXY: let me tell you something, I am trying to do my job--(Guy is looking at hinmself in total awe) which is definitely my day job--if you keep fucking with me there are other skills I can employ that will give your life a turn for the strange and painful, Do you understand me?(nods his head - she puts him back - he is in shock and she leaves him)

Mason is sitting in Der Waffle Haus, Daisy joins him, she has a paper

DAISY: Shakespeare sonnets? What an elegant slender volume why Mason is your coffee table
uneven? Wait... is there a girl? someone special you want to "shag"?
MASON: I don't want to shag her Daisy. I--I do want to shag her but not in the usual way. I
like her
DAISY: Oh my
MASON: She's different, she's sweet, she's sophisticated, she's a college girl
DAISY: A college girl? hmm
MASON: Um, what is that supposed to mean?(reads the paper, brings it down again) What does
that mean?
DAISY: Nothing. How did you meet?
MASON: Uh, I hit some bloke on the head who was trying to date-rape her
DAISY: mmm, a story to tell the grandkids
MASON: Yeah, but forget it
DAISY: Mason, come on. It's a bit strange seeing you this way
MASON: She's different
DAISY: I get that
MASON: Not too different
DAISY: Oh no no no it'll be fine. you'll sweep her off her feet,show her there's more to
life than book learning. She'll teach you about salad forks, the romanytic poets and you'll
teach her about car theft and amphetamines
(he closes the book)
MASON: Fuck you Daisy
DAISY: I'm sorry, I hope that it all works out, honey

At Happy Time

DELORES: Feel like a little lunch Millie?
MILLIE: Actually I have plans today?
DELORES: Really?
MILIE: Yeah, its kind of like a... lunch date
MILLIE: I mean not a [i]date[/i] date
(Delores looks puzzled and leaves, she comes back with a chair and sits down next to Millie)
DELORES: Millie... I hope you don't feel uncomfortable saying no to me it--it doesn't have to be awkward, you don't have to lie
MILLIE: I'm not
DELORES: I'm not angry
MILLIE: okay
DELORES: There'll be plenty lunches
MILLIE: uh-huh
DELORES: So don't worry about having "plans"
MILLIE: But I really do have a lunch date
DELORES: Okay. It's just your honesty is important and I think you sometinmes forget i have
been where you are, I have been young and alone. I will simply say this--as you grow, being
a loner stops being something you are ashamed of and becomes something you treasure
CHARLOTTE: Hi Millie, um, sorry I'm late(Delores realises what she is saying) Are you ready?
MILLIE: Yeah(to Delores) Okay bye

Millie and Charlotte walking in the park

CHARLOTTE: So do you like to shop?
MILLIE: It's okay, I mean I'm not like a freak about it or anything
CHARLOTTE: Well I know it sounds girly, but, I love clothes
MILLIE: Two words I've never heard before--"cute top"
CHARLOTTE: Well unless unlike you I get all my self-esteem from my appearance
MILLIE: two words Ive also never heard before. You want to know a secret?
CHARLOTTE: Absolutely, I love secrets
MILLIE: I've never had a manicure
CHARLOTTE: Jesus, je--okay, no. Too much, too soon (looks at her nails) Oh my god
MILLIE: Hey, have you ever heard from that asshole?
CHARLOTTE: No I haven't seen him but I filed a report with the capus police. You know what I
was thinking about?You know what totally sucked about the whole thing?
MILLIE: That he tried to rape you?
CHARLOTTE: Yeah, besides that
MILLIE: The sonnets. I love the sonnets and he tainted them for me

(VO)This is where I felt it the first time. The universe was cocking the fuck-with-me gun

Clancy at the diner

CLANCY: "That time of year thou mayest in me behold, when yellow leaves or none or few do
hang upon those boughs, which shake against the cold, (Young George looking bored) bare
ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang"

CHARLOTTE: So I'm taking this amazing seminar, the profressor is a total trip, you should

