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#106 : Un espace à soi

George se sent une nouvelle fois abandonnée après la perte de son amie Betty. Mais une nouvelle recrue, Daisy, fait son entrée parmi les faucheurs. Rube conseille à cette dernière de s'installer chez George afin qu'elles tissent toutes deux des liens affectifs. Malheureusement, Daisy s'avère être légèrement envahissante.
Chez les Lass, Joy surveille sa fille car elle sait qu'elle fait l'école buissonière. Joy découvre l'arbre aux cuvettes. Au Happy Tim, on recrute pour une place dans l'équipe de Bowling et George est préssentie.

Moments forts
- L'entrée en scène de Daisy et sa scène mémorable sur le lit
- La rencontre Rube et Joy chez le psy
- Le sanctuaire de Reggie


4 - 2 votes

Titre VO
My Room

Titre VF
Un espace à soi

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Harry Victor, Dan Fesman
Réalisateur : David Grossman

Durée : 43 min


L'épisode s'ouvre sur la maison de George avec l'oiseau que s'est fabriquée Reggie. Celui ci se plante directement dans la terre. George remarque que toute chose revient à son point de départ.

Au restaurant, Mason arrive alors que George ne parle plus à Ruben. Mason remarque une magnifique jeune femme qui arrive. Celle ci demande un verre de coca et Mason tente de se présenter sans succès alors que Ruben essaie de parler à George. La jeune femme demande de la glace pillée et Mason veut lui offrir le verre. Elle se retourne et voit Ruben.

La jeune femme se présente en tant que Daisy Adair, la nouvelle faucheuse venue de New-York. Daisy renverse alors son coca sur Mason qui persistait.

Chez les Lass, Joy est dans son bain alors que Clancy arrive. Elle lui demande de la rejoindre dans son bain mais il refuse pretextant qu'il a du travail. Elle rétorque qu'ils ne se parlent plus.Ils commencent à parler de Reggie. Clancy croit qu'elle va bien alors que Joy non. Elle veut que Reggie fasse une thérapie.Il s'en va.

Chez George, alors qu'elle profite du plaisir d'être seule, Daisy arrive affirmant que Ruben l'a invité à la rejoindre. Daisy profite du moment pour faire une remarque pittoresque sur la décoration de l'appartement. Mason arrive avec les valises de Daisy accompagné d'un sans abris qu'elle paie avec une gorgée d'alcool. Elle le met à la porte et demande à Mason de lui passer son sac. Daisy dit à George qu'elle semble irritée et lui demande comment elle est morte. George lui répond et on apprend que Daisy est morte lors du tournage d'autant en emporte le vent. Elle ajoute qu'elle pensait aussi avoir fait une fellation à Clark Gable avant qu'elle comprenne qu'il s'agissait d'un autre.

Chez les Lass, Joy demande à Reggie ce qu'elle va faire en cours. Elle répond qu'elle fera du sport. Joy tente de faire la conversation mais Reggie se renferme alors elle demande ce qu'elle veut pour le petit-déjeuner.

Chez George, au matin, celle ci toque à la porte de la salle de bain occupée par Daisy. George est en retard et voudrait se préparer mais Daisy rétorque qu'elle doit faire du shopping et autre et qu'elle doit être belle puis referme la porte.

Joy et Reggie quittent leur maison et Joy souhaite une bonne journée à sa fille. Elle en profite pour la suivre en secret alors que Reggie rejoint sa cachette, l'arbre au siège de WC.

A Happy Time, un collègue répare la photocopieuse alors que Delores et George discutent. George a un torticoli car elle a dormi sur le canapé alors que Daisy avait pris le lit. Delores parle du transfert de Jimmy, un collègue, qui vient d'être muté. Celui ci faisait parti du groupe de bowling d'Happy Time Cobras. Delores semble embarrassée. Elle invite alors George en tant que Millie (qui y a joué enfant) à rejoindre leur groupe. George ne le souhaite pas mais Delores ne veut rien entendre.

Au restaurant, Mason et Ruben lisent alors que George arrive. Ruben remarque la piteuse qualité de son repas. Daisy les rejoint rapidement. Le cuisinier arrive et Ruben s'en plaint. Il demande à qui la faute et fini par dire "disons la poule". Il demande alors à Ruben d'accompagner Daisy pour son premier jour.

Joy accompagne Reggie chez une thérapeute. Elle insiste sur le fait que sa fille ait décoré un arbre avec des lunettes de WC et ajoute que sa soeur fut tuée par cet objet. Reggie demande des gâteaux mais la thérapeute n'en a pas. Celle ci conseille alors à Joy de donner des affaires appartenant à George à Reggie et demande à discuter seule avec la fillette.

Ruben est dans la salle d'attente du médecin qui est rejoint par Joy. Il attend son rendez-vous et converse avec Joy de la mort et de différentes cultures. Un employeur arrive pour remettre une bombone d'eau. Ruben le rejoint et prend son âme. L'homme, Norman, change l'eau alors qu'un sépulcreux prépare un mauvais coup. Norman glisse et se noie en avalant toute la bombone d'eau.