In lecture, George looking bored

CLANCY: "That time of year thou mayest in me behold, when yellow leaves or none or few do
hang upon those boughs, which shake against the cold, bare
ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang" Shakespere is trying to paint that emotional
moment of a lost love. I know, I know, It's so old school--A tree in winter, boughs skaking
against the cold Blah, blah blah. It's so familiar (Charlotte is smiling) but... let me ask
you a question who here has had their heart broken?( a few people put their hands up, so
does George) Yeah okay. Now we know who the dramatic ones are( a few laugh in the class) but
here's my point--when youre suffering and I mean truely suffering, it's the cliches that
heal you. When I'm sad give me George Jones or willie Nelson, that's the brilliance of these
sonnets--they state the obvious. Cliches are cliches because they are the things that have
stuck to the wall.Our greatest arrogance is to believe that we are all special because the
truth is we are all unbelievably the same

(VO) Watching this man entertaining his students be sweet and insightful and touching I was
truck with one question--who was this guy and what had he doe with my father?

(class is finished)
CHARLOTTE: Um excuse me Professor Lass
CLANCY: Hi um...Sandy
CHARLOTTE: Charlotte
CLANCY: Why do I even try?
CHARLOTTE: Um I just wanted my freind to meet you. I love your class
CLANCY: Thank you. Hi
CLANCY: I'm teaching the comedies next semester, it's a little lighter fare, you know?
MILLIE: I loved that poem, it was really helpful especially about the part about not being

(VO) And that's when I knew I had never met Clancy Lass before. I don't know if anyone in my
family had

young george standing in a doorway, on the other side ther is Joy, Clancy and Reggie
(VO)I brought home a stray cat once...

CLANCY: You know youre not a baby Georgia, I think that you are old enough to see our side of this
JOY: Were going to have to take him to an animal shelter, sweetie
GEORGE: They'll kill him!
CLANCY: They won't kill him
JOY: No they're gonna find some nice family that can take care of him
GEORGE: I don't want him to end up with some nice family, I want him in [i]this[/i] family
CLANCY: There is a baby in this house now, It's not a debateI've made up my mind
GEORGE: This sucks, you just do what you want
JOY: Georgia
GEORGE: Youre the worst dad ever
CLANCY: Go to your room

I wanted a kitty cat and I got a little sister instead (cuts to the diner)and as simple as
that, that was the end of something between me and my dad . I started sleeping in on sunday
mornings. It never occurred to me that he hadn't changed that it was my fault, Id just
become a teenager. I wonder if he still has a coke for breakfast when I wasn't there

Guy under the bridge with his van. Music playing. Roxy pulls up in her van. There are
candles all over the van and a cross.She gets out of the van and looks over the truck.
A hand grabs her shoulder

ROXY: Oh Shit
MAN: I knew you'd come back
ROXY: I have to give you a ticket
MAN: Thank you. I wrote you something, too. I realised that when you did that thing that you
did that there were no words in the English language to describe it, (fixes her hat) so I
came up with some words that would help othere people to understand "Haggleblass" the
arguement with god, that's what happened between you and me. "Stubblerud", the moment in the
haggleblass, when there's is no turning back, that's when a human needs to be taught a
lesson and that's when...
ROXY: Hold on , hold on sir
MAN: No don't call me "sir", I am nothing but a whispernaut, an unworthy one in your presence
ROXY: (She is dumbfounded) Jesus
MAN: Are you Jesus?
ROXY: No, I'm not Jesus. Well, What's your name anyway?
MAN: Before the Haggleblass, uh call me Chuck
ROXY: Okay Chuck. Now I think what happened to you before was something you imagined, maybe
you had a stroke or something
CHUCK: When you separed my soul from my body...
ROXY: that didn't happen
CHUCK: (looks up to the sky) You cured me of all my anger, in one moment you gave me all the
ROXY: Nothing happened
CHUCK: Everything happened. everything
ROXY: Damn (she walks away)
Everything(looks up, camera pans out)