Au bowling, Delores joue avec son équipe et fait un stryke. George arrive sans boule. Celle ci se souvient du jour où elle participait avec sa mère à un tournoi. Delores la remarque et l'emmène chosir une boule. George choisie la verte, celle qui ressemble à la boule de son enfance. Mais le groupe d'Happy Time Cobras insiste pour que George ne joue pas avec eux.

George rentre chez elle. Alors qu'elle souhaite s'allonger, Daisy saute sur le lit. George lui fait remarquer que c'était son tour et Daisy lui offre un gros oreiller. Afin de changer la conversation, Daisy lui fait faire un exercice de diction.

A Happy Time, George s'ennuie alors que tout le monde travaille. L'équipe vient de choisir un nouveau membre pour leur groupe, Russ. Celui ci va se faire tatouer mais Mason est également présent et prend son âme. Alors que Mason quitte le magasin, un couple arrive et braque le tatoueur pour lui avoir fait un mauvais tatouage en tuant, par la même occasion,  le nouveau membre du club d'Happy Time Cobras.

A Happy Time, George marche et regarde le bureau du défunt. Delores arrive et est triste. Elle conseille à George de prendre un objet afin de se souvenir de l'homme. George choisie de prendre une raclette. Delores se met à fondre en larme.

George retourne chez elle afin de rapporter l'objet qu'elle avait pris lors du premier épisode. Elle le dépose à la porte et s'en va. Reggie l'observe par la fenêtre de sa chambre.

Au bowling, alors que Ruben joue et fait un stryke, George se plaint de Daisy en disant qu'elle envahie sa vie. Ruben lui fait remarquer qu'il s'agit de l'appartement de George et que c'est à elle d'établir des règles. George veut que Ruben lui parle mais celui ci lui conseille de le faire seule. Il ajoute que Daisy se prend pour quelqu'un, quelque chose que George ne fait pas et qu'elle devrait faire. Il la compare alors à une quille. Il lui passe une boule verte et George la fait tomber.

Chez les Lass, Reggie et Joy déballent les affaires de George. Reggie choisi quelques objets dont des chaussures.Puis, elle ressort une coupe. Joy lui parle du tournoir de bowling où George et elle avaient failli remporter la première place si George n'avait pas fait exprès de perdre. Joy insiste sur le fait que George était solitaire et n'aimait pas le sport d'équipe.

Retour au bowling où George fait un stryke avec Ruben. Elle rentre chez elle, prête à en découdre avec Daisy. Mais elle la trouve éffondrée sur son lit. Celle ci pleure et se demande pourquoi elle se sent si seule. George est attendrie et veut la réconforter. Mais surprise, Daisy est en fait en train de réciter un texte et veut que George l'aide. George reste alors sans voix et décide de partir.

Alors que Joy part se coucher, chez elle, elle découvre que Reggie a déballer toutes les affaires de George et a transformé sa chambre en sanctuaire. Reggie lui demande de quitter la pièce car elle souhaite dormir. Joy ne sait plus quoi répondre et s'en va.

Au bowling, l'équipe d'Happy Time Cobras se fait battre. C'est au tour de George de jouer. Celle ci réussi son tour avec un énorme succès et fait gagner son équipe. Alors qu'elle s'apprêtait à lancer sa boule, elle se souvient de sa mort, du tournoi qu'elle avait perdu, des garçons qu'elle évitait et de sa soeur qu'elle rejetait. Elle s'en veut de ne pas avoir vécu et lance son éternel "shit". Toute l'équipe d'Happy Time est ravi et la porte sur leur épaule. George se sent fière mais remarque que l'un d'eux la plotte également. Elle se sent enfin vivante.



Episodes starts

a bird flying around in the sky

(VO) Since the dawn of man we've learned to emulate a bird's ability
to break free from it's earthly bonds--you know. Fly like an eagle,
whatever. But while you may soar to great metaphorical heights, none of us
really has wings and gravity never really lets up, all things eventually
come back to earth (Reggie is in the garden looking at the bird) There seems
to be a gravity for relationships too (the bird comes crashing down to
earth and goes beak first into the ground) no matter how high they fly they
always seem to find their way--(Joy comes behind Reggie and sees the bird
too - walks off in disgust when Reggie picks it up) well they find their way
home (and throws it back out of the garden and you hear a cat mewing in pain)

At the waffle haus. There is yodeling music playing and Rube and George are
sitting opposite but with their feet up ignoring each other. Mason comes
storming in

MASON: Good afternoon
RUBE: Afternoon
MASON: Have I done something wrong?
RUBE: I can't tell for sure, she's not talking to me
MASON: You're not talking to him?
(George shakes her head)
(Mason looks towards the door and sees a woman coming in in a red all-in-one
with a matching hat)
MASON: Oh bloody hell
WOMAN: (comes and sit in the booth next to their's. The waitress comes over
and gives her a menu) Diet coke, chipped ice
RUBE: I think George has her own personal warren commission in her head and
somehow has implicated me in Betty's disappearance. Am I right or am I right?
GEORGE: Can you pass me the ketcup?
MASON:(turns round and taps the woman on the shoulder) How you doing?
WOMAN: I don't think so
(Mason turns back)
RUBE: Is that all you want from me-- the ketchup? 'cause the the ketchup I can
handle but the  guilt trip about Betty, that I cannot
(tuns to face her again and coughs to clear his voice) Hello I'm Mason
DAISY: I don't think so
(he turns back)
MASON: What does that mean?
GEORGE: It means she hates you
RUBE: you lost you friend peanut and I'm sorry. Reapers come and go, that's life

(VO) I missed Betty like crazy, I had  thousand and one questions and I didn't
know where to begin. Where was she? was she okay? was she coming back? what did
Rube know? somebody had to confront Rube and ask these questions and hopefully
that person will be along soon

WOMAN: This isn't chipped ice
CASEY: We don't have chipped ice, all we got is cubes
WOMAN: Well If you have cubes and an ice pick then you have chipped. Do you
Casey have an
ice pick?
CASEY: Yeah a nice one
WOMAN: Well, then I think we need to start over
(Mason turns round again)
MASON: Um, you see that diet coke? that's on me. I'm Mason
GEORGE: Youre a fucking moron
WOMAN: Is your name Rube?
RUBE: It is
DAISY: Well Im Daisy, Disy Adair
RUBE: Well you are two days early Daisy Adair
DAISY: Well arn't you lucky
RUBE: This is Mason, as we know and this is George. Daisy's one of us, Daisy's a
DAISY: George, is that your given name?
GEORGE: Georgia
DAISY: That's much prettier I think I'll call you Georgia

(VO)I hated her instantly with all my guts

GEORGE: (smiles though gritted teeth) What is she doing here?
RUBE: She was transfered
MASON: From?
DAISY: New York, Soho
GEORGE: (Marilyn Munroe voice)Why were you transfered?
DAISY: Well that's kind of personal
CASEY:(comes over) One diet coke... chipped ice
DAISY: Thank you so much Casey
MASON: So Daisy. Now Seriously that diet coke is on me
(giggles - she pours the drink into his lap)
DAISY: Excuse me miss, I need a refill

(VO) I hated her a little less

Joy relaxing in the bath with a glass of white wine. Clancy comes into pee

CLANCY: Oh (does his flies back up) I'll come back
JOY: You just came in
CLANCY: Forget about it, I'll go downstairs
JOY: Wanna take a bath? There's plenty room in here
CLANCY: Um,I'm grading papers. I just had to pee. I'll give you your privacy (he
goes to
JOY: You never used to be pee-shy. You can't talk to me. You barely make eye
contact with
me. Where are you Clancy
CLANCY: I'm in the middle of grading papers Joy, that's where I am
JOY: Good luck with that then
CLANCY: I have got twenty papers to read tonight and they all suck
JOY: Reggie's principal called
CLANCY: What?(sits down on the toilet, holding his head)Is she stealing more
toilet seats?
JOY: Just a routine call he said whenever a student has three days absenced in a
wanted to know if Reggie was feeling better
CLANCY: Reggie hasn't been sick
JOY: No. Not fever. runny-nose-stuffy-head-can't-get-out-of-bed-sick
CLANCY: Where the hell is she going?
JOY: (takes a sip of her wine) To therapy
CLANCY: Don't you think that we ought to talk to her, see where's she's going
before we
JOY: "We"? as in you, who's never here and me, whose lap all ths crap get's
dumped on?
CLANCY: "In" you dump something in your lap
JOY: You gonna pee or what?
(leave and slams the door when leaving)

George's place. she has a mug in her hand and is reading her magazine

(VO) This was the first time I lived alone, and I liked it. At first it was a
little too
quiet but then the quite became me friend

(there is a knock at the door. she goes to the door and looks through the spy

DAISY: Georgia? It's Daisy, Daisy Adair
GEORGE: (softly)Fuck me
DAISY: (sounding shocked) I heard that, open the door Georgia (she opens it)
Evening roomie
GEORGE: What do you mean "roomie"?
DAISY: Well I'm here a couple of days early, so Rube said I should bunk with
you until I find something more...suitable. Here, It's a housewarming/thank-you
GEORGE: Woodchips?
DAISY: No silly goose, it's potpourri. It's English garden, though it doesn't
really look like you are ready for home accents, haven't had time to decorate
GEORGE: It's sort of low on my list of priorities

(Mason comes in with a really big trunk that belongs to Daisy. He groans from
the weight of
MASON: You collecting bodies as well as souls here?(Mason collapses into the
DAISY: Oh Raoul. Poor stupid thing
GEORGE: Raoul?
DAISY: Homeless gentlemen, drunk as a sailor but curiously strong upper body
GEORGE: You know Daisy, this is a pretty small apartment
DAISY: Hum-mm It really is. (goes to Raoul) Here is the fiver we discussed and
one cocktail,
ready? (she pours it into his mouth, Mason opens his mouth as she is pourng as
if he wants
it instead) whoo, sorry (accidentally spills it on him)I've really treasured the
time we
spent together but you and your smelly self really must be going (shows him out
the door,
closes it) Whew!!. Mason be a doll and fetch me that handbag
MASON: Anything for you gorgeous
GEORGE: Was this whole bunking thing really Rube's idea? 'cause I don't see him
doing that
to me
DAISY: Georgia, If I may be so inquisitive, how did you die?
GEORGE: Why do you ask?
DAISY: Well you seem a little iritated
GEORGE: I got hit by a tiolet seat that fell from the soviet space station
(Mason titters)
DAISY: Oh my god! youre toilet seat girl? no wonder youre so annoyed, well then
I guess we're
both famous
GEORGE: Well Daisy, how did you die?
DAISY: I died during the making of "gone with the wind"(starts unpacking her
things, and
brings out a photo I am an actress
MASON: No way
DAISY: Yes siree and things have been going very well for me. The star of the
movie and I
well we had become quite the item
MASON: Hang on you--you and Clark Gable?
DAISY: Yeah. I was really young and really didn't know what I was doing
(gives the picture to Mason)
GEORGE: Sounds like you did
DAISY: No Georgia, I didn't. (Mason shws picture to George, she looks up in
boredom) I was under the craft services table and was blowing this tall hansome
man and then
someone leaned over and whispered in my ear "No That's Clark Gable"
Mason: So who were you blowing?
DAISY: I don't know, It's such a huge cast. Someone from the confederacy, I
think. But
enough about me, let's talk about where I'm putting my stuff (giggles. George
mimics Daisy as
if an actress)