Mason walking into Der Waffle Haus. George is sitting down reading a magazine

MASON: Hello Georgie
GEORGE: I don't know where she is
MASON: Give me her number
GEORGE: She's not interested in you, if she qwas interested in you she would have mentioned
you. she didn't mention you
MASON: (pleads)Ask her about me. (meany)no don't ask her about me because you'll tell her
things about me, you'll stress the nagative(pleads) as her about me Georgie (Daisy walks in
and sits down)
GEORGE: I'll ask her about you
MASON: What, with that expression on your face? Well fuck it, fuck you
(George brings her hand down for him to be quiet)
MASON: I'll show you both, we'll be like Romeo and Julliet, we will
GEORGE: You do know how that story ended, don't you?
DAISY: If Romeo had just masturbated a couple of times a week he would have saved both those
nice families a heap of trouble (Mason hits Daisy on the leg,to get her to see Charlotte, 
she hits him back because she can)
GEORGE: Charlotte, um, what time is it? you were supposed to meet me out front
CHARLOTTE: I'm early, I know
DAISY: Daisy Adair, Ive heard so much about you,I feel I know you already
GEORGE: uh and you already know Mason
CHARLOTTE: Of course, my hero
GEORGE: Well we better be going
(Rube and Roxy turn up)
RUBE: Hello
GEORGE: This is my freind Charlotte, Charlotte this is my... step dead and his wife. Uh, we
weally have to go
RUBE: Nice to meet you Charlotte. Honey...
RUBE: Can you run an errand for me, sweetheart? It's just a few blocks away. Do it for your
step-dad? (SHEtakes the post-it)
GEORGE: Sure, no problem
RUBE: You might wanna hurry (E.Dienes, Marina Promanade E.T.D 1:37pm. goes to the cookoo
clock that reads 20 past 1)


CHARLOTTE: Oh my god, did you  see that?
(a guy juggling)
GEORGE: Now that looks a little more interesting

JUGGLER: And now for his next trick, the great Etienne will juggle...knives
CHARLOTTE: This is the errant you are running?
GEORGE: I think it is
CHARLOTTE: Your step-dad needs a juggler?
GEORGE: He's throwing a birthday party for his wife, he needs, you know entertainment
(boyfreind and girlfreind are talking)
EDDIE: That is so awesome
ANN: Eddie Dienes, Do not give that man money, you're encoraging stupidity (she walks off)
EDDIE: Stupid needs to make a living, too
(George touches his chest and takes his soul)
GEORGE: Im sorry, uh, do you know that guys name?
EDDIE: Uh I don't know. It's something French or equally fucked up (puts some money in the
GEORGE: Let's go get some lunch
CHARLOTTE: What about the juggler your step-dad's party?
GEORGE: Too dangerous
CHARLOTTE: I don't see anyone...die. What's wrong?
GEORGE: Jugglers just freak me out (they move away. A graveling comes out of the hat, goes
back in and flicks the coin out, which goes rolling down the hill, where a young boy sees
it, who tries to pick it up, who gets in the way of a skateboarder) Watch out dude
(who jumps over the boy, who falls off his skateboard, Eddie then puts his foot on the
skateboard which careers him towards the edge of the promenade and goes over
EDDIE: Whoa!
Man: Oh my god
CHARLOTTE: What was that?
GEORGE: I have no idea

Rube and Roxy sitting down outside Der Waffle Haus

ROXY: I didn't know you smoked a pipe
RUBE: You need to fix it
ROXY: He put his hands on me
RUBE: last time I checked being pissed off wasn't enough of a reason to remove a person's
soul from thier body. Don't do that again
ROXY: I didn't, He'd turn into a nutball
RUBE: Well how would you have responded, Roxy? God appereared to the man
ROXY: I wouldn't be making up words and shit
RUBE: He's creating a mythology to take back to his people. Joseph Smith had the same thing
happen to him now the mormons have a monopoly on the hotel industry
ROXY: This is nothing
RUBE: Hundred years from now people will have little plasic meter maidswith bobbing heads
hanging from their rearview mirrors
ROXY: Well what do you want me to do?
RUBE: It's about restoring the status quo, the guy was'nt supposed to get enlightened, he
was supposed to get a parking ticket. you got to turn him back into a prick.  If you ever
take someone's soul again, without first having a post-it, I'm gonna break this pipe off in
your ass

In the park

GEORGE: Youre right they do look like chickens
CHARLOTTE: Somehow you just can't see it right-side-up

both of them lying down looking  at people walkin past upside-down
(both laugh and tun the right way up)