In Reggie's closet. Joy and Reggie talking, Reggie bringing out some clothes

JOY: What's happening in school today?
REGGIE: I don't know. Wednesday
JOY: What is Wednesday, hmm? art or music?
JOY: Well, don't you think you should wear your tennis shoes?
REGGIE: They're too tight
JOY: They fit you just fine (sits down by the bed) So... art was yesterday?
REGGIE: mm-hmm
JOY: Oh how fun, did you bring it home?
REGGIE: No,I didn't.. It wasn't dry yet
JOY: Oh okay. Id really love to see it
REGGIE: I think Mr. Schiffer wants us to put them up in the classroom
JOY: Okay Reggie, I need to ask you something (sighs) What do you want for

Transition George is banging on the door of the bathroom

GEORGE: I have to brush my teeth
DAISY: I'll be right out!(sound of her brushing her teeth)
GEORGE: Do you work for a living? because I do and I have to be there on time
DAISY: That sounds dreadful (a sound of a zip being pulled up)
GEORGE: You know Daisy, I have a job, I mean what do you do?
DAISY: (opens the door in a hurry) Today I'm going to buy The New York Times,
since you
obviously don't have it delivered. Then I'm going to sit at that little corner
shop and have
a green tea and a muffin and then I'm going to look for a sweater set. This
afternoon if I'm
so obligated im going to collect someone's soul before they die and if I look
really pretty
while I'm doing it well, then good for me, that's what I do Georgia (slams the
door shut)

Transition. The Lass's House

JOY: You sure you don't want a ride to school?
JOY: I have time
REGGIE: I like to walk
JOY: Okay. well, have a great day (kisses her on the cheek)
(Boom boom ba playing in the background. wave to each other as Reggie is
She walks down the pathway, turns back to see if she is being followed and goes
into the
bushes. Joy is behind her following her)
(Joy sees a tree covered with toilet seats)
JOY: Jesus fucking christ! (Reggie is sitting down underneath the tree, she
looks up from
her book and sees her mother)

At Happy Time. Millie is in the copy room standing with her arms folded and her
head slightly

MILLIE: I think I can handle this myself
MICHAEL: Well, when I saw you kicking it, I figured you might need some help
(Millie turns to Delores)
DOLORES: we have to call out service on this machine, Michael(turns to Millie)
What happened
to you?
MILLIE: I slept funny
DOLORES: you need a body pillow. I bought mine when I thought I was pregnant,
just kept it
after I passed the cyst. I sleep like a baby
MICHAEL: (pulles a crumpled peice of papaer) Aha! Here's the bandit
DOLORES: Well I guess we'll keep you
MICHAEL: Well I'll W40 the feeder but it will hold togerther another day
DOLORES: Does information services know they have such a renaissance man on
their hands
(nudges Millie)
MICHAEL: Well you know what they say--the geeks will inherit the earth
(gives a fake laugh, goes over to Michael)
DOLORES: I'm sure you've heard, Jimmy's being tranfered
DOLORES: The decision was made without even consulting me, really chaps my hide
MILLIE: Is Jimmy the guy with the lunchbox from data processing?
MICHAEL: No that's Jim
DOLORES: I'm talking about Jimmy in supply distribution. Lanky? one sideburn
longer than the
MICHAEL: Spasic colon or something. This is a nightmare
DOLORES: Don't panic, we can and will survives this
MILLIE: Oh, jimmy's the guy that orders the hi-liters, right?
MICHAEL: and bowls a 210

Transition the bowling alley. A bowler bowls one down the alley

(VO) If 15 to 30 hours a week repetative tasks wasn't enough, the Happy Time
Cobras were
always an option

(cuts to image of the bowling alley)
DOLORES: Youre hot tonight Jimmy woo-hoo!
(cuts to back to the office, where Dolores, Michael and George and Dolores are
walking out of
the room.)

DOLORES: You don't bowl do you Millie?
MILLIE: No. Uh-uh
DOLORES: You know Millie, when I had my cocaine problem bowling helped me in
ways you cannot
MICHAEL: Maybe Russ could play
DOLORES: No Russ is a showboat
MICHAEL: His handicap is single digits
DOLORES: Yes and he's a p-r-i-c-k Michael, It's a quality of life issue (puts
hand on
George's shoulder) You never bowled?
MILLIE: You know, when I was a kid (Dolores does a whispered "yes")
MICHAEL: Marty said he's pretty good, it's just a matter of wheelchair access
No, my gut is telling me Millie maybe our answer
DOLORES: We'll make it work, a team isn't the sum of it's parts, it's a karma
thing. Remember
Sahid and how he screwed us over? (mad) Punjab motherfucker (smile back on her
face) Ive
made my decision let the others know (walks off)
MILLIE: Uh Dolores. I'm not joining the bowling team
DOLORES: It's not about you sweetie
MILLIE: Then why am I feeling like it's going to be me who's renting the shoes
DOLORES: It's about your subtance abuse problem

(VO) Ah the rehab lie--back to bite me in the ass again

DOLORES: Think of bowling as 2½ hours a week where you won't have to think about
sucking blow
through a bendy straw off a fast food restroom sink (Millie looks horrified)

At Der Waffle Haus. Rube and Mason are sitting down at  table 16. Gerge comes in
rubbing her
neck, she sits down

RUBE: (to George) What's with you?
RUBE:(grabbing Casey's attention) Hey can I ask you a question? Is there a new
cook in the
RUBE: The over easy was um...it was uneasy today
CASEY: You want more eggs?
RUBE: No I was looking to cure the disease not the symptom, just forget it
(Daisy comes to sit down)
RUBE: So how you two lovebirds doing?
DAISY: It was just brilliant to throw us in the same pot, Ruby. Georgia here,
She's sweeter
than a harvest peach 
MASON: What happened to your neck?
GEORGE: Well I didn't have a pillow last night
DAISY: Yeah, we'll work it out, won't we sweetie?
(The cook comes over)
ANGUS THE COOK: Whos complaining about the eggs?
RUBE: Oh no complains, just observations
RUBE: The eggs are not good. Its normally a moot point at the a la carte price
of $2.95. I
love eggs-- I love 'em fried, scrambled, soft-boiled, florentine. These didn't
like. so who
do we blame, the hen or the cook?(everyone looks to Angus) Let's blame the
hen(Angus walks
off) He's a nice guy. So peanut why don't you tag along with our leading lady
for a soul
grab today?
GEORGE: I really don't think I need a chaperone anymore
RUBE: I know, she does (Rube gives Daisy a post-it)

At the child phychologist's office. There is Dr Hanson, Joy and Reggie

DR HANSON: When you say obsessed with toilet trees, do you mean cosmetics,
deodrants personal hygiene
JOY: No, She's obsessed with a toilet tree. A tree! full of toilet seats
DR HANSON: Okay. Good (starts writing)
JOY: George was killed by a toilet seat
DR HANSON: (looks to Reggie) You miss your sister, Reggie?
REGGIE: I was told there'd be cookies
JOY: (stern, low voice) Reggie!
REGGIE: Mary Wolpert went to a shrink and she said there was fig newtons and hot
DR HANSON: I'm sorry, we don't do that here
REGGIE: What do I have to do, set my house on fire for a snack?
(Joy sqeezes Reggie's arm)
DR HANSON: Mrs Lass, in what way goes your family honour George's memory?
JOY: We had a funeral of course. Well when the headstone is ready, I'll guess
we'll you know,
put it on her grave (Reggie is fiddling) Those arn't yours, put that down
(Reggie slams it
onto the table)
DR HANSON: It's okay, You like to play with your sisters things? Did your sister
not let you
touch her stuff?
REGGIE: (looks straight at Joy) She packed 'em all up
JOY: (defensive) just clothes. Book, you know, I mean just odds and ends
REGGIE: and the rest you sold at a yard sale
JOY: What, am I supposed to save every last scrap like it's something sacred?
DR HANSON: What about photos? you must have photos of George in the house
(Joy sighs deeply)
DR HANSON: The simple objects that serve as reminders help us to remember
stories and invite
JOY: Reggie's been stealing tiolet seats and bringing home dead animals. Do you
slapping up a few photos is gonna stop that?
DR HANSON: I think it'd be more productive if I talk to Reggie alone for the
rest of today's
(Reggie looks over to her to leave)
JOY: Fine (leaves and goes into the waiting room where Rube is sitting. He is
reading a
magazine with a post-it inside. N.P Plotkin, 319 Cherry Tree Lane, Siute 2C, ETD
RUBE: (to Joy)You here to see Dr. Plotkin?
JOY: You mean Dr. Hanson?
RUBE: Right Hanson Plotkin's my podiatrist, I don't know why I was thinking
about Plotkin,
must have been staring at my foot
JOY: Are you here to see Dr Hason?
RUBE: Ive got the next appointment
JOY: She's a child psychologist
RUBE: Inner child
(a lady walks in and signs the visitors attendance)
RUBE: Excuse me (Rube comes over to the desk) (to the receptionist)Do you have
the correct
RECEPTIONIST: Oh yes it's 5 after 2:00 (looks at the sheet, no NP Plotkin)
RUBE: Thank you
(goes and sits back down)
RUBE: If--if--if you don't mind me prying, why is your child seeing a
JOY: Her sister's sudden death has traumatized her, she's been unable to... too
stubborn to
move on
RUBE: I just don't get our culture's obsession with moving on, what are we
afraid of--being
sad? remembering? You familiar with the talking drum people of Nigeria?
JOY: No (looking totally disinterested)
RUBE: They do this dance...(laughs)Man it is uh. (African style music playing in
background) It is something--where they--invite their ancesestors into their
bodies, and
they dance as if they were them. (she looks back at him) You got young girls
dancing like old
men, you got boys dancing like grandmothers and believe me, it is-- it is
anything but sad
(Rube looks at his watch saying 5 after 2. He jumps up and goes to the desk)
I'm supposed to be meeting someone here right about now, you wouldn't happen to
know a person
named--(sees the water guy coming in with a water container) Excuse me
RUBE: Uh mr water person, is there anyway one can get that fresh pure water
delivered to
one's home?
NORMAN: Just call triple-5 THIRSTY
RUBE: I'll never remember that, you got a card or something?
NORMAN: yeah sure
RUBE: Thank you, youre a lifesaver. Norman, what's your last name, whren I call
I wanna make
sure you ger the commission
NORMAN: Plotkin, but we don't work on commission
RUBE: Well I guess it doesn't matter (shakes his hand and takes his soul. walks
away and
throws the post-it away in the trashbag)
RUBE: Good luck with your daughter. Dance with her sometime, conjure up the old