Do you think he looks sad?
Professor Lass
I don't know
I guess not, huh?
well, you do know  his story, right?
what story?
His daughter was the girl that was killed with the falling toilet seat
no shit?That was his daughter?
and I think his relationship with his wife is like totally fucked up
How do you know all this?
I don't know, he gives away clues in class. People talk
Does he talk about it?
His wife?
His daughter, the one that...
he doesn't really say anything
I guess he doesn't really think about it
No, no, it's there. In how he talks about the poems. I don't know, you can tell his heart...he's suffered, you know? So stupid, but I had this one sonnet framed and, I don't know, I thought it might help him. I never gave it to him though
What was it?
I memorized it, I know, I'm such a geek "No longer mourn for me when I am dead, Nay, if you read this line, remember not the hand that writ it for I love you so, that your sweet thoughts I'd be forgot, if thinking on me then should make you woe" You know, move on Sh'd want it that way
I think that's a mistake
Well, I just thought that maybe, you know. it would give him some comfort. I don't know he seems ready to move on, I don't know
yes that's right you don't know. You know I  didn't realise what time it is. I gotta go

(VO) Charlotte had hurt me so I told her I never wanted to see her again, the best way I know how

MILLIE: I'll call you
(she walks off)
(camera to outside the Lass household)

(VO) one of the few silver linings of dying is watchig the people that you love really lose
their shit because they miss you so much. I was having a little trouble seeing it here,
(cut to Clancy in the diner slurping his cocacola) I had to wonder--maybe the reason it was
so easy for my dad to say good-bye to me two months agowas because he had already said
good-bye to me a long time before that(change scene) ( daisy chanting) (there is a knock on
the door)(more chanting from Daisy in the bathroom)

GEORGE: Someones knocking at the door
Millie opens the door

CHARLOTTE: I'm not gonna let you break up with me
(chanting in the background)
CHARLOTTE: Okay, I'm here to apologize, this is for you (hands her a small pink bag)
MILIE: Oh you didn't do anything wrong, Charlotte. I'm just... screwed up
CHARLOTTE: Look, this is the part in our freindship whee we start to admit that we're not
(chanting - George gets out a top from the bag)
CHARLOTTE: What is that  noise?
DAISY: Cute top
CHARLOTTE: So um, do you wanna go do something?
(Mason slinks round the corner with a shirt and tie on)
MASON: I was passing by, I'm going out for the evening and I thought I'd stop by and see
some old friends (Daisy comes to the door)
DAISY: Mason, you look stunning (straightens himself out)Wait--I'm getting the image of, uh,
a naked Jehovah's witness bleeding by a dumpster somewhere
MASON: Oh, Charlotte
MILLIE: Yeah. Oh well, this is a pleasant surprise
CHARLOTTE: Hello Mason
MILLIE: We're going out
MASON: Really? I--i'd love--I would love to join you
MILLIE: Well it'd girl's night out, we're going out to lesbian bars to drink Jack Daniels
and make out with big women. You can't come
MASON: um...
MASON: (groans)
DAISY: Oh, give it up
MASON: I like her
DAISY: Sweetie, that young woman is going to give her heart to a nice young man who has
reading glasses and a tweed jacket and who never done blow off the belly of a dead
MASON: I like her
DAISY: I know. She doesn't like you (closes the door on him)

Millie and Charlotte on a roof drinking alcohol

CHARLOTTE: I can't believe I was carded
(Millie grabs the bottle and takes a swig)
MILLIE: You do look like you're ten years old
CHARLOTTE: Shut up I look at least 14
MILLIE: And the giggling didn't help much (laugh) I'm sorry I freaked out on you today
CHARLOTTE: You know I was actually thinking about that um I shouldn't give Professor Lass the poem
MILLIE: I don't know. Maybe it's not so crazy after all
CHARLOTTE: It doesn't mean anything coming from me. I have never lost anything in my whole
life. Ive had this completly shallow, safe existance
MILLIE: Well, don't knock it
CHARLOTTE: I'm a virgin(looks at her) Yeah, I'm in college and I'm a virgin
MILLIE: loser
CHARLOTTE: ah, you too?
MILLIE: Well it depends on your definition
CHARLOTTE: um, ever been laid?
MILLIE: Then technically I am a virgin
CHARLOTTE: Aha, thank you
MILLIE: look, I know youve been though some stuff. I don't know, I can just sense it. You
know, you kinda remind me of him the way he talks about love...and loss his eyes. You know
what I'm just going to give it to him. I'm going to give him the sonnet, right? Cheers
(bang their bottles together)