Norman puts the container upside down - a graveling growls and comes down the
wall and turns
on the tap which leeks water onto the floor. he picks up the container and slips
on the
water which makes him gasp at the sight of the water butt coming down on him and
drinking all the water that is in it - you can see his stomach rising as it

bowing ally. strike. Dolores picks up her ball - named "Herbig black ball"
another strike

DOLORES: Whose ya mama!! All right! yeah!
(everyone in the team cheers)
DOLORES: Yeah baby!
(Millie walks in)

JOY: Okay George this is it, ready to bowl?Okay let's go get you some shoes
BOWLING ALLEY GUY: Okay, size 7½ and a kids 1
(yound George smells the shoe)
GEORGE: It smells funny
JOY: That's bowling sweetheart
GEORGE: But it's all hot inside
BOWLING ALLEY GUY: Yeah the kid who wore those last was really fat
GEORGE: I'll take 'em

DOLORES: All right Millie! You know everyone, right?
MICHAEL: Hi Millie
KAREN: Hi Millie
DOLORES: Where's your ball dear?
MILLIE: Oh, I didn't bring it
DOLORES: Okay. Well how about we go pick you one out? Karen why don't you work
on your
cross-alley throw?
KAREN: How do you misplace a ball?
MICHAEL: She doesn't have her own ball
SALLY: Fuck we're gonna get our asses kicked

(over the the ball stand)
DOLORES: It's not gonna pick you, why don't you have a feel for one? (Millie
moves them
round) I have a black ebonite omega LM, with an acrylium cover stock
MILLIE: I like green

George is picking out a ball, it is puce green

(goes back to the aisle)
DOLORES: Who's up?
SALLY: Dolores, we know you mean well...
MICHAEL: You've never steered us wrong...
KAREN: But she's gona ruin everything
DOLORES: Is this some kind of coup?
KAREN: The last time I checked your pins are one point each like everyone else's
SALLY: We don't want her to play
MILLIE: excuse me

(VO) I was finding that the most important rule of my life was equally valuable
death--quit before youre fired

MILLIE: I could just keep score
MICHAEL: Really?
KAREN: I bet you can still get your shoe money back
(George looks disheartened and goes to put the ball back and leaves the group)

To George's flat. closes the door  and puts her credit card away

(VO) Peace at last. Maybe Daisy was out blowing the rich and famous (gets to her
bed, she

DAISY: (Daisy jumps onto the bed) Hey! you were late
GEORGE: I was going to, um--
DAISY: Going to?
GEORGE: I can't sleep on that chair again, Daisy
DAISY: I know, I felt absolutely awful about that, and...
GEORGE: and?
DAISY: and someone went on a tear at the mall today and guess who purchased you
your very
own pillow (takes the pillow grudgingly)
GEORGE: Remember when we first talked we said we were going to share the bed? I
thought we
were going to switch off
DAISY: Switch off?
GEORGE: The bed, you said we were going to switch?
DAISY: Good god. It's as if your tongue is just flapping loose in your mouth.
didn't anyone
ever teach you diction?
DAISY: switch (sits up straight but is in the bed) "The witches switch swatches"
-- say it
DAISY: The witches switch swatches. The witches switch swatches. Say it three
times fast
GEORGE: (slowly)The witches switch swatches
DAISY: Almost whistle at "sw". Blend. The witches switch swatches
GEORGE: The witches switch swatches
DAISY: Again, faster
GEORGE: The witches switch swatches, the witches switch swatches
Both: The witches switch swatches
DAISY: There! that's the way! Oh George youre such a quick study. good for
you(George looks
happy about it)We'll work on it again tomorrow, alright? Nighty-night(Daisy
tucks herself in
and turns out the light)
GEORGE: Okay, good night

Office. Millie is balancing a marker on a pencil

(VO) Maybe someday when computers get big enough and can keep track of the
universe, we'll
see that everything balances out (camera fastracks around the office, passing
pepole working
then lands in an office where the other cobras are giving a cobra shirt to Russ)
For every
death there's a birth, for every tear spilt there's a smile (he tuns the shirt
over and he
has got his name on it)

In the tatooist. Russ is having a tatoo

TATOOIST: You're going to have to stop joining teams, Russ. Youre running out of
RUSS: I'm temping at three different places an each ones got a bowling team
(Mason flicking through the design book)
TATOOIST: You make up your mind yet?
MASON: No not yet, what's popular?
TATOOIST: Oh, anything patriotic--Uncle Sam, The state of liberty (Mason spies
bowling bag that says "Property of Russ Spiner") One lady wanted the world
trades centers
tower on each cheek. go figure (see the post it R G Spiner, 1016 Hastings, ETD
MASON: What's that bloke getting?
RUSS: Cobra
MASON: Yeah? You mind if I come and have a look?
RUSS: Be my guest
MASON: Oh yeah. Yeah, very nice work (touches his back to take his soul) well,
listen, I
can't really decide what I want so I'll come back
(tatooist grunts)

he walks out, leaving the tatooist's needle going dangerously close to Russ's

A biker and his girlfriend are about to enter the tatooist

LILY: Don't do it Willy, It's a very pretty flower, It doesn't matter
WILLY: He gave me an iris
LILY: It doesn't matter to me Willy
WILLY: It matters to me becauseI'm the one with a tattoo of an iris on my ass
LILY: I don't care willy. I'll change my name to Iris
WILLY: If you change your name to Iris(moves her out of the way) We wouldn't be
Willy and
Lily then, would we? I asked for Lily and this shit-for-brains gave me a fucking
(cocks his gun) Tattoo this, asshole (gunshots)

Millie is walking around Happy Time with no-one around, She walks up to Russ's
cubicle that
is covered with rememberance flowers and wreath. She puts down a paper bag,
turns around
quickly when she here's a voice speaking to her, It is Delores

DOLORES: One day youre here and the next youre not
MILLIE: Shit! Dolores you scared me
DOLORES: Are you alright, Millie?
MILLIE: Yeah, I was just didn't know anyone was here
DELORES: It's 10PM, what are you doing here?
MLLIE: Well I can't really go home. I was doing some..filing
DELORES: Oh, I understand. Ive been filing too. It's hard to know where to put
MILLIE: (looks around aimlesssly) Yeah
DELORES: I never even got to see him bowl
MILLIE: I heard he bowled a perfect game once
DELORES: Did he? Damn
(a pause)
DELORES: Well He's bowling for another team now
MILLIE: (smirks) Yes he is. You know, I think his cubicle is a little bigger
than mine
DOLORES: It's 'cause it's filled with love. You want to steal something, don't
MILIIE:(totally shocked) What?
DOLORES: Do you want his mug?(goes to get it and picks it up to give it to her)
MILLIE: No, tht's creepy
DELORES: Why? everybody needs to steal a bit of someone they love
MILLIE: I hardly knew him
DOLORES: You shared the same office, drank from the same water cooler, stood
under the same
florescent lights. You knew him (Dolores holds out a mug) Take something
MILLIE: I have a mug
DOLORES: Well, it can be anything. What reminds you of Russ? (getting tearful)
Just piece of
that somebody in remembrance, a tangible connection to who that person was to
you. I took
that little quartz duck he had, that just screamed "Russ" to me

Flashback to the yard sale at the Lass household

GEORGE: Godddam, she's selling my shit (she picks up frankenfruity)

back again

MILLIE: Okay. I'll take this
DOLORES: His monitor sqweegee
MILLIE: Yeah, Russ's monitor sqweegee
DOLORES: That is so Russ (she breaks down crying, goes to Millie and starts
hugging her)
MILLIE: Ah!(huggs her too tight)Yeah (cries)

George walking up to the Lass house, she is carrying a paper bag. she opens the
bag and
takes out Frankenfruity and puts in on the step and walks away. Reggie looks out
of the
window and sees her leaving)

At the bowlin alley. Rube is bowling and George is sitting down.

GEORGE: Daisy's like an oil spill that just keeps creeping further and further
into my life
RUBE: Okay
GEORGE: I haven't really slept in two days
RUBE: It's your apartment right?
GEORGE: Tell her that?
(bowls, strikes)
RUBE: You tell her
GEORGE: She doesn't listen to me
RUBE: Well youre not speaking loud enough
GEORGE: You didn't get me a place when I first arrived, why did you tell her she
could stay
with me?
RUBE: I thought you and Daisy hit it off
GEORGE: I'd like to hit [i]her[/i] Can't you just talk to her?
RUBE: Alright, fine
GEORGE: Really?
(bowls again, another strike)
RUBE: No. It's not my battle. I'm certainly not gonna get between two women
fighting over
some crappy apartment
GEORGE: My crappy, Mine. Who does she think she is?
RUBE: She think she's someone and she senses that you don't
GEORGE: That I don't think she's someone?
RUBE: That you don't think that youre someone
RUBE: Want to be a bowling pin your whole life, just standing there perfectly
content to be
knocked down time and time again? or would you rather be the ball? I gotta tell
ya, being a
ball feels a hell of a lot better (throws the ball, strikes) Yes! Daisy's a
ball, youre a
GEORGE: I am not
RUBE: Whatever you say peanut. You're not a pin. Come on, play another, you can
get back at
me (bowls, strikes, swaggers back) Pin therapy, (writes his score down hands
George her green
ball) Nice way to work out a little aggression (she knocks the ball out of his