Roxy underneath the bridge, driving up in her van. Chuck is sitting down painting. There is
a painting above his head showing the haggleblass. Chuck is humming. Roxy stands in front of

ROXY: I had your car towed, it's going to cost you $375 to get it back, plus all the tickets and they busted your door trying to get in so you can kiss your car radio good-bye
CHUCK: (smiles up at her) Youre a vengful god
ROXY: I can appreciate that you think you had some kind of revelation but I am just a meter maid and you are just a dumb-ass redneck, that's who we are. So we can forget all this bullshit and just get on with it (A guy behind Roxy is carrying a post) Who is this?
CHUCK: This is Jason. Um Told Jason about the haggleblass and um he's begun his conversion, haven't you buddy?(Jason nods)
ROXY: Can you give us a minute Jason?
CHUCK: go on
ROXY: fuck off, okay?
CHUCK: I know you do this just to make me stronger. I know it
ROXY: Chucky...I want you to listen to me, okay?God made a mistake, he wants you to go back to the way you were, god wants you to be an asshole, so you can forget all this hagelblassen, okay?he wants you to be your old jackass self again (he quckly stands up and looks to the sky)
CHUCK: This is a test, (shouts up)there's nothing that you could do--(to Roxy) Theres nothing that you can do to make me go back to my old self, theree's nothing. nothing,nothing, nothing (she grabs his balls and starts crushing them)
No!(His face contorts )
Aah! Fuck
ROXY: That's what I'm talking about
ROXY: What's my name?
CHUCK: Fat ass bitch
ROXY: That's right. That's who you are, baby. That's who you are

Millie sipping water, Charlotte and Clancy sipping water in a diner

(VO) So here I was opposite my father, my friend about to give him a poem encouraging him to let go of me forever and I thought things were twisted enough when I was alive

CHARLOTTE: So I didn't mean for the message to be so dramatic
CLANCY: I like drama
MILLIE: I hope we're not pulling you away from your family
CLANCY: It's okay, what did you want to talk about?

(VO) Charlotte wanted to give him a poem and I wanted to ask him about this oldest daughter. I wanted to know if he thought about me

MILLIE: So, the comedies next semester. fun huh?
CHARLOTTE: Uh, we just wanted to take you out to lunch, what you sat in clas really makes us think about stuff and we just wanted to say thank you

(VO) Charlotte was chickening out. I should've too( takes a sip of her drink) but I was the only dead girl I knew who could get an answer

MILLIE: So do you miss your daughter?
CLANCY: you know... I think that poets do the world a favour by turning themselves inside out. I teach poetry, that's close enough
CHARLOTTE: you don't have to
CLANCY: When, um, when she was younger we had been very close. I thought it was this bond that could never be broken, but it was--almost effortlessly. I knew that she had to grow and grow apart from me. I had faith that if I just didn't meddle if I let her fly away, eventually she would come back to me. I didn't know that was all the time we'd have (charltte gets all weepy and flustered and accidentally knocks ver the glass of water)
CHARLOTTE: Geez! god, I am sorry
MILLIE: Okay, hang on (Millie goes  to get a cloth) Can I get a towel or something?
(she wipes her self down - Charlotte goes and sits next to him  and comforts him by rubbing
his back)

(VO)And that's how my dad moved on--with a little help with his friends. (Mason walks in
with his same suit and a some paper in his hand) My dad was right--human beings are simple
predictable cliches, broken hearts, betrayal It's all been done a billion times before, looks
up from his paper) the problem is, every time still hurts like the first (camera change to
the Lass's garden where Reggie is playing with JD and joy is pruing the roses) and if youre
lucky enough to recover, you vccan be sure that just as you finish filling in the cracks in
your life the next one is starting to open(Joy looks at her watch, then looks at the back


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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