Reggie is in her room with her mother, they are looking at George's things.
Reggie picks up
a fluffycat from the box, she gets George's room plaque - that says George's
room Keep out -
she puts it back into the box and goes to the next box where she sees a pair of
shoes and
tries to put them on

REGGIE: I want these
JOY: They're not going to fit
REGGIE: yes they will (puts them on)
JOY: See, they're too tight
REGGIE: I don't care (goes to the next box and brings out a trophy) The Cotonio
bowling tounament?
JOY: We placed second in the mother-daughter competition
REGGIE: You and George?

Flashback of George's Green ball going into the gutter

JOY: She blew that last frame
REGGIE: I never saw George bowl
JOY: She was a great athelete. Your sister didn't like team sports(Reggie puts
the trophy on
the table)

At the bowling alley. George is bowling with the green ball, there is one left

GEORGE: I am not a fucking pin
RUBE: Hmm. What do you know?

Comes storming into the apartment, slams the door

GEORGE: Daisy? Listen, I have some things I want to say to you. (Daisy is lying
on the bed,
face down) You can't just move your shit into my apartment and kick me out of my
own bed--
DAISY: (crying) I never ever get a break. My mother abandoned me, my father...
was never a
father. I never really had a real home or even a place that i felt like I
Why can't I belong. Why can't you accept me(George reaches over and gets Daisy's
scarf and
gives it to Daisy) I just want you to hold me (George is looking puzzled)This
life has been
a collection of...diasppointments and...(she sits beside her) heartache (slowly
she goes to
put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Daisy whimpers)
DAISY: And scene. Whew "A collection of problems, disillusionment and
unhappiness" Why do I
always mutilate that line? Will you be a doll and help me run my lines? and
please don't be
afraid to stop me even if I'm off by one syllable, okay? (hands her the book,
George is in
shock) Come on, it's magic time. Okay and... action (sobs. George throws the
book down and
leaves)Why can't I ever get a break? (cries)

Joy is going into Reggie's bedroom, as she passes she switches off the landing

JOY: Reggie, are you still up? It's time for bed. (gets to her door Reggie is
getting into
bed. Joy and stops) Jesus Christ. Reggie. We talked about unpacking a [i]few[/i]
of George's
things, we didn't talk about turning your bedroom into a holy shrine
REGGIE: It's not
JOY: This is not a shrine?
REGGIE: (Reggie has on George's pygamas) No. It's my room (take off her glasses)
JOY: Yes Reggie?
REGGIE: Get out (turns out the bedside light, there is Frankenfuity on her
table. Joy leaves,
turns the light off and closes he door, where the paque that was George's room,
now reads
Reggie's room)

At the bowling alley. A guy bowls a strike, everyone cheers from the opposing
team, Goes to
The HappyTime Cobras

MICHAEL: They're ahead by nine points
KAREN: Nine to tie, ten to win
DELORES: (holds George around the shoulders to giver her encouragement) You do
the best that
you can, that's all that matters
(George picks up her ball)

(VO)This is exactly why I never joined a team--bullshit cameraderie leads to

DELORES: (Is there with a big smile on her face and her fingers crossed but
thinking) Come
on Millie. A strike and we beat these motherfuckers
MICHAEL: Thumbs in the air but thinking)Oh crap, did I TiVo Iron Chef?
Red hair: (smiling. Thinks) Should we go to Chili's after the game? I could suck
back some
THUNDER KITTENS GUY: (thinks) Miss, miss, miss. She's kinda hot

(VO)And bullshit pressure builds to a moment of paralysing fear, it's bizarre
what goes
through your head, standing frozen in a moment of sheer panic and my thought was
"Why did I
die?" or more to the point "Why didn't I live?"(clip of even't) Why didn't I
move,Why did I
just stand there like a bowling pin (clip of th ball going into the gutter and
joy coming
over to comfort young George) What made me so dead against having an
expeirence?(clip to
George sitting down on a bus bench, with earphones on and a guy comes to sit
down next to
her) Why didn't I talk to people who liked me? (she picks up her book and
leaves. another
clip, opening her closet door where Reggie is, she marches her out of her
room)Why didn't I
ever talk to my little sister? (lying in bed) Why didn't I live when I could
have? (clip of
inpact, "aww shit" that goes into George at the bowling alley - that goes to
young George
about to throw the bowling ball. a pictur of the bowling trophy. Then George
Throws the ball,
she waits patioently for the ball to hit (clip to Joy standing behind young
George, waiting
for it to hit. back to the bowling alley, the ball hits and it is a strike. The
Cobras goes
wild, everyone jumping up and cheering)

DELORES: You did it!
(They pick up George)

(VO) I felt something I had never felt before--a hand on my ass. Who the hell
eas cupping my
ass? Probably that perv fom I.S. (looks to Delores) Oh god I hope it was that
perv from I.S.
I also felt something else--that in some strange undead way, I was alive. I was


Kikavu ?

Au total, 25 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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19.08.2018 vers 23h

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !